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Meetings/Test framework/2010-09-10

From mediawiki.org

Old action items:

  • Markus: sum up the wikitech-l conversation about coding conventions
  • [DONE] Priyanka - Figure out how to organize test suites, dependencies and running subsets of tests based on a tag (investigate whether we can use PHPunit's existing framework for this)
  • [DONE] Priyanka - run current work by Markus
  • [DONE] Priyanka - give Markus and Mark the config for Wikia's CruiseControl setup
  • Markus - ask Dan Nessett about dropping the web page for starting Selenium tests
  • [DONE] Robla - Update project page with information from July 30 meeting
  • Mark - figure out global variable issue
  • [PARTIAL] Priyanka/Mark - discuss configuration file for running tests - figure out how to run a subset of tests, and dynamic selection of tests
  • Markus and Mark H. will co-ordinate to figure out how to run Selenium tests from Cruisecontrol.
  • Markus: Complete migration document and share it with someone who can try it out.
  • Markus: send phpUnderControl configuration to Mark
  • Ryan: give Markus access to ci.tesla
  • Ryan: Create system diagram; here's an early one:usability:File:Selenium architecture diagram.svg* [DONE] Markus: Invite Dan Nessett to the next status update meeting.


Goal for October developer summit:

  • fully documented framework for writing tests

Meeting schedule with milestones:

  • IRC Sept 17 - send out proposed configuration (with prototype code)
  • Sept 24 - more or less working dynamic configuration, with a test or two actually using it
  • IRC Oct 1 - dynamic config problem solved, and a couple of extension tests, initial test runs on the grid
  • Oct 8
  • IRC Oct 15 - running smoothly on the grid
  • Oct 22 - finished

Current action items:

  • Markus: sum up the wikitech-l conversation about coding conventions
  • Markus - ask Dan Nessett about dropping the web page for starting Selenium tests
  • Robla: Move Selenium/Deployment to TestFramework/Deployment
  • Priyanka: send out proposal for cookie-based/hook-based reconfiguration to wikitech-l
  • Priyanka - discuss configuration file for running tests - figure out how to run a subset of tests, and dynamic selection of tests
  • Ryan: give Markus access to ci.tesla
  • Markus and Mark H. will co-ordinate to figure out how to run Selenium tests from Cruisecontrol.
  • Markus: Complete migration document and share it with someone who can try it out.
  • Markus: send phpUnderControl configuration to Mark
  • Rob: come up with a way of holding this meeting more openly
  • Rob: post notes on mediawiki.org (past and current)