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Meeting Notes/2016-02-29 Core Fraction

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Actions from last meeting

  • Joel to draft stakeholder communication, circulate to TPG
    • More tweaks:
      • Use "Core vs Strategic" instead of "Core Fraction"
      • leave date unspecified at "April"
      • Kristen: minimize the mentions of tracking
        • "Jaime is primary user via annual planning split into Core vs Strategic; any other uses of this distinction on hold until April"
    • Kevin to send after 2nd draft provided
  • followup on that email TBD/followup with Wes next week in regular meeting..
    • Just did in this meeting

New Decisions to make

  • formalize decision on Q3 goals: what is stalled, what is completed
    • Kristen: Get a clear statement from Wes and Jaime that TPG's specific Q3 goals related to Core vs Maintenance are blocked
      • high-level, multi-quarter goal is "Teams can identify capacity for new vs existing work"
    • Wes: It is best to gather feedback from the current Annual Plan process relating to Core and Strategic work before proceeding
    • QR speak: it could be "Blocked". The first milestone is complete enough. The other 2 points are blocked. (although we've techincally achieved goal 3 (live measurement) via 2 pilot teams)
  • status of this meeting going forward
    • Kevin: if we are suspending work, suspend meeting
    • When would we resume? Depends on quarterly goals.
    • maybe third week of April, after quarterly review meetings
    • Wes: After annual Plan is complete, do something to solicit feedback. Do a retro on annual planning and the core and strategic distinction.
    • Kevin: maybe experiment with a mostly-async retro

Review Milestones



Next Steps

  1. Joel and Kevin to send the status email
  2. Joel to cancel meeting in Gmail calendar
  3. Wes to start Annual Planning retro planning at the appropriate time