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Meeting Notes/2016-01-26 Reading Web Phlogiston

From mediawiki.org

Reviewed state of Reading Web Phlogiston report.

Almost all data present in "Other" and the designated Milestones don't have any backlog, velocity, or forecasts. Tried some debugging: Task https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T113066 is missing from the Phlogiston database. It is tagged with the Reading Web Planning project, which has spaces in its name. This is probably an existing bug in Phlogiston. Bryan renamed it to Reading-Web-Planning and Joel will check tomorrow's dump to see if this fixes the problem. At that point, we'll still want to check to see if all data is coming through.

Jon: should we track Quick Surveys so that it doesn't fall into Other?

We added Quick Surveys to the recategorization file (diff) and Joel will re-run the report and see if it becomes visible.

Joel to test tomorrow's data, check in by email, and we will communicate async by email until we have resolved the data issues (or we get stuck), and then plan a meeting to review the charts with usable data.