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MediaWiki Usage Report 2015/What is your position or title?

From mediawiki.org

Note: There were no preset answers, so the classification might not be entirely correct. (If there were preset answers, not many chose them.)

126 Out of 134 answers, there were, according to functions (some more than 1 function):
11 without answers
1 unclear
19,57% 27 Development
14 Developer Developer, Database Developer, Development Engineer, MediaWiki + BlueSpice Developer, Information Architect, Web Developer
13 Software Engineer Software Engineer, Software Architect, Engineer, Engineering Support, IT Engineer, IT Lead, Internalisation Engineer, Principal Engineer, Principal Software Systems , Lead Developer, Engineer
15,94% 22 Software Admin
14 Admin Admin, Admin of MediaWiki, Administrator, Backend Admin, System Operator, Site Administrator, System Administrator, SysAdmin, Wiki Founder, MediaWiki System, Ops Administrator
1 Application Manager
1 Collaborative Data Lead
1 Tech
3 Webmaster
14,49% 20 Management, Leadership
2 Head of Development, Head of Software
1 Assistant of a director
5 CEO CEO, Geschäftsführer, Owner of a company for IT solutions based on MW
1 Director Integrated Solutions
1 Director, Advanced Services and Technologies
1 Director, Technology
3 Manager Manager, Marketing and Community Manager, Team Manager, Fablab Manager
4 Project Manager Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Project Leader, Operations Manager
1 Product Management Production Leadership Team Member
1 Knowledge Management Officer Senior Knowledge Management Officer
12,32% 17 Science, Academic
1 Academic Support Specialist
4 Analyst Analyst, Data Analyst, Senior Business Solution Analyst, Senior Systems Analyst
1 Geoscientist
1 Geography/GIS Researcher
1 Librarian and Information Scientist
7 Researcher Researcher, Research Trainee, Research Assistant, Senior Researcher
1 Phd candidate
1 Professor
11,59% 16 User
3 Owner
9 User User, Wiki Hobbyist, Wiki Editor, Wiki Coordinator, Wikivangelist, Wiki Architect, Personal
3 Writer Writer, MediaWiki Author, Author
1 Staff at Liquipedia
10,14% 14 External/Other
1 Communication Steward
1 Content Strategist
5 Consultant Consultant, Consulter, MW Consultant, Senior Adviser
1 Digital Publications Manager
1 Cartoonist
2 Editor
1 Editor-in-Chief
1 Game Designer
1 Supervisor
3,62% 5 WMF related
1 Contractor & Commons advocate
1 Independent Contractor
1 Independent Distributor
1 Curator Curator, Lead Curator and Ambassador
1 Operations Engineer at WMF
3,62% 5 Unclear
1 Worker
1 Ventilator
1 Healthcare
1 Festival organiser
1 Founder
27 Development
22 Software Admin
20 Management, Leadership
17 Science, Academic
16 User
14 External
5 WMF related
6 Unclear
11 no answers
138 ALL