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MediaWiki 1.37

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.37 and the translation is 21% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Ak používate PHP8, odporúča sa použiť MediaWiki 1.38.4 alebo vyššiu. PHP8 nie je používaný wiki stránkami Wikimédie, a preto je menej testovaná, ale iné skupiny používajú MediaWiki s PHP8 bez problémov. Ak nájdete nejaké chyby pri používaní MediaWiki s PHP8, prosím nahláste ich. Pre viac informácií pozri task T248925.
Upozornenie Upozornenie: MediaWiki 1.37.0 contains a very severe security issue. Please upgrade to 1.37.1 or later. See 2021-12 security release/FAQ for more information.

MediaWiki 1.37 is an obsolete release of MediaWiki. Kompletný zoznam zmien nájdete v Template:ZÁZNAMOCH NOVEJ VERZIE. Na Wikimédia Foundation bola táto verzia nasadená cez prírastkové "wmf"-vetvy počínajúc aprílom 2021. Vydanie stabilnej verzie 1.37.0 je plánované na november 2021. Stiahnite si $1 alebo si pozrite vetvu REL1_37 na Gite pre sledovanie tohto vydania. The 1.37 branch, with the version 1.37.6, reached its end-of-life on 30 November 2022.

Nové funkcie

Zmeny v API akciách

  • (T280806) The API methods for fetching tokens which were deprecated in MediaWiki 1.24 have been removed. action=query&meta=tokens&type= should be used instead. Please note, some token types no longer exist, and you should just use type=csrf for those instead.
    • action=query&prop=info&intoken -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=csrf
    • action=tokens&type= -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=
    • action=query&list=recentchanges&rctoken -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=csrf
    • action=query&prop=revisions&rvtoken=rollback -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=rollback
    • action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=preferencestoken -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=csrf
    • action=query&list=users&ustoken=userrights -> action=query&meta=tokens&type=userrights

Configuration changes

  • (T242768) The PasswordCannotMatchUsername password policy has been removed, please use PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername instead. If you have not customised your password policies, there will be nothing to do here.

New configuration

  • $wgBrowserFormatDetection - This setting allows the enabling or disabling of automatic detection of possible phone numbers in a webpage in iOS Safari.
  • $wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM - This setting defaults to true, and enables the legacy media HTML structure in the output from the Parser. The alternative modern HTML structure for media is described at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsing/Media_structure. In a future release of MediaWiki, this option will default to false, so it's a good idea to test this setting on your wiki early and report any issues.

Changed configuration

  • $wgContentHandlerTextFallback - This migration setting, which defines how to react if a plain text version of a non-text Content object is requested using ContentHandler::getContentText(), is deprecated.
  • $wgActions – This setting lets sysadmins override which actions can be used. It has been re-worked to support injecting dependencies into Action sub-classes as part of wider work on dependency injection. Previously, $wgActions was an array where the keys were the names of actions, and the values had the following impacts (for a given key 'Foo'):
    • `true`: use the class 'FooAction' unless for a specific page WikiPage::getActionOverrides() wants to override that action
    • a string: use the class with that name, and do not allow over-riding on a per-page basis
    • `false`: the action is disabled
    • a callable: use the Action instance returned by invoking that callback, and do not allow overriding on a per-page basis
    • an object: use that specific Action instance, and do not allow overriding on a per-page basis.

As part of T253078, values can now be arrays that are not callables, which are treated as ObjectFactory specs, allowing for services to be injected. Additionally, the distinction between values that allow per-page overrides and those that do not be removed - all actions can now be overridden on a per-page basis using WikiPage::getActionOverrides().

Removed configuration
