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MediaWiki 1.23

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.23 and the translation is 88% complete.

MediaWiki 1.23 は MediaWiki の廃止された長期間サポート リリースです。 変更点の完全な一覧については、リリース ノート ファイルを参照してください。 2013年10月より、番号が増える"wmf"ブランチを通じて、ウィキメディア財団のウィキ群に展開されました。 1.23.0 安定版リリースは2014年6月5日にリリースされました。 latest release をダウンロードするか、またはこのリリースに追随するには Git 内REL1_23 ブランチをチェックアウトしてください。 これは、2017年5月末までサポートされた長期間サポート リリース (LTS) でした。

現在の 1.23 の既知の問題点の一覧があります。これらの問題点は MediaWiki の次期バージョンで修正されるはずです。



With 1.23, MediaWiki starts to behave more like a modern website in regards to notifications to keep the editors of your wiki engaged and always up to date about what interests them. This used to require several custom settings.

  • バグ 45020 Make preferences "Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist" and "pages and files I edit" true by default
  • バグ 45022 Make preference "Email me when a page or file on my watchlist is changed" true by default
  • バグ 49719 Watch user page and user talk page by default

This will allow your new users to immediately start benefiting from the watchlist and email notification features, without needing to first read all the docs to find out that they're as useful as they are.



ヘルプ ページ

With 1.23, MediaWiki begins a process of consolidation of its help pages. Now, most are using the Translate extension and can be easily translated and updated in hundreds of languages.

In the coming months, we'll focus on making more of the central help pages translatable and on linking them from the relevant MediaWiki interfaces for better discoverability. Please help: add your own translations; update existing pages and cover missing MediaWiki topics.

Traditionally, help pages have been scattered on countless wikis and poorly translated; most of those on mediawiki.org were migrated with the help of some Google Code-in students.


9 new locales have been added:

  • シャイアン語
  • クリー語
  • キクユ語
  • ノルマン語
  • トウィ語
  • 中央アトラス・タマジクト語
  • アルジェリア・アラビア語
  • Hunsrik
  • キニアルワンダ語

Their translation can be completed on translatewiki.net.



Skin autodiscovery, the legacy skin installation mechanism used by MediaWiki since very early versions (around 2004), has been officially deprecated and will be removed in MediaWiki 1.25.

MediaWiki 1.23 will emit warnings in production if a skin using the deprecated mechanism is found.

See Manual:Skin autodiscovery for more information and a migration guide for site admins and skin developers.


1.23 に統合されました:

ベクターの CSS の更新

  • Various Vector CSS properties have been converted to LESS variables.
  • The font size of #bodyContent/.mw-body-content has been increased to 0.875em.
  • The line-height of #bodyContent/.mw-body-content has been increased to 1.6.
  • The line-height of superscript (sup) and subscript (sub) are now set to 1.
  • The default color for content text (but not the headers) is now #252525; (dark grey).
  • All headers have updated sizes and margins.
  • H1 and H2 headers now use a serif font.
  • Body font is "sans-serif" as always.

For more information see Typography refresh.


Config および GlobalVarConfig の各クラスを追加しました:

  • Allows configuration options to be fetched from context.
  • Only one implementation, GlobalVarConfig, is provided, which simply returns $GLOBALS[$name]. There can be more classes in the future, possibly a database-based one. For convenience the "wg" prefix is automatically added.
  • This adds the $wgConfigRegistry global variable which is used by the ConfigFactory to create new objects..
  • The RequestContext getConfig and setConfig methods were introduced.




  • log_user_text_time on logging table
  • log_user_text_type_time on Logging table.


2014年2月より、毎月最終水曜日に月次更新を行っています。 1.23 のポイント リリースの日付は以下の通りでした:

リリース 日付
1.23.0 2014-06-05
1.23.1 2014-06-25
1.23.2 2014-07-30
1.23.3 2014-08-27
1.23.4 2014-09-24
1.23.5 2014-10-01
1.23.6 2014-10-29
1.23.7 2014-11-26
1.23.8 2014-12-17
1.23.9 2015-03-31
1.23.10 2015-08-10
1.23.11 2015-10-16
1.23.12 2015-12-18
1.23.13 2015-12-22[1]
1.23.14 2016-05-20[2]
1.23.15 2016-08-23[3]
1.23.16 2017-04-06[4]
1.23.17 2017-04-11[5]
In January 2015 the system of providing monthly point releases was abandoned.
