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MediaWiki 1.17 /Wikimedia部署

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.17/Wikimedia deployment and the translation is 74% complete.

On 2011-02-16 at 6:00 UTC-12:00 UTC, we plan to deploy 1.17 to as many wikis as we can during this six hour window. See the list below for our progress.

Update 2011-02-16, 12:39 UTC - We have now pushed 1.17 to all wikis, and the deployment window is closed. Please see below for the best way to report any problems you might encounter.




  • 完成)第一波 – This wave was Friday, February 11, 6:00 UTC – 12:00 UTC (10pm PST Thursday, February 10 in San Francisco). This first wave was on limited set of wikis. See Wikimedia Techblog post about the first wave of deployment for more information.
  • 第二波Wednesday February 16 (between 6:00 UTC – 12:00 UTC) – most wikis. We'll be deploying more debug code and deploy to as many wikis as we can without overloading the site.

The most visible change for Wikimedia users will be the deployment of ResourceLoader.

ResourceLoader optimizes the use of JavaScript in MediaWiki, speeding up delivery of JavaScript by compressing it sometimes, and cutting down on the amount of unused JavaScript that gets delivered to the browser in the first place.





  • 等待几分钟。技术团队可能已经意识到这个问题,并正在修复它。
  • 加入Freenode的#wikimedia-tech频道
    • 如果您有IRC客户端,请使用以下直接链接:#wikimedia-tech 連線
    • 否则,请参阅IRC或使用Freenode的网络聊天平台
  • 如果您在升级后遇到问题,请报告我们的漏洞跟踪系统





以下是1.17的一些已知问题,下面手动删除了已解决的错误(例如 bug 1234 ):

  • bug 27302:RL:避免对用户和站点模块的不必要和未缓存的请求
  • bug 27323:WMF徽标/按钮未通过Bits提供
  • bug 27330: revreview-editnotice is aligned LTR in he.wikisource
  • bug 27352: Wikimedia deployment needs /w/resources directory symlinked or overridden for debug mode
  • bug 27354: "log me in globally" is logging me out in 1.17
  • bug 27355: Classic edit toolbar buttons fail in IE6 when WikiEditor automatically falls back
  • bug 27368: 1.17 deployment enables enhanced toolbar even when disabled in prefs
  • bug 27430:Special:中央认证不应该总是使用分钟
  • bug 27432:在向量中设置前景色
  • bug 27451: CategoryTree shows categories just ul lists
  • bug 27458: <gallery>现在具有白色背景
  • bug 27508:无法访问某些包含图像的页面

