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MediaWiki/Homepage redesign

From mediawiki.org



The mediawiki.org Main page needs a redesign to better reflect our project and the activities done by our community. There have been some proposals to improve it, but not much progress has been done. This project requires mediawiki.org users to analyze the current problems, propose a solution, and implement it in such a way that all of these steps are completed in cooperation with the mediawiki.org community.

The MediaWiki Homepage Redesign project aims to redesign the homepage of MediaWiki to express its full potential to its users. The homepage is the first contact that our community has with MediaWiki, so it is at the point at which users come into contact with this homepage that we need to awaken public knowledge, interest, and usage of it.



The evolution of this project is totally dependent on the participation of the mediawiki.org community because of how every decision needs to be made with a consensual agreement.

Initial steps:

  • Have the community report problems that they have with the current homepage and suggest possible improvements for it
  • Document what was discussed
  • Disseminate and encourage community participation in the project

Iterative steps for the construction of mockups:

  • Compile and document any advice received
  • Create a mockup based on this advice
  • Submit the mockup to the community
  • Collect feedback and document it

Iterative steps to implementation:

  • Compile and document the advice received
  • Implement the new layout based on what was discussed
  • Test the generated version
  • Present the implementation of the homepage to the community
  • Collect feedback and document it

Finals steps:

  • Get the final approval from the community
  • Run final tests
  • Update the documentation
  • Deploy the final version

Participants / Stakeholders
