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Manual talk:Shared database

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The simplest setup: A shared user table

  • For anyone who is stuck (like I was, seriously maybe someone should include this) you need to give permission of the other wikis to access the user database.
This works good if A) all the wikis are in the same database or if B) the same DB username & password has access rights to the shared "central" database. --Actiuinformatica (talk) 16:51, 22 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Sharing sessions


As of MediaWiki 1.36.1 this still doesn't work. I'm sharing my findings in case they're useful for someone. $wgCookieDomain seems actually harmful instead of useful, because when I set it to .example.com, then I log into wiki1.example.com, then I just visit wiki2.example.com, I see I'm logged off. Then I go back to wiki1 and see my session closed. Turns out the cookie is being deleted when wiki2 sees the cookie from wiki1 as invalid. When I delete $wgCookieDomain setting, sessions work flawlessly and users share their name and password across wikis, but sessions are separate. The session data resident in the backend must be shared between wikis in order for this to work, but I'm not sure about whether I have the time and patience to try and make this work, either by modifying MediaWiki or by making an extension. LoneWolfXXVI (talk) 06:21, 29 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Shared ipblocks table does not correctly block on all wikis in a wiki family.


All other suggested shared tables are correctly working, except ipblocks. Marx.FelipeForte (talk) 10:30, 29 October 2022 (UTC)Reply