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From mediawiki.org
See also the more detailed Wikimedia-specific tutorial.

MediaWiki supports OAuth v1.0a and v2.0 as methods of authentication, but Pywikibot only supports v1.0a.

More information about OAuth support of MediaWiki: OAuth/For Developers


  • The wiki where you want to use the bot needs Extension:OAuth installed and configured properly
  • Python library mwoauth
  • Register your bot. The OAuth tokens could be generated at Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose. In case of a wikifarm, this needs to be the central wiki of the farm. In case of Wikimedia, it's m:Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose. You need to check the option "This consumer is for use only by UserNameOfBot."





OAuth tokens are set in authenticate of user-config.py:

authenticate['en.wikipedia.org'] = ('consumer_token', 'consumer_secret', 'access_token', 'access_secret')

Use the site's host URL as the key of dict to specifying OAuth tokens. Also, Pywikibot supports wildcard '*' as the prefix of URL:

authenticate['*.wikipedia.org'] = ('consumer_token', 'consumer_secret', 'access_token', 'access_secret')

Pywikibot will match the best OAuth tokens for requests.

You should make user-config.py unreadable for others (chmod 600 user-config.py) before adding OAuth tokens/secrets to it.

Dynamically in code


Alternatively authenticate setting can be defined in code.

import pywikibot

pywikibot.config.usernames['commons']['commons'] = username
authenticate = (consumer_token, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret)
pywikibot.config.authenticate['commons.wikimedia.org'] = authenticate
site = pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons')



When there's OAuth tokens matched in user-config.py, Pywikibot will disable password login automatically and use OAuth tokens for authentication instead.

NOTE: Using OAuth will block logout function.

See also
