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Manual:미디어위키 기능 목록

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:MediaWiki feature list and the translation is 22% complete.

이 페이지는 미디어위키 소프트웨어의 내부에 설치되어 있는 기능들의 목록을 포함합니다. 자신의 위키를 위해서 미디어위키를 사용해야 하는 것이 좋은가 라는 것은 이 소프트웨어로 어떠한 종류의 웹사이트를 운영하고 싶은가에 달려있습니다. 위키피디아의 소프트웨어는 사용자의 필요성과 개발자의 아이디어로부터 성장한 많은 유용한 기능들을 담고 있습니다 -- 하지만 기능들이 많다는 것은 복잡하다는 것을 의미합니다.

미디어위키의 사용을 결정하기 전에, 다른 위키 엔진들을 살펴보십시오 (이 목록 혹은 이 비교 목록) 을 살펴보시고 귀하의 요구사항에 그 들 중 하나가 더 잘 적합한지 살펴보시오.

새 기능에 대한 요청은 MediaZilla 로 제출해 주십시오.

미디어위키가 필요합니까?

미디어위키 소프트웨어와 확장 기능은 추가 기능과 이득, 강점과 약점, 장점과 단점을 가지고 있으며, 모든 사람이 사용할 수 있게 되어 있습니다. 미디어위키 소프트웨어와 확장 기능은 새롭고, 똑똑하며, 창의성이 풍부한 본 프로그래머에 의해 사용될 수도 있습니다. 미디어위키의 기능과 추가로 얻을 수 있는 장점을 간단하게 나타낸 리스트입니다. 만약 이미 정확한 목적과 자료를 가지고 있어 개발을 시작하려고 할때, 이 리스트를 비교하여 무엇이 원하는 것이고 원하지 않는 것인지 알 수 있습니다. 결정하는데 더 도움이 필요하십니까? 웹 사이트에 누구나 참여할 수 있는 포럼이 있고, 다른 사람들의 경험을 확인할 수 있는 MediaWiki 페이지도 매 페이지마다 찾을 수 있습니다.

Sample feature list from pages 13-14, in the book "MediaWiki Administrators' Tutorial Guide: Install, manage, and customize your MediaWiki installation" by Mizanur Rahman, 2007 https://www.packtpub.com/
미디어위키 기능 미디어위키의 장점 Your goals Your resources
Easy Navigation: Easy to contribute without much training... ... ...
Editing, Formatting, and Referencing: Manage and find content... ... ...
Look and feel change: Customizable to your preferences... ... ...
File uploading: Content management and sharing... ... ...
다언어 지원: UTF-8 support allows one piece of software to author for all languages...    
사용자 관리: Access and security control...    
Syndication: Share your site info...    
...more... ... ... ...

Please enhance and expand the above table's features and benefits to assist visitors to best know what they are getting into. 감사합니다!

One recurring problem is that system administrators decide to create a wiki, without taking into account many issues. After filling out the previous table, ask yourself the following questions, to see if a wiki is the right software for you:

  1. What is my site's intended purpose?
  1. Wikis are ideal for collaborative editing and creation of content; they are not very well suited for other purposes, like blogging.

Consider whether a wiki is an adequate option for your goals.

  1. How many users will this wiki be exposed to?
  1. With a few exceptions, installing wiki software is unnecessary when there is a very small group of people interested in editing the wiki.

The larger the user base, the higher the probability a wiki makes more sense for you.

  1. How many active editors do I expect to edit my wiki?
  1. Wikis, due to their open nature, require some maintenance.

The larger the editor base, the more hands available to perform those maintenance tasks.

  1. What can I do with MediaWiki?
  1. MediaWiki is an extremely versatile wiki engine; it is relatively easy to install, but more importantly, allows for the use and creation of extensions.

These allow your MediaWiki installation to be extremely customizable with some knowledge of PHP. With the proper motivation, MediaWiki can be "abused" to do almost anything.

  1. Is MediaWiki right for me?
  1. MediaWiki has its limitations.

A more considerable limitation is that MediaWiki is not meant to be an access control list. MediaWiki raison d'etre is to provide open content; while recent versions have a much stronger security model, there are still significant gaps in individual-based security access.

How should I configure MediaWiki?

If you have decided that MediaWiki is indeed an appropriate solution, there are still more things to consider.

These questions will hopefully help you decide how to configure your wiki in a way that will allow you to minimize issues in the longer term:

  1. Who do I want reading my wiki?
  1. In spite of all the issues with individual-based page restrictions, MediaWiki can be configured to restrict or allow access to everyone.

So, ask yourself whether you want everyone in the Internet to see the contents of your wiki, or if you want to restrict that privilege to those users who have created accounts in your wiki.

  1. Who do I want editing my wiki?
  1. Perhaps the most common question is whether you want to permit everyone to edit your wiki, similar to the Wikipedia model.

MediaWiki allows for fine-grained writing restrictions; you can allow unregistered users to edit talk pages, for example, but only allow users with accounts older than a certain amount of time to edit your content pages. You can restrict editing to sysops, or even to a custom user group you create and delegate.

  1. Who do I want creating an account on my wiki?
  1. Depending on some of the answers to the questions above, you may want to decide to restrict who can create accounts in a wiki.

You can allow anyone to create accounts; or you can even designate that privilege to administrators, who would then be responsible for creating accounts for new users via some process of your choosing.

  1. What powers do I want each user group to have?
  1. One of the most important questions you need to answer is this one.

Granting or removing privileges to a group can be extremely controversial in a large wiki, so having a good idea of what each user should be able to do is critical. Do you want unregistered users to create pages? Do you want registered users to create pages? Do you want wiki administrators to be able to block and delete pages, or do you want to extend more privileges to them? Who is responsible for granting more privileges? Who is responsible for removing them? Who do you want to have more fine-grained powers, such as oversight, checkuser, and rollback?

  1. See 매뉴얼:유저 권한 and Help:User rights management for more ideas and information.
  1. Which extensions should I install?
  1. With a few exceptions, extensions are easy to add, whether it be while installing the wiki, or after a couple of years of the wiki being run.
  1. Do I need to manage structured data?
  1. For managing structured data within MediaWiki, several dedicated extensions exist.

With those answers, you should be able to configure the most critical aspects of your wiki. You can proceed to beginning the installation process in your operating system.

외형과 느낌(Look and feel)

  • 바로가기가 있는 링크, 배열은 사용되는 스킨에 따라 다릅니다
  • 스킨 - 사이트를 제공하는 다른 방법들, 이는 PHPTal 틀을 사용하여 확장될 수 있습니다.
  • User styles: 사용자는 자신의 사용자 문서에 있는 전용 CSS를 통하여 사이트의 외형과 느낌을 각색할 수 있습니다.
  • "Stub" threshold: 사용자는 특정 크기 이하의 문서에 대한 링크를 다른 색상으로 표기되도록 하여 볼 수 있습니다
  • 문서의 프린트용 버전 이 생성될 수 있습니다
  • Auto-number headings in an article (optional).
  • Intra-page Anchors (automatically generated for headings, and also with <div id="tagname">...</div>).
  • Automatically generate a table of contents for long articles (optional).
  • Automatically turn ISBN numbers into links to an editable list of booksellers.
  • XHTML- or HTML5-compatible output (or darn close to it), tidy integration.

멀티미디어와 익스텐션

  • 파일 업로드 기능은 그래픽 혹은 사운드 파일들이 업로드 되도록 합니다, Special:Upload 를 참고하시어 작동법을 확인하시고 설명은 Uploading files 을 참고하십시오. 업로드된 파일들은 Recent Changes 에 나열되어 있으며 또한 Special:Log/upload 에 기록(로그)이 됩니다.
  • 라텍스 구문을 사용한 수학 공식 - See 확장기능:Math and Manual:Mathoid
  • ImageMagick 혹은 libgd 을 사용한 이미지의 자동 크기 조정, 이미지의 캡션제목 및 이미지의 세로 정렬을 위한 간단한 구문입니다
  • 이집트 hieroglyphs 를 위한 WikiHiero (별도로 설치된 프로그램이 필요합니다)
  • 그래프 - 는 시간 차트를 위한 것입니다 (별도로 설치된 프로그램이 필요합니다)

편집 기록 주시

  • Watchlist Every page has a link "Watch this article for me".

Use Special:Watchlist to track changes on the articles you declared as interesting; watched articles are also bolded in the Recent changes list .

  • User contributions in the sidebar of each user page list all articles the user has worked on, according to the database.
  • Extended recent changes with dynamic collapsing of edits to the same article and quick links to diff the edit, show the article history, show the user page, show the user talk page, or block the user (for sysops)
  • "Related changes": View a filtered version of Recent Changes to the pages linked from the current page.
  • Side-by-side diffs - the diffs are shown side-by-side, and changed portions of lines are highlighted, making it much easier to see what's what.

Additionally, a diff is shown during an edit conflict so you can see exactly what you need to reintegrate.

  • 진짜 이름 - Users can (optionally) specify a "real name" they want to use for author credits.
  • On-page credits.

Administrators can enable an on-page paragraph giving credit to editors who've worked on a page.

구조와 구문

There is an option to allow full use of HTML.

  • Editing syntax based on UseMod, with support for mixing wiki-syntax and HTML.

Only free links are supported for linking, not CamelCase (deliberate design decision).

  • Namespaces allow content separation (to address the namespace, use the [[Namespace:Page title]] syntax).
    • Discussion (Talk:) pages are separate from article pages, "meta" project pages can be separated from content pages, image pages are used for image descriptions.
    • MediaWiki: namespace contains all user interface texts, so that they can be edited like any other wiki page
    • Template: namespace for custom messages.

Templates may contain string variables which are replaced with certain values passed to the template from the calling page.

  • Transclusion of arbitrary pages in any namespace: {{:Page Name}}.

See Templates

  • Word-extension linking: If you include a link of the form [[war]]s, or [[war]]time, the system will automatically display it as if you had typed [[war|wars]] or [[war|wartime]], respectively, saving some typing.
  • Parenthetical hiding ("pipe tricks") If you include a link of the form [[kernel (mathematics)|]], the parenthetical portion will be hidden in the link: kernel.

This is useful for disambiguating different meanings of a word without making linking too difficult or cluttering up the text of articles. This also works with cropping out namespaces when you want a cleaner-looking link: [[Wikipedia:Copyrights|]] becomes Copyrights

  • Support for subpages (link to "Foo/Bar" from "Foo" by just typing "/Bar", "Foo/Bar" contains a backlink to "Foo"), these can be enabled or disabled by namespace (e.g., Wikipedia currently supports subpages on discussion pages, to make archiving easy, and on user pages, to give users space for personal pages)
  • Special keywords for inserting dynamic data such as the name of the current page, the current date, the number of articles, etc.
  • Multiple Categories can be assigned to any page, including categories themselves, creating a hierarchy of categories.

Category pages automatically list all pages assigned to them, including sub-categories. Categories allow classification and hierarchical browsing of the content.


  • Section editing - Users can enable an option that allows them to edit individual sections of an article (separated by headlines) instead of loading the entire article.
  • Edit toolbar (JavaScript-based) for formatting text as bold, italic etc. (fully works in Mozilla and IE, other browsers use it to show the syntax, but cannot format text inside the text area because their JavaScript implementation does not support it).

If JavaScript is disabled, the toolbar is not shown.

  • Edit summary which is shown in "Recent changes".

Will be prefilled with section title when section editing.

  • Double click editing: Users can enable an option that allows them to edit articles by double clicking them.
  • Edit preview (can be shown before or after edit box)
  • Handle edit conflicts (page being saved by a user while still being edited by another one, then saved again).

MediaWiki will merge changes automatically if possible and otherwise require the user to do a manual merge.

  • Mark edits as minor; users can decide to hide such edits from the Recent Changes list.

Only signed in users can mark edits as minor.

스팸과 문서 훼손

    • m:Spam blacklist - List of spammer's domain names which users are not allowed to link to.


  • Talk pages: Each user (including every anonymous user) and every article has an associated page where messages can be left.

These are separate namespaces (see above), "Talk:" and "User talk:".

  • Message notification (user gets a "You have new messages" notice if someone else has edited their user discussion page); this also works for anonymous users, but not for shared IP users
  • Automatic signature: Just type three tildes (~) when you edit, and on saving the page, it will be replaced with your user name and a link to your user page.

If you use four tildes, the current date will be added as well. Mainly intended for Talk pages.

  • Support for emailing users through the wiki (email address not shown to the user)

다중언어 지원

  • Interlanguage links: handy method for linking articles between wikis in different languages (each language requires its own database)
  • UTF-8 지원


  • Database-driven (MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQlite are supported)
  • Parser caching: rendered pages are cached to reduce redundant processing
  • Output caching: complete page output can be optionally saved as static HTML files for serving to other clients; support for Squid proxies
  • Cookie-based account and login system, but anonymous users can also edit pages
  • All revisions of an article are stored (optionally compressed)


  • Different rights for anonymous users, signed in users, sysops, bureaucrats and developers.
  • Signed in users can:
    • move and rename pages
    • 파일 올리기
    • have and use a watchlist
    • mark edits as minor edits (e.g. typo correction)
  • Admins/Sysops can:
    • protect pages from editing
    • delete and undelete pages
    • edit protected pages
    • ban users by IP address
    • ban users by username, if this option is enabled
  • Bureaucrats can:
    • create sysops
    • rename users
    • flag bots
  • Developers can:
    • lock the database
    • run various maintenance tasks
  • Other permission schemes (e.g. only signed in users can edit pages) can be configured.

검색 및 질의

  • Full text search
  • "Go" button allows direct viewing of a specified article's contents (tries near match if no exact hit)
  • "What links here": View pages that link to the current page (backlinks)
  • Special report pages:
    • New pages: List of newly created articles
    • Ancient pages: Articles sorted by timestamp, ascending
    • List of images
    • List of users
    • Site statistics
    • Orphaned articles (articles that have no links pointing to them)
    • Orphaned images
    • Popular articles (articles by number of visits, works only if counters are enabled)
    • Most wanted articles (non-existent articles sorted by number of links pointing to them)
    • Short articles
    • Long articles
    • List of all pages by title
  • Query API - allows scripted access to various metadata


  • 임의 문서 표기 기능
  • 사용자들은 모든 기록 시간도장에 사용되는 시간대를 설정할 수 있습니다
  • 모든 기록 문서들의 특성 (결과의 수 및 기타등등)은 사용자 환경 설정에서 설정될 수 있습니다

비어있는 도움말 문서 묶음

설치 안의 파일들은 다운로드에 포함되어 있지 않은 문서들을 가리키는 많은 링크들을 포함한다는 것에 주의하십시오. 가장 중요한 것은 비어있는 도움말 파일들이며, 이들은 사이트의 어떠한 사용자가 필요로 할 것입니다. To remedy these broken links, you must either (a) export from this site or manually copy and modify help pages to your installation or (b) modify the installation's parameters to change the help link targets to this site, either of which may require a substantial time investment.