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Manual:Installation requirements/da

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Installation requirements and the translation is 21% complete.
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Ud over selve softwaren, forudsætter en standard MediaWiki-installation følgende systemkrav:

  • En webserver til at sende de genererede sider til din webbrowser.
  • PHP for at køre softwaren.

Derudover er der forskellige valgfrie krav, som er forudsat ved brug af visse avancerede funktioner (se nedenfor).

If your website is hosted (i.e. you don't have direct control over it) then contact your server administrator or hosting company to ensure these software packages are installed and available.

To run MediaWiki maintenance scripts, you will need command line access.

One-download installation

If you are using Linux, it's best to install the Apache web server, PHP, and the MariaDB database server using your package manager. On Debian and Ubuntu, do the following:

sudo apt-get install apache2 mariadb-server php php-intl php-mbstring php-xml php-apcu php-curl php-mysql
Software bundles

On other operating systems, use a software bundle like XAMPP from https://www.apachefriends.org to install and configure all of the important packages – Apache web server, PHP, and MariaDB – with only one download. It is available for Linux, Windows, Mac and Solaris. As of januar 2021, the latest version of XAMPP includes PHP 8.0 (MediaWiki requires at least 8.1.0).

Alternatively, if you run Mac OS, you can use MAMP, which is the equivalent to XAMPP. MAMP includes the ability to run the Apache web server and a MySQL database. It is available for both Windows and Mac, but is generally used on Mac instead of Windows.


For at sende de genererede sider til din browser, kræver MediaWiki noget webserver-software. Ofte har du ikke noget valg mellem hvilken software der skal bruges - det vil være den, der leveres af din webhotel-udbyder.

MediaWiki is broadly compatible with all major web servers that can invoke a compatible version of PHP. De fleste installationer bruger Apache webserver, som kan hentes på [$apachedownload den officielle download side]. Nginx (configuration example) is a good choice as well.


PHP er programmeringssproget, som MediaWiki er skrevet i og som kræves for at køre softwaren.

  • Til den seneste stabile version af MediaWiki kræves [$phpdownload PHP version 8.1.0 eller nyere].

See the page on Compatibility for further information.

If using PHP 8, it is recommended to use MediaWiki 1.38.4 or higher. PHP 8 is not in use by Wikimedia wikis, and thus gets less testing, but other groups do use MediaWiki with PHP 8 without issue. If you encounter any bugs when using MediaWiki with PHP 8, please report them. See task T248925 for more information.
  • Følgende udvidelser er påkrævet:
    • dom - required since MW 1.34
    • intl - required since MW 1.36
    • mbstring - required since MW 1.27
    • xml - required since MW 1.27
    • xmlreader - required since MW 1.36
  • The following extensions are recommended in addition to the required ones:

Bemærk, at alle disse er aktiveret i PHP som standard.

If your hosting provider provides a basic LAMP environment without these, you may need to install or enable these manually.

    • In Debian/Ubuntu, the following command installs all recommended PHP extensions listed above:
      sudo apt-get install php php-intl php-mbstring php-xml php-apcu php-curl
  • At hosting providers with a control panel such as cPanel, you can often use "Select PHP Version" (PHP Selector) to enable these extensions. (For example, after seeing "You are missing a required extension to PHP that MediaWiki requires to run. Please install: intl")
  • På Ubuntu er (bl.a.) php5-mysql pakken påkrævet, hvis du vil have MediaWiki til at bruge MySQL.
  • Some features of MediaWiki may require PHP functions that execute external processes, like image thumbnailing, that some cheap hosts usually disable.

Please take this into consideration if you plan to install MediaWiki on a shared host.

  • MediaWiki extensions may require additional PHP features, e.g. VisualEditor requires libcurl support (php-curl on Debian/Ubuntu-based distros).

If you need to compile PHP from source, then see PHP configuration for compilation options that affect MediaWiki.


MediaWiki gemmer al tekst og data (indholdssider, brugerdetaljer, systembeskeder osv.) i en database, som det er i stand til at dele med andre webbaserede applikationer (phpBB, etc.). Du skal bruge én af ​​de følgende database-servere til at køre den nyeste version af MediaWiki:

Using MariaDB or MySQL is recommended as Wikimedia uses MariaDB. Any other database servers are less tested and you may likely run into some bugs.

MediaWiki no longer supports using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server as of version 1.34 .

Nogle brugere finder det nyttigt at installere en ekstra software pakke såsom phpMyAdmin (MySQL/MariaDB) eller phpPgAdmin (Postgres) til at hjælpe med at administrere database-serveren. Some hosting services also provide such software.


De anbefalede minimumskrav er 256 MB RAM for en enkelt-computer hjemmeside og 80 MB lagerplads, selv om dette ikke vil være tilstrækkeligt til et flittigt besøgt offentligt websted eller et websted med upload aktiveret. Nogle brugere har rapporteret, at de kører MediaWiki på computere med så lidt som 48 MB RAM.

Valgfrie krav

  • ImageMagick eller GD kræves for Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Image_administration#Image_thumbnailing.
  • GNU diff3 can be used to automatically resolve conflicts.

See also

  • Compatibility , for information about how MediaWiki's installation requirements are likely to change in the future