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Manual:Huggle/System menu/de

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Huggle/System menu and the translation is 26% complete.

  Das Handbuch ist in Arbeit. Bitte ergänze es mit vollständigen, getesteten Anweisungen, wo immer du kannst.  

Die Bilder im Handbuch können sich von dem unterscheiden, was du in deiner Version von Huggle siehst.

Dies ist das Systemmenü:

Huggle's System menu

  • Optionen zeigt die Optionen von Huggle.
  • Meine Diskussionsseite (M) zeigt die letzte Version deiner Diskussionsseite, dies ist sinnvoll um nachzusehen, ob neue Nachrichten vorhanden sind.
  • Abort (Esc) kills the last query on a stack. This option may not work if you didn't enable delayed reverts.
  • Change Provider lets you change the provider of edits to a different one (wiki / IRC / JSON).
  • Stop provider stops the current provider so that Huggle will stop retrieving new edits. This is useful if you want to keep Huggle running but you want to "pause" it.
  • Mass action reverts or deletes all edits made by a user, but it will not send any message to them.
  • Beenden schließt Huggle.

Options / Preferences

This window allows you to modify most of the program settings.

Queue filter

This is where you can add or remove queue filters that can be used to define what types of edits should be added to queue. To create a new filter, click the insert button, and a new filter will appear in the list. Then, select the list, pick a new name and click save.

You can also define a default filter for a site. This filter will always be switched to when you start Huggle.

Huggle queue with IP only filter