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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Hooks/GetPreferences and the translation is 96% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
version 1.16.0 版可用
public static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$preferences ) { ... }
附加钩子: extension.json中:
	"Hooks": {
		"GetPreferences": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onGetPreferences"
调用自: 文件: preferences/DefaultPreferencesFactory.php
介面: GetPreferencesHook.php

有关使用此钩子的扩展示例,请参见Category:GetPreferences extensions/zh

Since REL1_35:

Define function:
public function onGetPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) { ... }
Attach hook: In extension.json:
	"Hooks": {
		"GetPreferences": "example_tag"
	"HookHandlers": {
		"example_tag": {
			"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\ExampleExtension\\Hooks",
			"services": [
Interface: GetPreferencesHook.php



参数/选项 描述
$user 正在修改其首选项的用户
&$preferences 要提供给HTMLForm对象的首选项描述数组


section数组键指定Preferences的哪个选项卡和部分包含您的首选项。 如果您的section值是foo/bar,这意味着您的首选项将出现在foo选项卡上(由系统消息prefs-foo命名)的bar部分(由系统消息prefs-bar命名)。 如果不存在这样的选项卡或部分,则会自动创建。


标识符 显示为
personal 用户资料
rendering 外观
editing 编辑
rc 最近更改
watchlist 监视列表
misc 其他




大多数首选项以与HTMLFormField相同的格式存储,但在'type' => 'usersmultiselect'的情况下,应该从换行符分隔的用户名列表(表单小部件使用该列表)和换行符分隔的用户ID列表(存储在数据库中)执行转换。 有关这方面的例子,请参阅email-blacklist(核心)或echo-notifications-blacklist(Echo )的处理。


For float types, you can set min and max, which will be validated on save.


API首选项使用类型api。它们不会显示在Special:Preferences中。 They are usually set via custom front-end interfaces that call the API.

Note that you should not use 'type' => 'hidden' for API preferences (that type exists for HTML forms, not preferences).


要设置首选项的默认值(即为尚未自定义其首选项的新用户设置的值),请将该设置添加到$wgDefaultUserOptions 全局变量。使用与钩子中的$preferences相同的键名。



See: Handling hooks in MediaWiki 1.35 and later


In extension.json:

	"Hooks": {
		"GetPreferences": "main"
	"HookHandlers": {
		"main": {
			"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\ExampleExtension\\Hooks",
			"services": [
	"AutoloadClasses": {
		"MediaWiki\\Extension\\ExampleExtension\\Hooks": "includes/Hooks.php",
	"config": {
		"PersonalSettingsEnabledPageId": {
			"type": "boolean",
			"value": false
		"PersonalSettingsNumberOfMostViewedPages": {
			"type": "int",
			"value": 50
		"PersonalSettingsPeriodForLastViewedPages": {
			"type": "string",
			"value": "year"
	"manifest_version": 2


In includes/Hooks.php:

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\ExampleExtension;

use MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\GetPreferencesHook;

use GlobalVarConfig;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\User\UserOptionsLookup;

class Hooks implements GetPreferencesHook {
	private GlobalVarConfig $config;
	private UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup;

	public function __construct(
		GlobalVarConfig $config,
		UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup
	) {
		$this->config = $config;
		$this->userOptionsLookup = $userOptionsLookup;

	public function onGetPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) {

		$your_new_extensions_section = 'exampleextension';

		// A checkbox
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-pageid';
		$preferences_default = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$this->config->get( 'PersonalSettingsEnabledPageId' ) );
		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'toggle',
			'label-message' => 'hitcounters-pageid-label',
			'default' => $preferences_default,
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// An int input box
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages';
		$preferences_default = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$this->config->get( 'PersonalSettingsNumberOfMostViewedPages' ) );
		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'int',
			'help-message' => 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-help',
			'label-message' => 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-label',
			'maxLength' => 4,
			'default' => $preferences_default,
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// A select box
		$ctx = RequestContext::getMain();
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-periodforlastviewedpages';
		$key_base = 'hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular';

		// Ensure that 'default' is always the 1st array item
		$preferences_default = $period = $this->config->get( 'PersonalSettingsPeriodForLastViewedPages' );
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray = [ $itemDisplayName => $period ];

		$period = 'week';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$period = 'month';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$period = 'year';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$usersItem = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$preferences_default );

		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'select',
			'options' => $itemArray,
			'default' => $usersItem,
			'label-message' => "$preferences_key-label",
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// A set of radio buttons. Notice that in the 'options' array,
		// the keys are the text (not system messages), and the values are the HTML values.
		// They keys/values might be the opposite of what you expect. PHP's array_flip()
		// can be helpful here.
		$preferences_key = 'exampleextension-exampleselect';
		$key_base = 'exampleextension-select';
		$itemKey1 = 'choice1';
		$itemName1 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey1" )->text();
		$itemKey2 = 'choice2';
		$itemName2 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey2" )->text();
		$itemKey3 = 'choice3';
		$itemName3 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey3" )->text();

		// A 'default' key is required, ...
		$preferences_default = $itemKey1;
		// ..., but respect user's choice!
		$usersItem = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$preferences_default );

		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'radio',
			'help-message' => 'exampleextension-exampleselect-help', // a system message (optional)
			'label-message' => 'exampleextension-exampleselect-label', // a system message
			// Array of options. Key = text to display. Value = HTML <option> value.
			'options' => [
				$itemName1 => $itemKey1,
				$itemName2 => $itemKey2,
				$itemName3 => $itemKey3
			'default' => $usersItem,  // A 'default' key is required!
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section
<!-- [...] -->


In i18n/en.json:

	"exampleextension-select-help": "Put a help message here!",
	"exampleextension-select-label": "Select an item:",
	"exampleextension-select-choice1": "Pick me please",
	"exampleextension-select-choice2": "No, pick me!",
	"exampleextension-select-choice3": "Seriously, pick me right now",
	"hitcounters-pageid-label": "Show page ID",
	"hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-label": "Number of most viewed pages",
	"hitcounters-periodforlastviewedpages-label": "Period for last viewed pages:",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-week": "Most viewed pages in the current week",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-month": "Most viewed pages in the current month",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-year": "Most viewed pages in the current year",

Example Old School


In extension.json:

	"Hooks": {
		"GetPreferences": "ExampleExtensionHooks::onGetPreferences",
	"AutoloadClasses": {
		"ExampleExtensionHooks": "includes/Hooks.php",
	"config": {
		"PersonalSettingsEnabledPageId": false,
		"PersonalSettingsNumberOfMostViewedPages": 50,
		"PersonalSettingsPeriodForLastViewedPages": "year"
	"manifest_version": 1


In includes/Hooks.php:

class ExampleExtensionHooks extends Hooks {

	public static function onGetPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) {

		global $wgPersonalSettingsEnabledPageId, $PersonalSettingsNumberOfMostViewedPages, $PersonalSettingsPeriodForLastViewedPages;

		$your_new_extensions_section = 'exampleextension';

		// A checkbox
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-pageid';
		$preferences_default = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$wgPersonalSettingsEnabledPageId );
		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'toggle',
			'label-message' => 'hitcounters-pageid-label',
			'default' => $preferences_default,
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// An int input box
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages';
		$preferences_default = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$PersonalSettingsNumberOfMostViewedPages );
		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'int',
			'help-message' => 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-help',
			'label-message' => 'hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-label',
			'maxLength' => 4,
			'default' => $preferences_default,
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// A select box
		$ctx = RequestContext::getMain();
		$preferences_key = 'hitcounters-periodforlastviewedpages';
		$key_base = 'hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular';

		// Ensure that 'default' is always the 1st array item
		$preferences_default = $period = $PersonalSettingsPeriodForLastViewedPages;
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray = [ $itemDisplayName => $period ];

		$period = 'week';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$period = 'month';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$period = 'year';
		$itemDisplayName = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$period" )->text();
		$itemArray[$itemDisplayName] = $period;

		$usersItem = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$preferences_default );

		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'select',
			'options' => $itemArray,
			'default' => $usersItem,
			'label-message' => "$preferences_key-label",
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section

		// A set of radio buttons. Notice that in the 'options' array,
		// the keys are the text (not system messages), and the values are the HTML values.
		// They keys/values might be the opposite of what you expect. PHP's array_flip()
		// can be helpful here.
		$preferences_key = 'exampleextension-exampleselect';
		$key_base = 'exampleextension-select';
		$itemKey1 = 'choice1';
		$itemName1 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey1" )->text();
		$itemKey2 = 'choice2';
		$itemName2 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey2" )->text();
		$itemKey3 = 'choice3';
		$itemName3 = $ctx->msg( "$key_base-$itemKey3" )->text();

		// A 'default' key is required, ...
		$preferences_default = $itemKey1;
		// ..., but respect user's choice!
		$usersItem = $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption(
						$preferences_default );

		$preferences[$preferences_key] = [
			'type' => 'radio',
			'help-message' => 'exampleextension-exampleselect-help', // a system message (optional)
			'label-message' => 'exampleextension-exampleselect-label', // a system message
			// Array of options. Key = text to display. Value = HTML <option> value.
			'options' => [
				$itemName1 => $itemKey1,
				$itemName2 => $itemKey2,
				$itemName3 => $itemKey3
			'default' => $usersItem,  // A 'default' key is required!
			'section' => $your_new_extensions_section
<!-- [...] -->


In i18n/en.json:

	"exampleextension-select-help": "Put a help message here!",
	"exampleextension-select-label": "Select an item:",
	"exampleextension-select-choice1": "Pick me please",
	"exampleextension-select-choice2": "No, pick me!",
	"exampleextension-select-choice3": "Seriously, pick me right now",
	"hitcounters-pageid-label": "Show page ID",
	"hitcounters-numberofmostviewedpages-label": "Number of most viewed pages",
	"hitcounters-periodforlastviewedpages-label": "Period for last viewed pages:",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-week": "Most viewed pages in the current week",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-month": "Most viewed pages in the current month",
	"hitcounters-statistics-mostpopular-year": "Most viewed pages in the current year",