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Manual:Get zabbix reports for ClearCase Central Europe

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Zabbix reports for ClearCase Central Europe


Each month,graphs and reports are extracted from zabbix tool for statistic purposes. This wiki gives a way to fetch the relevant data from the different zabbix servers (collector). It concerns only ClearCase servers for central europe region

Data are fetched from 3 collectors:

  • Rennes
  • Le Mans
  • Grenoble



Only authorized users can access to the informations. Be sure that you have a zabbix account created to be able to access to the graphs and reports.

Selection of collector - Login

  1. Follow the link depending on the collector: | ClearCase servers from Rennes or | ClearCase servers from Le Mans or | ClearCase servers from Grenoble and Rabat
  2. Enter login name/password

How to fetch a graph

  1. Select the wanted graph at this place (after login with your account)
  2. Adjust the bar to select the period (e.g from 1st to last day of the month)
  3. Save the graph as a picture to copy it in your document

How to fetch availability reports

  1. Select Report/Availability reports (after login with your account)
  2. Select Mode--> By Host
  3. In the filter, select the date and the host
  4. In the table search for: {Hostname} has just restarted and ALBD server is down on {Hostname} then you get % of time with problem/ok/unknown
  5. Repeat previous step for all the ClearCase servers monitored.

Links to graphs


Rennes servers


Memory used by CCase process - Rennes

Job duration (in seconds) - Rennes

CC licenses used - Total number of licenses -Rennes

Vob/View disk occupation - Rennes

Le Mans servers


Memory used by CCase process - Le Mans

Nb of CC licenses used / Total number of licenses - Le Mans

CCase Job duration - Le Mans

Vob disk occupation - Le Mans

View disk occupation - Le Mans

Grenoble servers


Memory used by CCase process - Grenoble

CC licenses used - Total number of licenses - Grenoble

Nb of CC users versus Total number of used licenses - Grenoble

Ccase Job duration - Grenoble

Vob disk occupation - Grenoble

View disk occupation - Grenoble

Rabat servers


Memory used by CCase process - Rabat

CCase Job duration - Rabat

Nb of CC users versus total Number of used licenses - Rabat

Vob disk occupation - Rabat

View disk occupation - Rabat