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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Extensions and the translation is 43% complete.

Sebuah ekstensi memodifikasi bagaimana tampilan dan kinerja MediaWiki.

Dimana beberapa ekstensi dipelihara oleh pengembang MediaWiki, yang lainnya juga di buat oleh pengembang pihak ketiga. Hasilnya, banyak masalah, dan itu tidak semua terjamin kompatibel dengan yang lainnya. Beberapa yang tidak dipelihara; tidak semua ekstensi bekerja dengan semua versi MediaWiki. Menggunakan banyak ekstensi, bilamana berlabel tidak aman, maka akan beresiko. Jika kamu menggunakan ekstensi yang memerlukan tambalan ke inti perangkat lunak, pastikan Anda mencadangkan basis data. Bantuan ini mengurangi resiko kegagalan wiki Anda.

Jenis ekstensi

Tag parser

Tag Parser memperluas markup wiki bawaan dengan kemampuan tambahan, baik pemrosesan string sederhana, atau pencarian informasi lengkap.

Fungsi parser

Parser functions are special wiki markup syntax that can 'interact' with other wiki elements in the page, and give a specific output.


Hooks allow custom code to be executed when some defined event (such as saving a page or a user logging in) occurs.

Halaman istimewa

Halaman istimewa adalah Halaman yang dibuat oleh perangkat lunak sesuai kebutuhan untuk melakukan fungsi khusus.


Skins allow users to customise the look and feel of MediaWiki.

Kata ajaib

Magic words are a technique for mapping a variety of wiki text strings to a single ID that is associated with a function.


MediaWiki provides an action API, a web service that allows access to some wiki-features like authentication, page operations, and search.

Model konten halaman

The ContentHandler introduced in MediaWiki 1.21 makes it possible for wiki pages to be composed of data other than wikitext, such as JSON or Markdown.


MediaWiki provides SessionManager and AuthManager, two authentication-related frameworks to enhance security via custom authentication mechanisms.

Finding extensions

Menemukan ekstensi

Anda dapat mencari Kategori:Ekstensi menurut kategori untuk melihat kriteria lengkap ekstensi yang sudah dibuat. Untuk informasi tentang menginstal ekstensi-ekstensi tersebut atau menulisnya sendiri, lihat di bawah ini.

Memeriksa ekstensi terpasang

Only someone with administration access to the filesystem (and often the database too) on a server can install extensions for MediaWiki, but anyone can check which extensions are active on an instance of MediaWiki by accessing the Special:Version page. For example, these extensions are active in the English Wikipedia.

There are a number of ways of finding popular extensions.

The first set is those that are bundled with MediaWiki (a list that is reviewed regularly, and to which anyone can suggest an addition).

Extensions that are downloaded from MediaWiki.org via the ExtensionDistributor mechanism have some statistics gathered. The top 15 most downloaded extensions are listed at Special:ExtensionDistributor, and applicable extensions have their download count shown in their infobox. Note that these numbers do not account for alternate ways of installing extensions, such as via Git or Composer.

A third option is to look at WikiApiary 's counts of wikis that extensions are installed on. This has the advantage of representing actual installations and not just downloads (i.e. it queries the wiki's APIs), but it is also (as of 2023) not completely up to date. It also doesn't count installations on private wikis.

Memasang ekstensi

For further guidance, see also Manual:Extensions/Installation and upgrade

MediaWiki is ready to accept extensions just after installation is finished. To add an extension follow these steps:

  1. Sebelum Anda mulai
    Many extensions provide instructions designed for installation using Unix commands. You require shell access (SSH) to enter these commands listed on the extension help pages.
  2. Unduh ekstensi Anda.
    Extension Distributor helps you to select and download most of the popular extensions.
    Extensions are usually distributed as modular packages. They generally go in their own subdirectory of $IP /extensions/. A list of extensions stored in the Wikimedia Git repository is located at git:mediawiki/extensions. Some extensions don't use version control and are not recommended.
    Some extensions are also available in bundles, composer or package repositories.
    It's recommended to read the README file before installation. It usually contains important info about configuration.
  3. Pasang ekstensi Anda.
    At the end of the LocalSettings.php file, add:
    wfLoadExtension( 'ExtensionName' );
    This line forces the PHP interpreter to read the extension file, and thereby make it accessible to MediaWiki.
    Some extensions can conflict with maintenance scripts, for example if they directly access $_SERVER (not recommended).
    In this case they can be wrapped in the conditional so maintenance scripts can still run.
    if ( !$wgCommandLineMode ) {
       wfLoadExtension ( 'ExtensionName' );
    The maintenance script importDump.php will fail for any extension which requires customised namespaces which is included inside the conditional above such as Ekstensi:Semantic MediaWiki , Extension:Page Forms .
Ensure that required permissions are set for extensions!
While this installation procedure is sufficient for most extensions, some require a different installation procedure. Check your extension's documentation for details.
If you want to alter configuration variables in LocalSettings.php, you have to do this typically after including the extension. Otherwise defaults defined in the extension will overwrite your settings.

Memperbarui ekstensi

Some extensions require to be updated whenever you update MediaWiki, while others work with multiple versions. To upgrade to a new version of an extension:

  1. Download the new version of the extension
  2. Replace all the extension files in the extensions/ExtensionName directory with the new files. Do not remove the extension configuration present in LocalSettings.php
  3. If the extension requires changes to the MediaWiki database, you will need to run the update.php maintenance script. Most extensions will mention if this script needs to be run or not. (Perform backup of your data before executing the script). If you don't have command line access, you can also use the web updater.
These instructions cover 99% of extensions. If the specific extension you are upgrading has instructions that differ from these, you should probably follow the specific extension's instructions

Melepas ekstensi

Remove the line from LocalSettings.php with the extension name to uninstall it:

wfLoadExtension( 'ExtensionName' );
  • You must remove any lines pertaining to the configuration of the extension.

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