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매뉴얼:사용자 차단

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Block and unblock and the translation is 23% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

관리자는 IP 주소와 사용자 계정을 글 편집, 파일 업로드, 문서 이동 등으로부터 차단, 또는 차단 해제할 수 있습니다.

MediaWiki handles blocks through an abstraction layer; extensions can add their own block types. The mechanism for creating/updating/removing blocks and how they are logged and listed are different for each block type; the mechanism for checking whether a user is blocked, preventing blocked actions and informing the user is unified.

Standard blocking interface

사용자 차단은 특수 문서 Special:Block 양식을 통해서 이루어집니다. 다음은 사용자를 차단하는 방법입니다:

  1. 차단되어야 하는 IP 주소, 또는 사용자를 명시합니다. 특수 문서 양식의 'IP 주소, 사용자 이름 또는 차단 ID:' 칸에 차단되어야 하는 IP 주소나 사용자를 입력합니다. 여기서 주의할 점은, 존재하지 않은 사용자도 차단이 가능하므로, 사용자자 칸에 잘못된 이름을 입력하지 않도록 하는 것입니다. 당신은 또한 도움말:대역 차단 를 통하여 IP 대역을 차단할 수도 있습니다.
  2. Specify the parameters of the block. Select the actions that the block target should be prevented from completing. A 사이트 전체 block prevents the block target from editing all pages on the wikis, while a 부분 block prevents the block target from editing the specified pages and/or pages inside the specified namespaces.
  3. 차단 기한을 지정합니다. '기한:' 상자를 클릭함으로서 차단 기한을 선택할 수 있습니다. 또는, GNU standard format을 이용하여 "다른 기한" 칸에 기한을 직접 입력할 수도 있습니다. 만일 기한을 '무기한'으로 설정할 경우 그 차단은 몇 년이 지나도 만료되지 않을 것입니다. 그러나, 다른 관리자에 의하여 차단이 해제될 수는 있습니다.
  4. 차단 사유 명시하기 (선택 사항) 차단 사유를 적을 경우, 차단된 사용자가 편집을 시도할 때 그 사용자에게 그 이유와 함께 편집 제한 창이 보여질 것입니다.

차단을 적용하기 위해 "사용자 차단"을 클릭합니다. 모든 차단은 차단 기록에 기록될 것이며, 현재 유효한 차단 목록 역시 차단 목록에 나열되어 있을 것입니다.

Note that in addition to manually entering the IP address or user account to be blocked into Special:Block, you may also follow the "사용자 차단" link from the toolbox in the sidebar when viewing the "User" or "User talk" page of the IP address or user account. You can also click on the "차단" link next following an IP address or user account name in the recent changes list or the page history.

차단 옵션

미디어위키 버전:

Several extra blocking options were added in version 1.8 of MediaWiki, which are enabled by checking a check box on the blocking form.

Block anonymous users only (also called softblocking)
This option changes the effect of a block when blocking an IP address. When it is enabled, the block will only affect anonymous users editing from that IP address; registered users editing from that IP address will not be affected. The option has no effect on a block of a registered user, but does on an autoblock caused by it.
계정 만들기 금지
This option changes the effect of a block when blocking a user or an IP address. When it is enabled, the registration of new user accounts from that IP address will be disabled while the block is in effect. However, this can be bypassed by creating an account on another wiki and visiting the wiki where the block is active, as global accounts automatically create local accounts on wikis the first time they are visited by the user. However, the bypassing can be prevented by a global ban that prevents account creation.
Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent addresses they try to edit from (also called hardblocking)
This option changes the effect of a block when blocking a registered user account. When it is enabled, the IP address most recently used by the account, and any IP addresses that the account subsequently attempts to edit from will be automatically blocked.

Partial blocks

미디어위키 버전:

Since MediaWiki 1.33, it is possible to prohibit the block target from making changes only to the specified pages and/or all pages in namespaces. If a page is moved, the restriction will be switched to the new title. Currently non-existent ("redlink") pages cannot be blocked, and setting multiple overlapping blocks with different expiration dates is not supported.

In MediaWiki 1.33 and 1.34, partial block is disabled by default. It may be enabled by setting $wgEnablePartialBlocks = true.

미디어위키 버전:

Since MediaWiki 1.35, partial blocks are always enabled and cannot be disabled. You may hide partial blocks form elements by adding some JS or CSS to user or site common.js/common.css. This does not disable partial blocks which may still be set via API.

차단 해제

An IP address or registered user account can be unblocked via the list of active blocks. Find the IP address or registered user account you wish to unblock in the list (you can enter the address or name in the "차단된 사용자 찾기" field to help you find the entry), and click the "차단 해제" link displayed to the right of the block's expiry time.

This will lead you to a confirmation page. Enter the reason for unblocking (optional) in the "이유:" field, and click "차단 해제" to remove the block. All unblockings are recorded in the block log.

Note that if a range is blocked, then the unblock must cover the whole range to be effective. Attempting to unblock an individual IP address in the range will not be effective.

차단의 효과

When $wgBlockDisablesLogin is enabled, blocked users are locked out of their account entirely. This is mainly meant for private wikis which need a mechanism to revoke reading privileges once a user is not active anymore.

차단당한 사용자는 여전히 문서를 읽을 수 있지만, 문서를 생성, 편집, 이동할 수 없으며 파일도 업로드할 수 없습니다. Partially blocked users may not edit the particular pages or namespaces specified in their block, but may create, edit or move other pages, and may upload files. Users with certain other user rights may not be able to use those rights when they are blocked, depending on their block. 예를 들어, 문서를 삭제, 복원, 보호, 보호 해제할 권한이 있는 사용자는 차단당했을 때 그 권한을 사용할 수 없게 됩니다. If they are partially blocked, then for any page they are not blocked from, they will still be able to perform these actions. 그러나 사용자를 차단 및 차단 해제 할 수있는 권한이있는 사용자는 unblock-self 권한이있는 경우 자신의 계정에 대한 차단을 포함하여 차단 된 경우에도 그렇게 할 수 있습니다.

차단된 사용자가 문서 편집(또는 문서 이동이나 파일 업로드)을 시도하면 차단당했음을 알리는 "당신의 계정이나 IP 주소가 차단되었습니다" 메시지를 보게 됩니다.

만약 자동 차단 옵션이 활성화되어 있고 차단된 사용자가 편집(또는 문서 이동이나 파일 업로드)을 시도하면 그 사용자가 사용하는 IP 주소도 차단될 것입니다.

The configuration options below can be set in LocalSettings.php and can be used to enable or disable certain aspects of the blocking interface.

  • $wgAutoblockExpiry - "자동 차단된" IP 주소의 차단이 만료되기 위해 필요한 시간을 제어합니다. 기본값은 86400초(1일)입니다.
  • $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit - 차단된 사용자가 자신의 사용자토론 문서를 편집 가능한지의 여부를 제어합니다. This is currently (1.26+) true by default. The ability to disable the ability of a blocked user to edit their own user talk page, when this variable is true, is an option available in Special:Block.
  • The blockemail user right controls the ability for sysops to prevent users from using the Special:EmailUser interface.
  • $wgBlockDisablesLogin - 차단된 사용자의 로그인 허용 여부를 제어합니다. 기본값은 false입니다.
  • $wgCookieSetOnAutoblock - (1.29+) determines whether to set a cookie when a user is autoblocked. Doing so means that a blocked user, even after logging out and moving to a new IP address, will still be blocked. 기본값은 false입니다.
  • The hideuser user right controls the ability for sysops to prevent a blocked user from appearing in the block log, the active block list, and the user list.

Default block duration options

To change the default options listed in the "Expiration" drop-down menu, edit the page MediaWiki:ipboptions. The options are stored as a comma-separated list of "label:value" strings, for example 6 hours:6 hours,infinite:infinite. To have three options listed in Spanish, the page could include 6 horas:6 hours,2 días:2 days,para siempre:infinite.

The default duration is "other". To specify another default duration, edit the page MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry and enter the value you want. Note that you must write the value and not the label, if you were using the Spanish example listed above, MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry should be infinite (the value) and not para siempre (the label).

미디어위키 버전:

To specify a default duration for anonymous users, edit the page MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry-ip and enter the value you want. Using the Spanish example listed above, you could write 2 days (the value) but not 2 días (the label).

Interface messages

URL 매개변수

미디어위키 버전:

Special:Block accepts some URL parameters to prepopulate the HTML form:

  • wpTarget - 사용자 이름/IP 주소
  • wpEditingRestriction - the type of block restriction (=sitewide or =partial)
  • wpPageRestrictions - the pages to block (only applies for partial blocks; separate multiple pages with %0A; maximum 10 pages)
  • wpNamespaceRestrictions - IDs of the namespaces to block (only applies for partial blocks; separate multiple namespaces with %0A; see API:차단 for a list of blockable namespace IDs)
  • wpExpiry - 만료 시간
  • wpAutoBlock - 자동 차단 설정 (=1 또는 =0)
  • wpHardBlock - hard block setting (=1 or =0)
  • wpCreateAccount - 계정 만들기 금지 (=1 또는 =0)
  • wpReason - reason, from selection of MediaWiki:Ipbreason-dropdown
  • wpReason-other - prepopulating "other reason" text field



All types of blocks are stored in the block table. Older versions of MediaWiki (before 1.42) used the ipblocks table instead, but stored user account blocks there as well. Only currently active blocks are stored here. To see old blocks, check the logging table. ipb_address is a string and can be a username, an IP address, or blank. ipb_user contains the user_id of the blocked user. Here is how to filter for different kinds of blocks:

  • The data on who was blocked is stored in the block_target table, keyed by bl_target_id.
    • User blocksWHERE bt_user != 0
    • IP address blocksWHERE bt_user IS NULL AND bt_range_end = ''
    • IP address range blocksWHERE bt_range_end != ''
  • Who blocked them?
    • Auto blocksWHERE bl_parent_block_id IS NULL OR bl_parent_block_id = 0
    • Admin blocks – WHERE bl_by_actor = 1234 (replace number with user ID of the blocking admin)
  • What are they blocked from?
    • Partial blocksWHERE bl_by_actor = 0
    • Full blocks (not a partial block) – WHERE bl_by_actor = 1
  • How long are they blocked?
    • Blocks that are indefiniteWHERE bl_expiry = 'infinity'
    • Blocks that expireWHERE bl_expiry != 'infinity'

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