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From mediawiki.org
Wiki farm: $wgWikiFarmSiteDetector
Callback to use to determine the name of the requested site for the current request.
Introduced in version:1.38.0 (Gerrit change 776195; git #84cb4ae0)
Removed in version:1.39.0 (Gerrit change 787788; git #90ccce64)
Allowed values:Unspecified
Default value:null
Warning Warning: EXPERIMENTAL!



Callback to use to determine the name of the requested site for the current request. Per default, a method built into WikiFarmSettingsLoader is used, which will try to determine the wiki name based on the WIKI_NAME environment variable (if set), or the requested (virtual) host.

Must return a string or null. The return value is used together with the WikiFarmSettingsDirectory and WikiFarmSettingsExtension to construct the path of the settings file that holds site specific configuration for the requested site.

The global $wgRequest is not yet available when this callback is called.