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Language Testing Plan/Translate Test Scenarios

From mediawiki.org

Automatic Browser Test Scenarios: Translate Extenstion

Feature: Translate editor area buttons


Scenario: Target translation language selection dialog
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor
	When I click the language name displayed next to the label ‘Translate to’
	Then the ULS language selection dialog should be displayed

Scenario: Target translation language selection dialog
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor, translating to Italian and I opened the target language selection ULS
	When I type "he" in the ULS search box and press Enter
	Then the label of the language changes to "עברית" and the messages are reloaded with translations to Hebrew

Scenario: Target translation language selection dialog
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor and I switched the target language from Italian to Hebrew
	When I open a message for translation
	Then the lang attribute of the translation textarea is "he" and its dir attribute is "rtl"

Scenario: Translate Edit area
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor in List View
	When I click on the ‘Edit’ link at the end of the row
	Then the Editing area will be opened

Scenario: Translate Edit area
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor in List View
	When I click on the ‘Edit’ link at the end of the row to open the editing area
	Then the ‘Paste source text’ button will be displayed at the bottom

Scenario: Translate Edit area
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor in List View
	When I click on the ‘Edit’ link at the end of the row to open the editing area
	Then the displayed ‘Paste source text’ button in an active state

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and have the editing area open
	When I click on the ‘Paste Source Text’ link
	Then the source message text will be copied into the edit input box, replacing any existing text

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View, have the editing area open and have content present in the input area
	When I click on the ‘Save Translation’ button
	Then the editing area of the next message should be opened

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View, and have the editing area
        When I click inside the editor area and write a character of text
	Then the ‘Save translation’ button should be activated

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and have the editing area open
	When I click on the ‘Paste Source Text’ link and copy the source message into the edit input box
	Then the ‘Save translation’ button should be activated

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and have the editing area open on a message that was not translated before
	When I click on the message key above the editing area
	A menu opens with one item - Translations

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and have the editing area open on a translated message
	When I click on the message key above the editing area
	A menu opens with two items - History and Translations

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and I opened the menu under the message key
	When I click on the "History" link
	The message history opens in a new browser tab

Scenario: Translate Editor 
	Given that I am logged in, within the Translate Editor in List View and I opened the menu under the message key
	When I click on the "Translations" link
	Special:Translations open in a new tab, showing translations of that message to other languages

Scenario: Translate Edit area
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor in List View
	When I click on the ‘Edit’ link at the end of the row to open the editing area
	Then the ‘Skip to next’ button should be activated

Scenario: Translate Edit area
	Given that I am logged in and within the Translate Editor in List View
	When I click on the ‘Edit’ link at the end of the row to open the editing area
	Then a small arrow button pointing towards the right side of the screen should be displayed