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Inuka Annual plan 2023-24/dtp

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Inuka Annual plan 2023-24 and the translation is 12% complete.

The Inuka team's work is guided by the Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, and specifically Product & Technology department's Objectives and Key Results. The Inuka team builds for audiences that have the ability to benefit from digital information and services in a format that fits their access patterns (see team principles ) hence we see ways for the Inuka team to contribute to Future Audiences bucket . We expect to split our time between committed work and hypothesis testing for the potential proposed hypothesis. More details follow soon.

Committed work

Product Potential plans
Wikistories for Wikipedia Monitoring organic growth while making sure the tool is fit for use.
Wikipedia preview Potential research on the current preview experience to inform further improvements of the preview experience

Potential Annual Priorities

Bucket Objective Key result Inuka Team Hypothesis
Future Audiences

FA2: Tiis Hipotesis

To validate or invalidate potential strategies for the future, starting with a focus on third party content platforms

1. Test a hypothesis aimed at reaching global youth audiences where they are on leading third party content platforms, to increase their awareness and engagement with Wikimedia projects as consumers and as contributors
  • 1st hypothesis: If we offered automated, human-reviewed, visual article summaries generated from Wikipedia articles as an alternative reading experience for younger readers and have them indexed by viable search platforms (Google, Tiktok), we would be able to test whether their interactions with our content & projects would increase the number of page views.
  • 2nd hypothesis; If we offered a wikipedia subscription service through a chat-based platforms (Whatsapp, Telegram etc), that sends daily reading recommendations in the form of articles/ summaries to younger readers, we would be able to test whether this type of experience with Wikipedia content would increase the number of page views. Reading recommendations would be sent directly to a group of readers to gauge their preferences by topic, platform, time of delivery, content formats etc. The impact of this test would be measured by how readers interact with the service from the number of opt-ins, recommendation preferences, CTR and subsequent page views.

Pibarasan Komuniti

Fokus do pibarasan tinimungan kokomoi Future Audiences

A few members of the Inuka team attended Future Audiences Focus group discussion with community members. The call was intended to kick off a conversation about how the Future Audiences group at WMF is thinking about experimentation and future exploration, and to begin co-creating a strategy for sharing experimental insights with the broader movement. The focus group call was scheduled for 5rd May 2023, from 16:00 to 17:00 UTC. The call aimed to discuss the following questions around community communications:

1. How to experiment in new areas in a way that communities can be enthusiastic about?

2. How/where to publicize new experiments and ideas?

3. How/where to share lessons learned?

4. How/where to share research on possible future states and invite community participation?