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Improved Mobile Device Detection/status

From mediawiki.org

Last update on: 2012-08-16



Patrick, Tomasz, and Diederik had their kick off meeting. Next steps are to do simple JS based device collection in LABS



Patrick and Diederik agreed on setting up a test instance for preliminary data collection


  • First proof of concept finished: stores data in db and uses javascript from devicemap to detect some capabilities
  • We will probably use modernzr.js for more extensive capability detection



Diederik van Liere and Patrick Reilly defined the specifications and built an early prototype for the Apache Device Map project. Over the next months, we'll use it for simple data collection.



created proof of concept DeviceMapLogCapture located at: /mediawiki/extensions/DeviceMapLogCapture.git



Diederik van Liere and Patrick Reilly continued our work on integration with the Apache Device Map project.



Project is committed in repo and ready for testing needs work to be able to be used on our cluster. Closing out this project as we've wrapped up dev.