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Introducing new icons

Hooman Mallahzadeh (talkcontribs)

Hi all. How we can introduce new icons for the marker of mapframes? Thanks,

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Phoenix7777 (talkcontribs)

Why is there a huge space between the List of icons and Sizes section?

Reply to "Huge space"
Santasa99 (talkcontribs)

Icon for the buildings representing power-stations, where the generators are situated, could be more than useful. Any chance we get this icon?

Mkouklis(2) (talkcontribs)
Santasa99 (talkcontribs)

I should have been more specific - I meant hydro power-stations. We do have dose little lightning icons for the generators and dam-icons for the dams, but the buildings where the generators are situated are without icons.

Reply to "Power-station"
JMF (talkcontribs)

The icon for "hospital" is needlessly religious. It would be more appropriate to use a religiously neutral and widely recognised symbol: the Star of Life. Unfortunately that is (a) copyright and (b) too complicated for an icon. So I want to propose a close analogue: <big>✱</big> (U+2731 ✱ HEAVY ASTERISK).

To understand how the current icon looks from non-Christian perspective, see the Red Cross and Red Crescent symbols.

What needs to happen for this proposal to be adopted?

Mkouklis(2) (talkcontribs)
JMF (talkcontribs)

True but surely it is far too complex to use as an icon, especially a map icon where it has to fit in the "tennis racket" symbol?

Of course if someone is willing to develop it and see the effect, go right ahead. The 'heavy asterisk' is plan B. --JMF (talk) 23:30, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

Reply to "Icon for hospital"
Hooman Mallahzadeh (talkcontribs)

Hi, no icon exists for "Lake". Please add it, Thanks

Reply to "Icon for lake"

Hi, can we create icons that are numbered, like an icon "1", and "2", etc.? This would be helpful for maps with multiple points on them.

CKoerner (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Yes, the "marker-symbol" property accepts numbers between 1 and 99. e.x.: "marker-symbol": "81",

San Francisco museums
Romaine (talkcontribs)

In the Maki set there is an icon i, can this be added too to the Kartographer icons set?

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

Hi - I'm not sure about the technical feasibility of this, but can more icons be added or changed? My input:

  • The synagogue icon should resemble common synagogue icons (more easily identifiable)
  • The library icon would look better if it incorporated a building and a book/books, see two of these
  • There are no icons for hotels, bridges, apartment/office buildings/skyscrapers, fire stations? Definitely more prominent to be used on Wikipedia maps than about half of these!


TheDJ (talkcontribs)

We are currently pinned to an older version of the maki icons. Mostly because there has been no real definition of what icon names should be supported (perpetually) and because there isn't a dedicated team working on maps.


Okay but does that prevent anyone with the technical ability from seeing these suggestions and implementing any?

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

who would be these magical people ? :D


One can hope. Someone was evidently capable of creating most of this, so I'll hope someone qualified reads it before it gets archived...


I suppose updating these icons to the current Maki icons would solve some, but not all of these. I posted to GitHub for the rest...


I posted to the Maki forum with more details, even if it looks like this won't be updated. See https://github.com/mapbox/maki/issues/483

This also really needs icons for elevators and stairs, for articles like the High Line.

Rehman (talkcontribs)

It would also be great if the icons could be directly shown, rather than inside the 3D placemark thing. I'd like to simply have a 2D circle/spot on the map, rather than a 3D placemark with whatever icon in it...


It's upsetting we have icons for 'mobile phone', 'wastebasket', 'ricket', 'scooter', and 'pharmacy', things that I don't see used on Wikipedia or really any wiki spaces, while we don't have the immensely, immediately useful 'bridge' or 'skyscraper'...

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

And done.. thanks to WMDE


Awesome. I think this solves most of my presented issues.

New Icons for Wikipedia:WikiProject Geography

Dasnusantara (talkcontribs)

Hi there, we need some new icons which are not available in the latest version, for our "Wikipedia:WikiProject Geography."

Iconic for "oxbow lake" - U-shaped bodies of water formed when river meanders cut meanders, creating a horseshoe-shaped curved lake.

Icon for "confluence of rivers" - refers to the point where two or more rivers meet and flow together.

Icon for the headwaters where the water originates.

and so on related to the topic of the project.

Thank You

Reply to "New Icons for Wikipedia:WikiProject Geography"
Romaine (talkcontribs)

Please make it possible to manually select letters, instead of only having them automatically. With numbers this is possible, with letters not...

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