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مساعدة:قائمة المراقبة

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Watchlist and the translation is 13% complete.
PD ملاحظة: بتعديلك هذه الصفحة فإنك توافق على وضع مساهمتك في الملكية العامة وفق CC0. راجع صفحات مساعدة الملكية العامة للمزيد من المعلومات. PD

Your watchlist is a display for tracking changes, similar to the أحدث التغييرات display, but limited to showing changes only across your set of "watched" pages. You can see your watchlist by following the "قائمة المراقبة" link in your account menu (on the top right). This feature is only available to users who have registered and logged in.

إضافة صفحات إلى قائمة المراقبة

Before you see anything interesting here, you have to actually add some pages to your watchlist. Do so by navigating to a page that interests you, and click the star icon أضف هذه الصفحة إلى قائمة مراقبتك (or "راقب" tab).

A page already in your watchlist will be marked with a blue star (أزل هذه الصفحة من قائمة مراقبتك or "أوقف المراقبة" tab).

If you want to remove pages from your watchlist, click on the blue star icon أزل هذه الصفحة من قائمة مراقبتك (or "أوقف المراقبة" tab).

Watchlist Expiry

You can optionally select to watch a page for a temporary period of time. Once the watch period has expired, the page will be automatically removed from your watchlist. You can update the watch period at any time, including switching from temporary to permanent status. Temporarily watched pages are usually represented by a half star (as opposed to a full star, which represents permanently watched pages). For documentation on how to use the feature, please visit Help:Watchlist expiry .

لماذا قائمة المراقبة

The watchlist feature is mainly useful on a very busy wiki where the "أحدث التغييرات" display becomes too overwhelming with many changes you don't want to follow. On a typical low traffic wiki, you can normally see all of the editing activity across the whole wiki without feeling overwhelmed. On a more busy wiki you will find that many edits are taking place on pages which you personally find less interesting. To help track changes which are more interesting, start watching pages!

Typically you would watch pages related to your interest areas, and also pages where you care most about the content. If you make a significant edit to a page, you might want to watch the page (so you know when there are any follow-up edits). Note that there is a also a checkbox on the edit screen ("راقب هذه الصفحة") for this purpose.

Your watchlist is personal. You can watch any page you want. That choice will remain private.

استخدم قائمة مراقبتك

On the watchlist display, some page names appear in bold. This indicates whether or not you have visited the page to see the change. It's a bit like read/unread emails in an email inbox. The "أحدث التغييرات" display will also have some new bold highlighting, but for a different reason. Here bold is just indicating edits to pages on your watchlist.

You can combine different kinds of filters to display the results you want.

إشعارات الإيميل

According to the relevant preferences, changes to pages you watch may also be notified to you by email. The main preference for this is "أرسل إلي رسالة إلكترونية عند تعديل صفحة أو ملف في قائمة مراقبتي".

After receiving an email notification for a page, you have to visit the page while logged in if you want to be notified of further changes to the same page.

Watchlist feed with token

You can set up an RSS or Atom feed of your watchlist that is accessible even when logged out:

  • If you would prefer an Atom feed rather than an RSS one, add "&feedformat=atom" to the Link of your feed.
  • To further customise your watchlist feed add different parameters to the link, see API:Watchlist_feed .

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