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도움말:사용자 권한과 사용자 그룹

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:User rights and groups and the translation is 17% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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사용자 권한사용자 그룹은 MediaWiki의 사용자 권한 시스템user permissions system의 중추입니다.

User rights give you permission to do certain tasks—for example, the edit right allows you to edit unprotected pages, and the delete right allows you to delete pages. User rights are bundled into user groups, which correspond to the various roles on the wiki—for example, 사용자, 관리자, and 봇.

All users on a wiki belong to the "사용자" group by default. 특권을 부여받은 사용자들(보통은 사무관)은 사용자들을 하나 이상의 추가적인 사용자 그룹에 배정할 수 있습니다.

당신의 위키에서 사용자 권한과 사용자 그룹

기본적으로, MediaWiki의 위키들은 아래와 같은 사용자 그룹들을 갖습니다:

  • (모두) – 로그인을 하지 않은 방문자들을 포함하는, 당신의 위키 사이트를 방문하는 모든 방문자들에게 적용
  • 사용자 – 로그인한 모든 사용자들에게 적용
  • 자동 인증된 사용자 – certain thresholds를 만족하는 모든 로그인한 사용자들에게 적용
  • bots에 할당되어, 사용자들이 최근 수정 목록이나 주시 목록에서 봇 편집을 감추도록 허용
  • 관리자 can be assigned to trusted users, giving them permission to perform key administrative tasks such as deletion, user blocking, page protection, and editing the interface
  • 사무관 – can be assigned to trusted users, giving them permission to assign/revoke user groups
  • 기록보호자 – a group that has permission to suppress (hide) and delete unwanted page revisions and log entries
  • 인터페이스 관리자 – a group that has permission to edit CSS- and JavaScript-defining wiki pages

The first three groups are "implicit" groups, which are assigned to users automatically as required. Only the last five groups can be manually assigned or revoked.

The Special:ListGroupRights special page lists the user groups that exist on a wiki, and lists the rights that are assigned to those groups.

Checking your user groups

To check which user groups your account belongs to, do one of the following:

  • Go to Special:UserRights, enter your username in the box, click "사용자 그룹 불러오기", and view the groups you belong to.

The latter two techniques can also be used to view the user groups of other users.

For regular users, the "사용자 그룹을 보기" section in the Special:UserRights page is read-only.

A users group appears as read-only to a regular user.

Modifying the way user rights and groups are set up

To create new user groups or change the rights that are assigned to a group, it is necessary to change the wiki's configuration, which can only be done by server administrators. Contact your site's server administrator for more information, or visit 매뉴얼:유저 권한 .

Assigning and revoking user groups

Adding and removing user groups is done using the Special:UserRights special page.

Granting bureaucrat rights

A demo of a bureaucrat attempting to add a user to the "bureaucrat" group by checking the box next to "bureaucrat". The permission is set to expire after 1 day.

Granting administrator rights

A demo of an bureaucrat attempting to add a user to the "administrator" group by checking the box next to "administrator". The permission is set to expire after 1 day.

Unchangeable user rights

The "bureaucrat" and "administrator" rights have already been granted and cannot be changed in this screenshot. This configuration, where admin and above rights can be granted but not removed locally, is used on most Wikimedia wikis.


After a user's groups are changed, the logs are available in the "User rights log" section of the Special:UserRights page.

The User rights logs of a user after a user is added to the "bureaucrat" group.

If you would like to join a new group or leave one you are already in, contact a bureaucrat on your wiki. A list of bureaucrats can be found at Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat.

You will be able to assign or revoke user groups when at least one of the following applies:

  • You belong to a user group with the userrights right.

This right is assigned to bureaucrats on most wikis.

  • You belong to a user group that is specifically allowed to add and/or remove a specific set of user groups.
  • You are viewing Special:UserRights for your own account, and you belong to a user group that has permission to assign user groups to your own account only.

See the page Manual:Setting user groups in MediaWiki for further details.

User group expiry

미디어위키 버전:

A user may be assigned to a user group for a limited duration. This can be done by selecting a duration from the "기한:" drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can select "다른 시간:" and enter your own time period in the box. Relative periods like "10 weeks", as well as absolute dates or times like "2020-12-31", are accepted.

When the expiry time arrives, the user is no longer considered to be a member of that group. No log entry is written at that time, similar to what happens when a user's block or a page's protection expires.

If you have permission to add a certain user group, but not to remove it, you may only move that group's expiry time further into the future (that is, lengthen the user's membership of that group). This is to prevent the circumvention of restrictions on removing groups by changing the expiry to (say) 1 second. When this restriction exists, the "#" symbol appears next to the name of the user group.

이 사용자의 권한을 바꿀 수 있습니다.

  • 사용자는 체크 표시가 있는 권한을 갖습니다.
  • 사용자는 체크 표시가 없는 권한을 갖지 않습니다.
  • * 표시는 권한을 주거나 거두는 것 중 하나만 할 수 있다는 뜻입니다.
  • # 표시는 사용자 권한의 만료일을 늦출 수만 있다는 뜻입니다; 만료일을 앞당길 수는 없습니다.

See also