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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Transclusion and the translation is 10% complete.
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A transclusión é un termo xeralizado de MediaWiki para a inclusión de contido nunha páxina empregando as marcas de chave dobre "{{}}". En xeral, as transclusións máis habituais son as de modelos, páxinas noutros espazos de nomes, palabras máxicas, saída de funcións analíticas, algunhas páxinas especiais etc.

Target page syntax

Basic use

To transclude a page, include both the namespace and the page name (separated with a colon) within the double-brace:


When transcluding a template, you may omit the namespace and colon:


When transcluding an article in the Main namespace, you may omit the namespace:


When transcluding a subpage of the target page, you may use the subpage name by itself:



Transcluded templates and special pages may accept parameters:

{{note|inline|This is a note.}}

Source page syntax

Three tags (‎<noinclude>, ‎<includeonly>, and ‎<onlyinclude>) control which content appears in the target page.


Content within the ‎<noinclude>...‎</noinclude> tags is excluded from transclusion on the target page. This content still appears on the source page.

Source page wikitext What appears on the source page What appears on the target page
Hello <noinclude>world</noinclude> Hello world Hello
Content within the ‎<includeonly>...‎</includeonly> tags is transcluded on the target page, but does not appear on the source page. Other content is also transcluded.
Source page wikitext What appears on the source page What appears on the target page
Hello <includeonly>world</includeonly> Hello Hello world
Content within the ‎<onlyinclude>...‎</onlyinclude> tags is transcluded on the target page, and also appears on the source page. Other content is not transcluded.
Source page wikitext What appears on the source page What appears on the target page
Hello <onlyinclude>world</onlyinclude> Hello world world

See also