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Help:Tauk pages

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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Talk pages and the translation is 38% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
PD Myndin: Whan ye eedit this page, ye agree tae release yer contreebution unner the CC0. See The Publeec Domain Heelp Pages fer mair info. PD

Ilka wiki page haes aen associatit tauk page, that can be uised fer taukin n communicatin wi ither uisers. Tauk pages can be accessed bi clapin oan the “tauk” tab at the tap o the page. Simplie eedit the page aes normal tae add yer comment. Ae tauk page is actuallie fair siclike til onie ither wiki page, bit it's in the “Talk” namespace, tae keep it separate fae the airticles in the “(Main)” namespace (See Help:Namespaces .) Aes wi onie wiki page, ye can eedit it, link til it, n see the eeditin histerie.

For new beginners, talk pages may be confusing. Fortunately, some extensions are used to enhance talk pages. The DiscussionTools extension can make it easier to create and reply talk pages, and automatically sign your comments. StructuredDiscussions is another extension, which uses structured talk pages instead of ordinary talk pages.

Eeditin conventions oan tauk pages

Default configuration for Wikimedia wikis

Screenshot of the default talk pages experience

Wikimedia wikis use discussion tools as a default feature for talk pages. This tool allows users to start a topic and respond to comments in both visual and wikitext editing modes.

Pages in the main namespace have the prefix Talk: added at the beginning of its talk page title. For example, Talk:Download, Talk:Hosting services, etc. While pages in other namespaces start with the name of the namespace, then Talk:, before the pages title name. For example, User:Network-charles becomes User talk:Network-charles, Project:Sandbox becomes Project talk:Sandbox, etc.

Add a new topic by going to the discussion page and clicking on the box saying "Start a new topic". If the talk page is empty, an "Add topic" button at the top right corner of the page is used to create a topic.

Reply to a comment by clicking on "Reply" after the comment.

When adding a new topic, or responding to a given message, you can switch between "visual" and "wikitext" modes.

This tool automatically signs your messages.

You can also edit the wikitext of the page, as described below.

When using wikitext on talk pages

Haein discussions oan ae free-form wiki page will seem dfferant at first. It heelps gif awbodie follaes some simple eeditin conventions:

  • Always sign your name after your comments. Use the four tildes "~~~~" wiki syntax (or the signature button Signature button in the toolbar above the editing textbox). For more information see Help:Signaturs .
  • Start a new discussion with a == level 2 heading == at the bottom of the page (or use the "Add topic" button at the top right corner of the page).
  • Indent replies with colons (:) at the beginning of the line.


Here's aen example o ae tauk, follaein the tauk page conventions:

Wiki tex Rendered tauk page
== <code><nowiki>== Soup == </nowiki></code><br /> ==

<code><nowiki>Hou's the soup? --[[User:Example|Bob]] 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)</nowiki></code><br />

<code><nowiki>: It's wunnerfu!! --[[User:Example|Simon]] 11:21, 28 August 1991 (UTC)</nowiki></code><br />

<code><nowiki>:: Ah cuikt it masel! -- [[User:Example|Bob]] 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)</nowiki></code><br />

<code><nowiki>Ah think the soup-tauk shid be muived til [[Talk:Soup]].. -- [[User:Example|Lisa]] 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)</nowiki></code><br />

Hou's the soup? --Bob 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)[reply]

It's wunnerfu!! --Simon 11:21, 28 August 1991 (UTC)[reply]
Ah cuikt it masel! -- Bob 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)[reply]

Ah think the soup-tauk shid be muived til Talk:Soup.. -- Lisa 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)[reply]

When using talk pages

  • On a talk page, when contributors are discussing and mention "this page", they usually mean the main page it's connected to. If they mean the talk page itself, they'll say "this talk page" instead.
  • Always refer to the current page name when debating its title or discussing merging it with another page. This prevents ambiguity when the page is renamed (moved), as references to "this page name" would otherwise be unclear.
  • Spamming, which involves sending lots of similar messages to multiple users' talk pages to ask for something is not recommended.

Alternate conventions

We are aware that this most widespread convention is problematic for many reasons:

  • It generates invalid HTML structure by appropriation of the definition-list syntax;
  • It is fragile against table insertions;
  • There are no real paragraphs.

Some wikis are known to use * instead for the first problem mentioned above. Follow your local rules.

To avoid breaking complex formatting when replying, match what the comment you are replying to uses to indent, prepending one additional : or *.

Eeditin tauks

Haein tauks oan ae free-form wiki page will seem differant at first. It haes some advantages ower the conventional rigid forum format, bit it can get ae wee bit messie. Aes wi ither wiki pages, oniebodie can heelp wi tidiein up tauks, tae conform til the eeditin conventions, e.g., add signaturs n heidins whaur thay'r missin.

Clearlie we hae the opportunitie tae eedit ither fawk's comments ava. It is generallie bad eteequette tae modifie anither bodie's wairdin. (Better tae jist add yer ain comment wi yer corrections.) Bit it can be acceptable tae ...

Modifie the tauk heidins
Chynge wairdin or append wairds til the tauk heidins, tae better describe the topeec o the tauk. Mynd that guid descreepteeve heidins become important whan monie tauks stairt tae fil the page.
Muiv tauks til ae differant page
Gif tauks ar pit in the wrang steid oan the wiki, n ar better assoceeatit wi differant tauk page, than ye coud jist muiv the tauk bi cut & paste. This is potentiallie confusin, fer the fawk postin, bit can be important fer keepin things tidy. Ye coud lea the tauk in the wrang steid fer ae few days/weeks grace afore tidiein it. Ye coud lea ae link ahint explainin that ae tauk wis muived, or gif na, ye shid link wiin the eedit ootline.
If discussions are put in the wrong place on the wiki, and are better associated with different talk pages, then you could just move the discussion by cut & paste.

This is potentially confusing for the people posting, but it can be important for keeping things tidy. You could leave the discussion in the wrong place for a few days/weeks of grace before tidying it. You could leave a link behind explaining that a discussion was moved, or if not, you should link within the edit summary.

Delyte tauks whan thay'r oot-o-date
Tauks can aften get left lyin aroond oan ae tauk page lang efter the issue is nae langer reelavant. It's uissuallie ae guid idea tae replie til sayin "Ah think this is nou resolved", but sooner or later it's time tae jist blaw awa the auld tauks (thay ar o course preserved in the eeditin histerie).
Split ae post intil twa or mair tauks
It micht be guid tae dae this, gif somebodie haes raised several points that need tae be answered separatelie. Houever, ye shid aye be respectfu o ither fawk's wairds. Dis thair post still mak sense gif ye split it in twa?

Biggin airticles - Taukin aneat airticles

It's uissuallie best tae keep focused oan the task o biggin ae wiki airticle, n uise tauk pages yinlie tae heelp this process. The topeec o conversation shid generallie revolve aroond whit needs daein tae mak the associated airticle better. Mynd that eeditin the airticle itsel is aften ae mair effecteeve waa tae communeecate. It can be mair diffeecult, needin ye tae balance yer ideas alangside thae o ithers, bit it can be mair rewaurdin ava. This is hou the communitie o wiki eediters will mak progress. Aften it will feel mair natural tae engage in heatit debate oan ae tauk page (or indeed onie ither contact channel) bit in fact the wiki airticle itsel can affer ae pwrfu means o gettin til the middle-groond. Think aneat hou tae shaw baith sides o the airgument (e.g., leetin advantages n disadvantages) n ye micht fynd the debate evaperates. The topic of conversation should generally revolve around what needs to be done to make the associated article better. Remember that editing the article itself is often a more effective means of communicating. It can be more difficult, requiring you to balance your views alongside those of others, but it can also be more rewarding. This is how the community of wiki editors will make progress. Often it will feel more natural to engage in a heated debate on a talk page (or indeed any other contact channel) but in fact, the wiki article itself can offer a powerful means of reaching middle-ground. Think about how to portray both sides of the argument (e.g., listing advantages and disadvantages) and you may find the debate evaporates.

Uiser tauk pages

A "User talk page" is ae tauk page associatit wi somebodie's "User page" (See Help:Uiser page .) This is ae steid tae lea messages fer ae parteecular wiki uiser.

This can function aes ae kynd o messagin system. Uisers receeve the follaein prominant annooncemant whan new messages hae been left oan thair tak page:

The message will conteenue tae be displeyed oan aw pages ontil uisers veesit thair tauk page.

Thay can be tauld bi email ava, awthooch this canna aye be relied upo (sin the email annooncemant featur maun be acteevatit bi suppliein ae valid email address, n clapin ae confirmation link). Gif ye dinna get ae response til yer uiser tauk page message, ettle tae luik fer ither contact details that thay micht hae gien oan thair uiser page.

Mynd that the messages arna private, n ithers can join in the conversation.

See also