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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Growth/Mentorship and the translation is 55% complete.

成长 功能提供了導師制的系統。 該系統使用於Growth團隊維護的許多功能,即新手首頁(向新手提供導師制模組,他們可以詢問問題)和一些維基上的幫助面板


  • 导师:自愿帮助新人迈出第一步的资深用户,
  • 学员:被分配给导师的新人,他们有可能与指导者互动。



每個計畫皆有它們自己的導師列表。 您可以在維基數據上找到您的計畫的導師列表。




我们为每个新账户配备一名导師。 所有新用户都有平等的机会在需要时寻求帮助。 大多数新用户永远不会联系他们的指导员,而另一些新用户则会第一时间联系导師。

有时,导师回复后,学员并不跟进。要有耐心:作为一名经验丰富的用户,你可能每天都在使用维基,但对于新人来说,情况远非如此。 我们知道有的新人在6小时后才回复导师,但也有在6天、6周、6个月后回复的...



一些社群有他們自己維基的課程或一對一的指導活動。 為了讓他們認領自己認識的新手,啟用了認領學員功能。 該功能預設對所有導師可用,另外還有維基導師的列表。

您可以在Help:Growth/工具/如何認領學員 了解詳情。

The Mentor Dashoard, a central place for mentors

The Mentor Dashboard is the central place for mentors. You can find it at Special:MentorDashboard, and in the user menu on wiki. Like the Watchlist, the Mentor dashboard is a personal page, unique to each user.

The dashboard allows mentors to do the following actions:

  • change their welcome message shown to newcomers
  • select newcomers they want to mentor
  • monitor their mentees' activity
  • [not available at all wikis] filter mentees that should be encouraged for their efforts
  • set themselves as away for a short pause, or quit mentorship

Mentors can also filter or highlight their mentees' actions in Recent changes or on their Watchlist.



可以將Growth的指導系統整合到这些现有的举措。 可以使用魔術字{{#mentor}}來取得任何指定使用者的導師使用者名稱。


Mentorship for Workshops or Campaigns organizers

Growth Mentorship allows Workshops or Campaigns organizers to assign a mentor to each participant. This mentor will assist their mentee during the event, but will also be available between sessions, or after the event.

The Growth team provides a way for organizers to create a custom link to register to Wikipedia. This link is populated with designated mentors so that newcomers will be given a mentor who participates to the event. If an attendee already has an account, a mentor can claim them.

Mentors can monitor their mentees' activity using the Mentor dashboard.

For more information about usage, please see Help:Growth/Mentorship/Workshops or Campaigns organizers .

Any feedback or question?

Please contact us.