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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:SocialProfile/User board and the translation is 4% complete.
User board

User boards allow users to send simple messages between them from their user profiles. Users can choose to send messages as public or private, in which case the message will only be seen by both the sender and destination.

Send a message to other user

You can send a message to other user from their user profile page or following a link to the user board from a message of another user. On the screen where you can write your message, there's a drop-down menu where you can choose to send the message as "public" or "private". Public messages can be seen by anyone, while private messages will only be seen by the two parties participating in the conversation.

Sending messages will be tracked in the user activity log of the sender.

Board blasts

Send a board blast

If you have friends, you can send a message to some or all of them at once, and even to your foes too. From your own user profile, in the user board section, there will be a link next to the section header to send a board blast, that points to the Special:SendBoardBlast special page.

You can compose your message as usual, and then choose the recipients from the list of friends and foes. You can click on your friends and foes names to add them as recipients, or use the utility links to select or unselect all friends or foes.

When sending board blasts, all messages will be sent with private visibility, and there's no way to change that.

Message format

Messages will be interpreted as wikitext, which means you can add format to your messages, embed images, etc.

If the WikiEditor extension is installed, its toolbar will show up in the user board area, just like how it shows up on regular edit pages (if enabled by the user).

Reading messages

The latest messages sent to you will appear in your own user profile, or the Special:UserBoard special page. You can also see messages sent to other users from their own social profile pages.

Deleting messages

You can delete any message you've received from the message itself. However, you can't delete other messages, even if you sent the message, so review carefully you messages before you send them.

Users with the userboard-delete right can delete any public message they can see (public messages or private messages sent to or by them).

Users will not be notified if a message gets deleted. Deleted messages can't be restored, and there's no log of messages deleted.