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Hilfe:Schlechter Titel

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Bad title and the translation is 50% complete.
PD Hinweis: Wenn Du diese Seite bearbeitest, stimmst Du zu, dass Dein Beitrag unter der [CC0] veröffentlicht wird. Mehr Informationen findest du auf der Public Domain Hilfeseite. PD

Some page titles are defined as bad for various reasons. Du kannst Seiten mit diesen Titeln nicht erstellen.

For details of what constitutes a bad title, see regex section or Title.php .

For reference here is an example of a horrible, but valid title:

  • Some¬`!"£$^&*()_+-=~?/.,;:'@

Sachen, die du nicht in Titeln verwenden kannst:

  • The following standard CGI chars are not good:
  • The following standard wiki syntax seems to work:
  • and some just don't work:
  • and some HTML like constructs are very bad, and can't be shown here because they break page formatting:


These vary according to the version number of the software:

  • 400 (Bad Request) for v1.19.1 and above
  • 200 (OK) for v1.16.4 and earlier


# Matching titles will be held as illegal.
$rxTc = '/' .
	# Any character not allowed is forbidden.
	'[^' . self::legalChars() . ']' .
	# URL percent encoding sequences interfere with the ability to round-trip titles, you can't link to them consistently.
	'|%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}' .
	# XML/HTML character references produce similar issues.
	'|&[A-Za-z0-9\x80-\xff]+;' .
	'|&#[0-9]+;' .
	'|&#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+;' .

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