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Growth/Porozumění prvnímu dni

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Growth/Understanding first day and the translation is 49% complete.

Tato stránka popisuje práci týmu Growth na projektu „Porozumění prvnímu dni“, také známém jako Cesta editora (anglicky EditorJourney), a obsahuje cíle, plány, rozhodnutí a výsledky. Nové informace budeme postupně vkládat na speciální stránku, důležité informace budou vloženy i zde.

Jelikož tento projekt je zcela o zprovoznění a měření, zapojuje se do něj velké množství týmů WMF, včetně právního, bezpečnostního a analytického. Je pro nás důležité respektovat soukromí uživatelů a zároveň stále získávat informace, které potřebujeme, abychom vylepšili zážitek nováčků. Současně s tím, jak se naše názory na nejlepší cestu, jak toto zařídit, mění, mění se i naše plány popsané na této stránce.

Současný stav

  • 2018-11-19: Zaznamenávací schéma EditorJourney bylo nasazeno na české i korejské Wikipedii.
  • 2019-01-05: Prvotní výsledky projektu byly publikovány.
  • 2019-01-16: Zaznamenávací schéma EditorJourney bylo nasazeno na vietnamské Wikipedii.
  • 2019-07-01: Zaznamenávací schéma EditorJourney bylo nasazeno na arabské Wikipedii.
  • 2020-07-16: „Rozhodli jsme se nenasazovat EditorJourney na nové wiki, protože jsme skončili s analýzou dat, která generuje, a nechceme ukládat více uživatelských dat, než je nutné.


Většina nováčků nikdy neuloží jedinou editaci -- ale ti, kteří tak učiní, editace uloží zpravidla během jednoho dne od vytvoření účtu. O tom, co nováčci během svého prvního dne dělají, máme velmi málo informací -- jestli si čtou nápovědu, pokouší se editovat a editace neukládají nebo dělají něco jiného. Větší znalosti o prvotních zážitcích nám může pomoci zážitek nováčků vylepšit, stejně jako přimět více registrovaných uživatelů během svého prvního dne editovat. Abychom porozuměli tomu, co nováčci během svého prvního dne dělají, zaznamenáváme informace o aktivitě nováčků na české a korejské Wikipedii, což nám pomůže odpovědět na následující otázky:

  • Jaké jsou nejčastější činnosti, které čeští a korejští nováčci během svých prvních 24 hodin provádějí?
  • Kolik procent z těchto nováčků provede každou z těchto činností?
  • Které činnosti vedou či nevedou k editacím?

Tým Growth pracuje na zodpovězení těchto otázek zavedením zaznamenávacího schématu pro všechny nové uživatele na cílových Wikipediích (česká, korejská a vietnamská) během prvních 24 hodin existence účtu. Abychom si udělali ucelený obrázek, plánujeme tato data propojit s dalšími schématy, týkajících se funkcí, jako jsou Echo, vizuální editor nebo interaktivní průvodce. Tato funkcionalita byla nasazena v listopadu 2018 na českou a korejskou Wikipedii. V lednu 2019 byla publikována prvotní zpráva o výsledcích.

Původní komunitní diskuse o tomto projektu je k dispozici.

Why this project is prioritized

Our research has taught us a lot about the motivations and needs of new editors, and one of the most important things we learned is that a new editor's very first experiences with editing can be the deciding factor for whether they continue to edit. Most people who create accounts in Wikipedia never make an edit, but of those who do, that edit tends to happen on the day they create their account. In conjunction with the "Personalized first day" project, this project is critical for continuing our learning on those first moments of attempting to edit. We need to know more about how new editors approach their first edits, so we know where to plug in and help. For instance, if we see a lot of new editors reading help content, but then not attempting an edit, we might conclude that help content is important but not helpful as currently written and presented. Or if we see a lot of new editors going straight to opening the editor, but then leaving before saving an edit, we might conclude that the most important place to provide help is inside the editing experience.

We prioritized this project because:

  • It helps us increase our learning at this early stage of our team's work with new editors.
  • Community members were positive in their feedback on the idea.
  • It lays the groundwork for learning whether changes we make to the new editor's experience change their behavior.
  • It will be easy to translate and apply to other wikis in the future.
Sekce níže se mohou během několika týdnů výrazně změnit, jsou příliš technické anebo nejsou relevantní pro porozumění tomuto projektu. Rozhodli jsme se je proto nepřeložit.


This section contains the evolving plans for measurement.

Overall parameters

  • Will apply to all new accounts created in Czech and Korean Wikipedias, but will exclude auto-created accounts from other wikis.
  • Will be active for the first 24 hours of the existence of a new account.
  • At the user level, will record visits to pages in namespaces where new editors might be seeking help, such as the Help, Wikipedia, or User namespaces (and their associated Talk spaces).
  • For pages in more sensitive namespaces, such as Article, Draft, or Portal, will record only that the namespace was visited, not the specific page title.
  • Data will only be available to people with NDA access.
  • Data will be anonymized, deleted, and/or aggregated after 90 days.

Specific questions

The outline below lays out the specific questions we want to answer with this instrumentation effort. Most of these questions will be answered with the new EditorJourney EventLogging schema being built for this project. Some questions, especially those under #4 ("After the editing experience begins") will be answered by connecting with existing EventLogging schemas built to measure existing features.

  1. Context: How often do accounts get created from the different possible account creation contexts?
    • Homepage
    • Reading experience
    • Editing experience
  2. Survey: When shown the “Personalized first day” survey right after account registration, do users respond to one or more questions in the survey, or skip the survey altogether and go back to what they were doing prior to account registration?
  3. After account creation, what are the various common workflows that new account holders go through before making an edit (or before never making an edit)? We want to count the frequency of workflows such as, but not limited to, the following. The reason it’s “not limited to” is that we don’t yet know which workflows we will discover.
    • Reading articles first: reading many pages in the Article namespace and then either leaving or editing.
    • Learning first: Consuming some sort of learning content and then either leaving or editing. This content is found in namespaces other than Article namespace, or through certain actions that may not be captured in page views or existing schemas:
      • Viewing content in the Help, Wikipedia, or User namespaces (among others), including help desks
      • Clicking on a link in a welcome message on their own user talk page
      • Opening and reading notifications
      • Opening and updating account settings/preferences
      • Verifying or adding/updating email address.
    • Straight to editing: going straight to editing without reading many articles or any learning content
      • This can either happen because the account was created from the editing experience, or the reader opened the editor from the reading experience soon after account creation.
      • Is this the creation of a new page?
      • When opening the editor, some wikis display a GuidedTour or GettingStarted. Did the user click on anything in GuidedTour or GettingStarted?
    • Any combination of the above, such as a workflow in which users read some articles, followed by reading a help page, followed by starting and abandoning an edits, followed by a successful edit.
  4. After the editing experience begins, what percent of users successfully save an edit? And for those who abort their edits, what do they do in the editor before aborting?
    • On what page is the attempted edit happening?
    • How often do users quickly exit the editor without actually interacting with the page?
    • How often do users do a substantial amount of interaction with the page before aborting?
    • How often do users switch the type of editor?
    • If the edit was saved, how many bytes changed in the edit?
    • Was the resulting edit reverted or thanked?
  5. After saving or aborting an edit, what happens next? (Return to Step 3).

Other schemas

This is a list of some of the other EventLogging schemas we may use to enrich the picture of what new account holders do in their first hours on the wiki:

User flows

Full user workflow from the planning of this project

In planning out this project's measurement and analysis needs, our team's designer assembled some visual user flows that help us chart out the journey of new users during their first hours in the wiki. As it says in the slides linked below:

"The following user flows document the various pathways newly created Wikipedia accounts can take to become a newly 'activated' editor (after making a first edit), to being retained (2nd edit), through to 'survival' (3rd edit within first 6 weeks). The diagrams note the desired data to be captured at each user interaction, with the intention to both help the Growth team identify the various points for instrumentation, as well as helping visualize the funnel of New Editor retention."

Though the flows extend our thinking to multiple edits in a new user's journey, we have since decided to constrain our measurement to just their first day.

The full slide deck is here, and also linked on this Phabricator task. At right is the image of the full user flow, which is the main slide from the slide deck. Please note that these are presented as an artifact of our team's thinking, but are no longer being updated as our approach continues to evolve. The Specifications section above reflects the current approach.


Because the EditorJourney data records much detail on what newcomers do on their first day, we'll be able to ask and answer many questions using the dataset. In this sense, our analysis will never be complete, and we can always use the dataset to answer additional questions about newcomers. This section lists the analyses that have been completed. Community members should feel free to translate any of these reports into their languages. Future analyses will continue to address the list of questions in the "Specifications" section above.

  • EditorJourney initial report: the first report using the EditorJourney dataset, addressing the questions of what context newcomers create their accounts from, and how many newcomers do which activities at some point on their first day. Some important toplines:
    • This data substantially clarifies our understanding of newcomers: many of them notice outreach, look for help content, and a majority of them open an editor. It's good news that so many are engaged and trying to succeed, and the clarity gives us opportunities to meet them where they are, so that when they go looking for something helpful, they find it.
    • Large numbers of users view help or policy pages on their first day: 41.5% in Czech and 27.8% in Korean.
    • Large numbers of users view their own User or User Talk page on their first day: 33.8% in Czech and 39.3% in Korean.
    • A majority of new users open an editor on their first day – but about a quarter of them do not go on to save an edit during that time.