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Growth/Personalized first day/新規参加者タスク

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Growth/Personalized first day/Newcomer tasks and the translation is 97% complete.

このページで解説する「新規参加者タスク」プロジェクトの作業は、Growthチームが取り組む「それぞれの人の初日」という大枠のイニシアチブ配下の固有のプロジェクトです。このページでは主要なアセット、設計、意思決定について述べます。進捗状況で増えた更新のほとんどは一般向けの Growthチームの更新ページに、そしてこのページには特定の大規模または詳細な更新をそれぞれ掲載します。

それぞれの試作品を順に見ると、チームの開発の成果の概要がつかめます (矢印キーで移動):

2019年7月24日、このプロジェクトの設計と計画を開始しました。 2019年11月20日に最初のバージョンが4つのウィキに展開されました。

2020年12月、新規参加者タスクの調査結果を公表。参加におけるプラスの影響が見て取れます。 詳細はこのページをお読みください.


  • 2019-07-24: 新規参加者タスクを協議する初めてのチーム打ち合わせ
  • 2019-08-27: 設計コンセプトをめぐるチームの会議
  • 2019-09-09: 開発作業のために Phabricator タスクを作成
  • 2019-09-23: デスクトップ版ユーザーテスト完了
  • 2019-09-30: モバイル版ユーザーテスト完了
  • 2019-11-20: V1.0 をチェコ語版、朝鮮語版、アラビア語版、ベトナム語版のウィキペディアに展開
  • 2019-12-13: 第1回変数テスト ("initiation") をチェコ語、朝鮮語版、アラビア語版、ベトナム語版のウィキペディアに展開
  • 2020-01-14: 2020年1月20日の週に実装予定のトピックマッチングを追加する試験
  • 2020-01-21: お勧めの編集モジュールに、興味のあるトピックを選択するオプションを追加
  • 2020-03-05: ORESモデルを使用するようにトピックマッチングを更新
  • 2020-04-03: 第1回変数テストの結果
  • 2020-06-08: 新規参加者を全員、変数Aへ移行
  • 2020-06-15: ガイダンスを実装
  • 2020-10-19: 変数 C と D を導入
  • 2020-11-20: 新規参加者タスク実験の分析を公表
  • : 新規参加者タスクへの改善を継続し、場合によっては新しい構造化タスクを開発する



ウィキを初めて訪れた時、新規参加者にはあらゆる機会を得て成功体験をすることが重要だと考えています。 ところが、新規参加者はしばしば難易度が高すぎるタスクに取り組もうとしたり、やってみたいタスクが見つけられなかったり、最初の編集の後に引き続き編集をするきっかけがわからなかったりします。 そのため二度とウィキを再訪しなくなってしまいます。 過去に試みたところ編集者にタスクをお勧めするとうまくいったため、新規参加者ホームページを使い、新規参加者タスクをお勧めすることが適切だと考えました。


  • 多くの新規参加者は、特定の記事に写真を追加したいといったような、何か特定の達成したいことを持ってやってきます。その目標達成を邪魔したくはありません。
  • 新規参加者が編集の腕を上げるには、難易度が低い課題から高い課題へと段階を追っていきます。
  • 最初の段階で成功体験を得た新規参加者は、その後も編集を続ける意欲が高まります。








  • かなり高度な編集をしようとして参加したため。たとえば新規ページの執筆や画像の追加など。 これらのタスクは難易度が高く、失敗がきっかけで2度と戻ってこなくなりがちです。
  • 何を編集すればよいかわからないまま参加したため。そのまま編集する対象が見つからないことがあります。

We also know that on the newcomer homepage, the most frequently clicked-on module is the "user page" module -- the only thing on the page that encourages users to start editing. This makes us think that many users are looking for a clear way to get started with editing.

And from past Wikimedia endeavors, we've seen that task recommendations can be valuable. SuggestBot is a project that sends personalized recommendations to experienced users, and is a well-received service. The Content Translation tool also serves personalized recommendations based on past translations, and has been shown to increase the volume of editing.

For all these reasons, we think that recommending specific editing tasks for newcomers will give them a clear way to get started. For those newcomers that have an edit in mind that we want to do, we'll encourage them to try some easy edits first to build up their skills. For those newcomers who do not have a specific preference on what to edit, they'll hopefully find some good edits from this feature.


There are many terms that sound similar and can be confusing. This section defines each of them.

"Newcomer tasks"
The entire workflow that recommends edits for newcomers and guides them through the edits.
"Suggested edits"
The name of the specific module that the newcomer tasks workflow adds to the newcomer homepage.
"Task recommendations" or "Task suggestions"
Lists of articles that need editing work, suggested automatically to users.
Software that adapts automatically to each user to fit their needs.
Software that the user adapts to fit their needs.
A content subject, such as "Art", "Music", or "Economics".
"Topic matching"
The ability to find tasks for newcomers that match their topics of interest.
Features that help the newcomer complete the suggested task while they are working on it.
"Maintenance template"
Templates that are put on articles indicating that work needs to be done on them.


The core challenge to this project is: Where will the tasks come from and how will we give the right ones to the right newcomers?

The graphic below shows our priorities when recommending tasks to newcomers.

As shown in the graphic above, we would give newcomers tasks that...

  • ...arrive at the right time and place for a newcomer's journey.
  • ...teach relevant conceptual and technical skills.
  • ...gradually guide users to build up their editing abilities.
  • ...be personalized to their interests.
  • ...show them the value and impact of editing.
  • ...motivate them to participate continually.

For instance, we do not want to give newcomers tasks that are irrelevant to what they hope to accomplish. If a newcomer wants to write a new article, then asking them to add a title description will not teach them skills they need to be successful.

We're splitting this challenge into two parts: the sourcing the tasks and topic matching.


There are many different places we could find tasks for newcomers to do. Our team listed as many as we could think of and evaluated them for whether they seem to be achievable for the first version of the feature. Below is a table showing the many sources of tasks that we evaluated in coming to the decision to start by using maintenance templates.

Source of task Explanation Evaluation
Maintenance templates Most wikis use templates or categories to indicate articles that need copyediting, references, or other modifications. These are placed manually by experienced users. Easily accessible. Already used in SuggestBot and GettingStarted .
Work on newest articles New articles may be good candidates for work because they likely could be improved or expanded. They are also more likely to be about current topics. Easily accessible, but most new articles are created by experienced users, and may not need help from newcomers.
Add images from Commons There are articles that have images in some language Wikipedias but not in others. This could be a good task for a newcomer who created their account in order to add an image of their own. An idea with high potential, but would require a lot of work to build interfaces. There are also questions about how to identify whether an article needs an image, and which one to recommend.
Expand short articles Many articles are stubs that could be expanded. This task is probably too open-ended and difficult for a newcomer.
Link to orphan articles Many articles have no incoming links from any other articles. Users could find articles to link to the orphan articles. Easy to identify orphans, but may be confusing for a newcomer to have to go find other articles in order to do the task.
Add references Many articles are in need of additional references or citations. Probably a challenging task for a newcomer. Frequently covered by maintenance templates.
Add categories Categories are used for many purposes on the wikis, and adding them to articles that don't have them could be a low-pressure way to contribute. Newcomers may not have good judgment when it comes to adding categories. This also does not teach editing skills that they need for other tasks.
Content translation The Content Translation tool could be a good way to structure the editing experience and help newcomers write new articles without having to generate all the content on their own. An integration here could be great -- we may want to use the welcome survey to distinguish which newcomers are multilingual.
Add sections There are algorithms in development that can recommend additional section headers based on similar articles. Writing a new section from scratch may be too challenging a task for a newcomer.
Specific link recommendation Adding wikilinks is one of the best tasks for newcomers. It would be powerful if we could not only tell a newcomer that an article needs more links, but indicate which specific words or phrases should become an link (internal and/or external, depending on local policies). Some research has been done on this idea that the team will be looking into, as this idea could be a perfect first edit for a newcomer.
Specific copy edits Many articles need copyediting, but it would be a better experience for newcomers if we could suggest specific changes to make in article, such as words that are likely misspelled or sentences that likely need to be rephrased. While this would be an excellent experience for the newcomer, we don't have a way to approach this. Perhaps experienced could flag specific copy edit changes instead of fixing them.
External link cleanup Help ensure articles follow external link policies. Could be populated by the external links cleanup maintenance category.

Version 1.0: basic workflow

In version 1.0, we will deploy the basic parts of the newcomer tasks workflow. It will recommend articles to newcomers that require different types of edits, but it will not match the articles to the newcomers' topics of interest (version 1.1), and it will also not guide the newcomers in completing the task (version 1.2).

Maintenance templates

We're going to be starting by using maintenance templates and categories to identify articles that need work. All of our target wikis use some set of maintenance templates or categories on thousands of articles, tagging them as needing copyediting, references, images, links, or expanded sections. And previous task recommendations software, such as SuggestBot, have used them successfully. These are some examples of maintenance categories:

Example of maintenance template on English Wikipedia

In this Phabricator task, we investigated exactly which templates are present and in what quantities, to get a sense of whether there will be enough tasks for newcomers. There seem to be sufficient numbers for the initial version of this project. We are likely to incorporate other task sources from the table below in future versions.

It's also worth noting that it could be possible to supplement many of these maintenance templates with automation. For instance, it is possible to automatically identify articles that have no internal links, or articles that have no references. This is an area for future exploration.

During the week of October 21, 2019, the members of the Growth team did a hands-on exercise in which we attempted to edit articles with maintenance templates. This helped us understand what challenges we can expect newcomers to face, and gave us ideas for addressing them. Our notes and ideas are published here.


Comparative review

Our team's designer reviewed the way that other platforms (e.g. TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Google Crowdsource, Reddit) offer task recommendations to newcomers. We also reviewed Wikimedia projects that incorporate task recommendations, such as the Wikipedia Android app and SuggestBot. We think there are best practices we can learn from other software, especially when we see the same patterns across many different types of software. Even as we incorporate ideas from other software, we will still make sure to preserve Wikipedia's unique values of openness, clarity, and transparency. The main takeaways are below, and the full set of takeaways is on this page:

  • Task types – bucket into 4 types: Rating content, Creating content, Moderating/Verifying content, Translating content
  • Incentives – Most products offered intangible incentives mainly bucketed into the form of: Awards and ranking (badges), Personal pride and gratification (stats), or Unlocking features (access rights)
  • Reward incentives – promote badges or attainments of specific milestones (e.g., a badge for adding 50 citations)
  • Personalization/Customization – Most have at least one facet of personalization/customization. Most common customization is user input on surveys upon account creation or before a task, most common system-based personalization type is geolocalization
  • Visual design & layout – incentivizing features (stats, leaderboards, etc) and onboarding is visually rich compared to pared back, simple forms to complete short edits.
  • Guidance – Almost all products reviewed had at least basic guidance prior to task completion, most commonly introductory ‘tours’. In-context help was also provided in the form of instructional copy, tooltips, step-by-step flows,  as well as offering feedback mechanisms (ask questions, submit feedback)


Our evolving designs can always be found in two sets of interactive mockups (use arrow keys to navigate):

Those mockups contain explorations of all the difference parts of the user journey, which we have broken down into several parts:

  1. Gathering information from the newcomer: learning what we need in order to recommend relevant tasks.
  2. Feature discovery: the way the newcomer first encounters task recommendations.
  3. Task recommendations: the interface for filtering and choosing tasks.
  4. Guidance during editing: once the newcomer is doing a task, the guidance that helps them understand what to do.
  5. User feedback: ways in which the newcomer can indicate that they are not satisfied with the recommended task.
  6. Next edit: how we continue the user's momentum after the save an edit.

Below are some of the original draft design concepts as the team continues to refine our approach.



2019年9月30日の週に usertesting.com 上でデスクトップ版新規参加者タスクの試作品について、ウィキメディア運動に関連のないインターネット利用者を対象に6回テストしました。有償回答者が試作品を使って観察したことを言葉で表現し、経験について設問に答えました。結果の全文はこちらの Phabricator タスクをご参照ください。このテストの目標は次の通りです。

  1. 新規参加者タスクモジュールについて発見する可能性を数値化する
  2. タスクモジュールの使いやすさの改善点を特定。
    1. お勧めの記事の選び方とレビューの方法を理解したか?
    2. 興味やタスクの難易度で絞り込めると理解したか?
    3. お勧めの記事をどうすれば編集できるか理解したか?
  3. お勧めに対する利用者の反応と、タスク実行中のガイドに期待したことを数値化する。
  • 回答者は全員、自分の興味があるトピックに基づいたお勧めを受けるのは合理的だし意味があると考えた。
  • 同様に、タスクの難易度に差があることを回答者全員、肯定的に受け止めた。
  • お勧めの編集モジュールの全般的な使いやすさは非常に高く評価された。回答者はもっと記事を表示するには何をクリックすればよいか、トピックやタスクのレベル変更はフィルタを使うことをあらかじめ理解しており、カードをクリックするとお勧めの編集が表示されることを理解した。
  • 回答者の6名中4名は、「お勧めの編集を見る」ボタンを押すと新規記事を書くという目的達成の補助が受けられるとは、初めは理解できなかった。これは一般的な心理モデルとして、「新規記事の作成」と「編集」は別個であるという概念を示唆すると考えられる。
  • 回答者全員、スタートモジュールが出発点だと明白に理解した。それに加えて、スタートモジュールで先に進むため、「お勧めの編集を見る」ボタンに注目した人が多い。
  • 利用者は導入のダイアログでトピックの追加やタスクのレベルの説明を読み、それに基づいてお勧めの記事が表示されると明白に理解し、あらかじめ予想していた。
  • 全員が簡単に人気のトピックを選択したり自分のトピックを追加したりすることができた。
  • お勧めの編集モジュールの目的は全員が理解できた。
  • 簡単レベルと中程度のタスクを終了するまで、記事の新規作成はできないものだと誤解した・考えていた回答者は2名。
  • 編集モードに移行すると、ガイドを読みたいときはヘルプパネルのボタンを押せばよいと理解した回答者は6名中5名。
  • ヘルプパネルからメンターに連絡できると期待した回答者は4名。
  • タスクのヒントに十分なレベルの案内がないという複数の参加者がいた。
  • コンテンツの新規作成も編集行為であることの説明文の改善と、それに先立つ利用者教育の実施。
  • テスト結果に沿って影響度モジュールを更新、おすすめした編集を利用者が理解できるように補助する。
  • 編集中に役立つコンテンツヘルプを提供する。編集に挑戦する編集者には重要。
    • ヘルプパネルのタスクのヒントに、利用者が自分で更新する「チェックリスト」を導入。
    • 何をするべきか短い説明文をつける。
    • 記事全体の校正をする必要はないことを利用者に伝える。
  • リアルタイムの絞り込み結果があると、利用者がお勧めを記事の編集につなげやすくなり、自分に適した記事を探すために絞り込み機能を使うよう促すことができる。


2019年9月30日の週に usertesting.com 上でモバイル版新規参加者タスクの試作品を6回テストしました。 結果の全文はこちらの Phabricator タスクをご参照ください。 このテストの目標はデスクトップ版と共通しますが、さらにモバイル版の経験がデスクトップ版とどう異なると良いか項目を加えました。 モバイル版のユーザーテスト被験者にはウィキペディアに画像を追加しようというシナリオを用意しました (デスクトップ版シナリオでは新規記事の作成)。


  • ほぼすべての利用者が、(設計変更後の) スタートモジュールは何から始めるかガイドを段階的にわかりやすく示していると回答。
  • 以下のような「お勧めの編集」モジュールを追加すると混乱の原因にはならないものの、画像の追加タスクの途中でヘルプが見たいときにそれを開けば、やり方がわかると利用者に伝わっていない。
  • お勧めの編集は使う意欲を引き出すにはたいへん効果的で、参加者はそれぞれの要素を理解し使いこなした (フィルタ機能、記事をもっと見るなど)。ところがお勧めの編集は学習目的あるいは退屈しのぎに取り組むものとしか思われなかった。
  • 回答者によっては、提示された広範なトピックよりも、もっと個別の細かいトピックを求めていた。
  • 掘り下げた詳しい情報の提供は教育的ではあるものの、うんざりさせる可能性も潜在する。回答者は全員、「画像の追加」が難しい作業に分類されていることを意外に感じ、落差はあるものの一様に不満を述べた。
  • 興味の対象で絞り込みができる点はとても好評だった。
  • テストの終盤にかけて回答者3名から、「簡単」なタスクの修了「判定」もしくは必須条件を通過させてから、中程度・高度なタスクに取り掛かるべきだと述べた。
  • お勧めの編集は、利用者に編集方法を学習させるための編集作業だということを回答者全員が理解し、編集作業には難しいものもあることが分かったと回答した。
  • 利用者は全員、ヘルプパネルに提供されたガイダンスを編集作業の途中で使いこなせなくて苦労している。ビルドに入る前に、この部分は真剣に対策を考えなければならない。


  • お勧めの編集は独自のカードを設定せず、スタートモジュールに組み込む。
  • 説明文と利用者教育の画像を改善し、お勧めの編集には単に編集作業の練習をする以上の価値があること、タスクの難易度は目安であって、タスクは好きな順番に取り組んでよいと、きちんと伝わるようにする。
  • オーバーレイを追加して、それぞれの編集者に特化したお勧めの編集へと誘導する。
  • タスクとトピック両方のフィルターで、リアルタイムに絞り込まれた結果のカウンターを含める。
  • 利用者単位で興味の対象をきめ細かく検索できるようにする。
  • 利用者がお勧めの編集を開いたときに、それが実際の、影響力のある編集だということを繰り返し述べる。
  • 提供するヘルプのコンテンツがすべて明確に閲覧できるよう、タスク内に表示するヘルプパネルを設計更新します。

バージョン 1.1: トピックマッチング


トピックマッチングが含まれていない、新規参加者タスクの V1.0 の使用法を見ると、複数の利用者がお勧めされた記事をいくつも閲覧したのに、結局、1回も編集ボタンをクリックしない状況が見られました。また、やはりいくつもの記事を閲覧しながら、例えば医学など特定のトピックに属する記事しか編集しなかった利用者も、複数いました。これらは新規参加者が編集したい記事を見つけるのを支援するために、トピックは価値がある可能性を示す良い指標です。



Screenshot of ORES topic selection filter on desktop


  • morelike: assign a seed list of articles that represent each topic area (e.g. "Art" might be represented by the articles for "Painting", "Sculpture", "Dance", and "Weaving".) Use that seed list to find other articles that are similar to those in the seed list by using a similarity algorithm called "morelike".
  • free text: instead of choosing from a set list of topics, allow newcomers to type in any phrase they want to indicate a topic. Use regular Wikipedia search to surface articles relevant to that phrase.
  • ORES: ORES is a machine learning service that – among other things – can return a predicted topic for any article. Though this prediction service only works in English Wikipedia, there are ways to translate predictions from English to other wikis.

In this Phabricator task, we evaluated the three methods, and decided to proceed with the ORES model. The Growth team worked with the Scoring team to strengthen the model, and with the Search team to make the model predictions available to the newcomer tasks workflow. During the time that this work was happening, we deployed the somewhat worse-performing morelike algorithm, and switched to the ORES model about a month later.

The ORES model we use now offers 64 topics, and we chose to expose 39 of them to newcomers. The evaluation in four different languages showed that on average, 8.5 out of 10 suggestions for a given topic seem like good matches for that topic.


In designing interfaces that allow newcomers to choose topics of interest, these are some of the considerations:

  • 利用者が圧倒されないように、およそ30件のトピックの長い一覧をどうするか?
  • 複数階層のトピックを扱う方法(例=「科学」には下位に「生物学」「化学」があるなど)
  • トピックが選択したものと合致しない場合、利用者からフィードバックを受けるかどうか?


バージョン 1.2: 解説

Guidance was deployed on 2020-06-15. For a guide to translating the messages in this feature, see this page.

After newcomers have selected an article from the suggested edits module, they should receive guidance about how to click edit and complete the edit successfully. While it is exciting that some portion of newcomers are completing suggested edits without guidance, we're confident that by adding guidance, we will substantially increase how many newcomers edit.

We decided to repurpose the help panel as the place to deliver this guidance. Reusing the help panel will allow us to build quickly. The guidance contains three phases:

  1. When the user has arrived on the article and before they click edit.
  2. After clicking edit and before saving an edit.
  3. After saving an edit.

Some of the ideas we considered implementing included:

  • Guidance tailored to each type of edit, varying depending on whether the suggested edit is a copyedit, adding links, adding references, etc.
  • Reminder that an edit can be small, and that the user does not have to edit the whole article.
  • Step-by-step walkthrough that is like a checklist for completing the edit.
  • Highlighting the maintenance templates in the article so that the user can see why the article was suggested.
  • An indicator that encourages the user to click the edit button.
  • A place to put videos that demonstrate how to complete the edit.
  • Suggestions for additional edits after saving the initial edit.
  • Ability for the user to notify their mentor that they have done an edit, so the mentor can check their work and thank them.

During the last week of December 2019, we user tested desktop and mobile prototypes, which can be found below. We will post the user test results after assembling them.

Below are some images of the prototype:

Variant testing

After deploying the first version of newcomer tasks, we want to start testing different variants of the feature, so that we can improve it iteratively. Rather than just having one design of newcomer tasks, and seeing if newcomers are more productive with it than without it, we plan to test more than variant of newcomer tasks at a time, and compare them. We have compiled an exhaustive list of all the ideas of variants to test -- but we will only end up testing perhaps 10 per year, because of the effort and time it takes to build, test, and analyze.

In March, April, and May 2020, we'll be testing variants that aim to get more users into the newcomer tasks flow.

See this page for the list of variant tests and their results.



2020年12月公表の対照実験の結果から、新規参加者タスクは参加にプラスの影響が見られます。私たちが得た最も重要な調査結果と受け止め、さらに多くのウィキ群への展開を求める自信が生まれました。 詳細はこのページをお読みください。.


Starting in December 2019, we have been tracking several key metrics from newcomers tasks. The graphs shown in this section are our main charts of those metrics as of 2020-08-17.


Since deploying newcomer tasks in November 2019, we have seen steady increases in both the number of edits from the feature and the number of editors using the feature. These increases are due to two elements: (a) improvements to the feature, and (b) expanding the feature to more wikis.

Conversion funnel for newcomer tasks as of 2020-08-17

Specific charts

Conversion funnel: the first graph is the most important to our team. Each line shows how many newcomers arrive at each stage of our "conversion funnel", meaning how far they progress into the newcomer tasks workflow, as a percentage of newcomers who visit their homepage. We want the users to move through the stages of (1) interacting with the module (blue), (2) selecting an article (red), (3) clicking edit on the article (orange), (4) saving an edit (green). In general, we want to see all the lines go up.

  • Since the early days of the feature, the percentage of users who have clicked edit and who have saved edits have steadily gone up. In January 2020, something like 2% of newcomers who visited their homepage saved a suggested edit. In August 2020, that has grown to 5.3%, which is more than double.
  • In August, almost all users who selected a task clicked edit, which can be seen by the closeness of the red and orange lines.
  • We think that these improvements are due to the two major features we deployed between January and August: topic matching (which allows newcomers to find more interesting articles) and guidance (which encourages them to click edit and explains how to complete the edit).

Edits: the second graph shows the number of newcomer task edits completed each week, with a separate line for each wiki and a "total" line in black. From December to August 17, there have been 15,126 edits completed through newcomer tasks. It is clear that this has grown over time, which is certainly to be expected because we have gone from 4 wikis to 12 between January and August.

But looking at the individual wikis' lines, it is possible to see growth over time.

Number of edits from newcomer tasks as of 2020-08-17
  • It is common for the number of suggested edits completed each week on a wiki to vary a lot. One of the reasons is that a small number of enthusiastic newcomers can create dozens or hundreds of edits in a short time, but then may not be on wiki on other weeks.
  • Arabic Wikipedia, being one of the largest wikis that has the feature, consistently creates the most edits.

Editors: in addition to tracking the number of edits, we also want to make sure that increasing numbers of newcomers are participating. The third graph shows the number of users completing newcomer tasks each week, broken out by wiki.

Number of editors using newcomer tasks as of 2020-08-17
  • Similarly to the graph of edits, this number also has increased steadily, and the addition of new wikis (such as French Wikipedia on week 21 and Persian Wikipedia on week 32) are clearly visible.
  • We believe that the effect of "guidance" is visible. This was released before week 25. There have been over 100 users of newcomer tasks every week since its release, whereas only three weeks had previously reached that level.


Growth チームの大使は、新規参加者が保存した編集300件超を縦覧し、建設的な編集かどうか確認しました (記事を改良したかどうかという視点)。 喜ばしいことに、そのおよそ 75% は生産的であることがわかりました。 これは新規参加者の編集のベースラインと同様で、この機能が荒らしを助長するわけではないとわかり安心しました。 編集の大半は校正で、同時にリンク追加をした人も多く、コンテンツや出典を足した人も中にはいました。 1件以上のおすすめ編集をした利用者のおおよそ三分の一は、引き続きおすすめ編集を行いました。また機能が提案したものではない編集にも取り組んだ利用者は大勢いて、たいへん嬉しい成果でした。
