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Groups/Proposals/Dispute Resolution

From mediawiki.org

MediaWiki Group Dispute Resolution


This group concentrates on the behavior of MediaWiki software and MediaWiki extensions in relation to Content Dispute Resolution and User Behavior Dispute Resolution. Typical features that concern this group are features that automate the handling of disputes and features that make certain actions that often lead to disputes impossible to do in the first place.

This group specifically does not concern itself with the disputes themselves or with policies relating to disputes. Our focus is on developing new tools and on improving existing tools that relate to disputes.

A basic goal of this project is whenever possible to make any new features or changed software behavior optional, so that individual Wikipedias or possibly individual users can choose whether to accept the feature.

Areas of collaboration:

  • Existing features that relate to disputes such as autoblocks, spam blacklists, pending changes and username restrictions
  • Possible future features such as automated dispute sorting, limits to what can be included in noticeboard entries and programmable limits on noticeboard comment length.

Related links welcome!

See Also


"See Also" links welcome!

Who is interested


Note: MediaWiki groups need at least three people to be approved.

As promoters

  • Guy Macon, Active Wikipedia Dispute Resolution Noticeboard volunteer, experienced manager of engineering projects (software and hardware). --Guy Macon (talk) 06:08, 20 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Your signature and a brief description of who you are goes here.
  • More promoters welcome!

As members

  • Your signature and a brief description of who you are goes here.
  • More members welcome!

Other endorsements Other people not planning to be members of this group can express public support here.

  • Your signature and a brief description of who you are goes here.
  • More supporters welcome!