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Google Summer of Code 2017 and Outreachy Round 14/Monthly Highlights/June 2017

From mediawiki.org

 Highlights from the month of June 2017

This page showcases highlights from the weekly blogposts of Google Summer of Code 2017 & Outreachy 2014 candidates. Coding period is until August 29th for both programs. During the month of June, our participants began coding for their projects, compared different technical approaches before implementation, tested their features with users and requested feedback, participated in the first IRC meeting with fellow candidates, and submitted evaluations for their projects and mentors.

Learn about participants' work

What progress they have made

One of the behaviors which I noticed during the user testing session was that the date selection pop over in the Program Creation Page was not functioning properly. So I picked up this issue - it has been resolved by changing the Page layout and making some styling tweaks

Sejal Khatri GSOC

The Quiz extension had lot of static HTML code, which needed to be moved into mustache templates. Template processor is used to process mustache template and return HTML

Harjot Singh Bhatia GSOC

The representative of the National Archief GLAM has been contacted. He has tested our tool and expressed his satisfaction about the tool here

Siddhartha Sarkar GSOC

With the finishing of the patch that was set for the task T153120, I had uploaded the change for review. Though the basic UI, was good to go, some issues still persisted. As the minor fixes won’t require much time, I hope to close the task as soon as possible and get going with the next one

Amrit Sreekumar GSOC

I finished with the 5th section of the documentation covering the common code blocks in a Zotero translator. I made use of Embedded Metadata.js in the Oxford Reference translator. Waiting for response from the developers

Sonali Gupta Outreachy

We had a Kickoff meeting and got geared up to make some improvements on the Wiki Education Dashboard. I finished with putting up the buttons in the MyArticles component and giving a look to it

Keerthana S GSOC

What developer tips they have written

I checked out various implementations for hierarchy storage in the database system. Considering the use case of our MediaWiki application, where our tables get recreated each time the template description is changed or more pages, I shortlist two approaches. I have summarised my finding in the spreadsheet

Feroz Ahmad GSOC

This week I learned a lot about the WikiEducationDashboard’s stack. I had to write Javascript, use Redux, write Mocha tests, rspec tests, and rails code for implementing the feature. This is not a full on tutorial because I didn’t implement it fully but rather my understanding of how it works

Keerthana S GSOC

What they are up to

The base idea for the Pywikibot side of my project is adding methods to the Site class for the two Thanks API calls..as my first server-side task, write a proof-of-concept implementation of logging when a user enables and disables Thanks notifications..We’re actually in the middle of a full review of the 2016 patches

Alexander Jones GSOC

So this week I have dived into the front end (yey!) of the feature, keeping me back was the Git pitfalls that I have experienced.. This is the phase I have been waiting for the whole feature, this is what I love doing: understand, create with minimum interferences and enrich the front-end of the product. I have lots of work ahead of me, of course, but I am very motivated

Ela Opper Outreachy

Thank you for reading, check back next month for new updates! You could follow the work of these candidates and give them feedback by subscribing to their project on Phabricator. All projects information is available on the GSOC/Outreachy program page. View previous month's highlights.