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Front-end standards group/2016-05-24

From mediawiki.org

2016-05-24 Attending: Volker E., James F., Bartosz D., Jan D., Timo T.



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Action & Code




Hash fragment routing


https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T114007 T114007: Have a standard way of doing hash fragment routing in MediaWiki (JF) Learnings: Phabricator pretty interesting to work with, not the end of the World. Patches pending to replace custom code in Special:Preferences & MobileFrontend TT: MediaViewer might be another place where it will replace custom code In many ways, you don't want to be accessible by JS. Query Parameter instead For many use cases hash fragments are not the wanted https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T135692 - expose history API via OOjs Router in some way (for setting main query string, not hash) JF: Patch outstanding for unit tests

We've got stylelint up & running!


csslint has been around for years. Several (a few) projects are still using it. stylelint is the new kid on the block, althought already in v6. It offers a plethora of configuration options and is pretty First mention (request) for strong CSS linting by Volker in first meeting ;) https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Front-end_standards_group/2015-10-02#Requests_and_Actions

New quests

stylelint rules (VE)

Conventions and stylelint configuration:


JF, VE: We gonna leave it up the project owners to decide, which syntax to support in stylelint. CSS is default, anything else goes into project's configuration

Proposed rules to enable:


https://github.com/wikimedia/stylelint-config-wikimedia/issues/5 VE proposed this quite some time ago: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Coding_conventions/CSS/Archive_1#CSS.2FLess_property_order_proposal JF: Don't care which order, but an order would be good. But changing would be messy. TT: Not sure, if sold on order. There's flexibility to go for distinct order in subgroups, like `width` and `height` are ==> Continue on stylelint Github's issues page

General Inquiries


JF: I believe it's not covered by cookie policy. Should talk to lawyers about that.
=> JF reaches out to legal

  • Git repo best practices - Should a 'master' branch just track what's in production, and a 'wmf' branch act as a working branch?
 TT: A tag would make sense, 



TT: Posted proposal on the task. => People read it and please give feedback



Volker's task about font-size problem - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T97631