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Extension talk:TaskManagement

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The "TaskBox" template does not print on the entity page. i don't know why,

any idea about what could have happened?

Rnddude (talkcontribs)


the template should automatically be added by a hook function. Is Template:TaskBox part of the content of the entity page and the template just does not show or is Template:TaskBox not part of the content? Also you have to create the templates manually in your mediawiki (see "Create Template:TaskBox and copy the code from the file Template-TaskBox.txt into it"). Please check that this has been done correctly.

RndDude (talkcontribs)


I come across the first situation you mentioned above, that is, the entity page doesn't have the Template:TaskBox part.

I've added the Template as listed in the installation guide.

How can I solve this?

Thanks (talkcontribs)


I come across the first situation you mentioned above, that is, the entity page doesn't have the Template:TaskBox part.

I've added the Template as listed in the installation guide.

How can I solve this?


Reply to "TaskBox template," (talkcontribs)

I'm a little unclear on how the entity field works. I created a new task, and used the sample query provided on the Extension page, but I cant get the query to return anything. If i change the query to something like:

{{#ask: [[Category:Example]] [[Project::Temp]] | ?title;?text | format=list | link=none | headers=hide |+sep=; }}

Then any pages that use the "Example" category and have the right "Project" attribute have {{TaskBox }} added to them, however the task box only appears as a small hollow circle on the far right side that I can't click, and the stoplight on the Task page has an error next to it that reads "This task is done to Expression error: Unexpected * operator.%". Do I have to add additional attributes to the TaskBox to get it to work?

I'm using MediaWiki 1.25.1, Semantic MediaWiki 2.2.1, Semantic Forms 3.3, ParserFunctions 1.6, and GetUserName 1.0 (talkcontribs)

In the in-line query I meant to write Project as [[Project::this]]

Legaulph (talkcontribs)

I'm seeing this error as well

Reply to "Entity Query Issues"

Create Task Error Invalid callback in hooks for sfWritePageData

Legaulph (talkcontribs)

I'm getting error

Invalid callback in hooks for sfWritePageData

Legaulph (talkcontribs)

is there a way to configure this without the entity?

Reply to "Create Task Error Invalid callback in hooks for sfWritePageData"

Priority column is not displaing

2 (talkcontribs)

The Priority column is not displaying in Special:Tasks.

Also, I don't understand the Entity ... what is it for? I copied the example, but I don't think that's the correct thing to do.



Rnddude (talkcontribs)

Hi Bill,

yes, priority is not displayed, however two of the tables are sorted by priority in descending order. If you would like to display priority, you can change the queries in specials/Tasks.php. Those are standard semantic mediawiki queries, which are simply added to the page as wiki text. If you want to read up on this, I recommend this documentation.

The Entity also revolves around semantics. When you create a task you are supposed to specify an semantic ask-query, like the ones in specials/Tasks.php. This query is supposed to match certain pages in your wiki to which the task corresponds. On these pages a small box is displayed which shows the tasks for this page or rather this entity in your wiki.

Reply to "Priority column is not displaing"

Generic aspects of the extension

Christharp (talkcontribs)

Hi So I haven't looked through the code, but I am wondering how generic the code is. Can the form and the templates be modified or does it require one to use the identical copies provided here. I'm assuming the extension uses certain semantic properties and those properties can used in other forms, templates, etc., as along as the properties are called in a comparable way -- is that true? And if so, what are the mandatory property calls? All the best to you.

Rnddude (talkcontribs)

Hey, I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. What are you trying to do with the extension? A task is defined by different properties, there is a list on the extension page. For the basic functionality you don't need most of them, but different parts of the extension require different properties to be set, so that for every aspect to be working correctly you should define every property.

Reply to "Generic aspects of the extension"
CrystianMarquez (talkcontribs)
Rnddude (talkcontribs)


I guess so. I just took a quick look at MyVariables but that should work. Of course you need to replace the "{{#USERNAME:}}" with the right option from MyVariables. There is a lot of this in the template for the TaskBox but I'm not sure whether I used it in any other places.


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