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Extension talk:Page Forms/Quick start guide

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Inserted a tip about $wgMaxShellMemory = 512000;

Maybe it should go to the Extension:Semantic Forms/Common problems page ?

- Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 09:46, 9 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the addition. Yes, I changed the wording a little and moved it to the "Common problems" page. Yaron Koren (talk) 16:49, 9 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Installed from the .zip. When I do the Book example, the generated templates have too many curly braces for the Author and Genre properties.Alvaro Ortiz Troncoso (talk) 11:01, 10 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Gap between Quick Start and Defining Forms


May be I've missed something, but for me it is very difficult to do basic updates of forms I've done with the quick start guide. After a "first shot" with creating properties, forms and template, usually there is a need for improvements and additions. It would be great if the quick start guide provides some rather basic use cases (e. g. change the input type of a property, add a property etc) or if the "Defining Forms" article would cover such use cases.

For a beginner it is rather difficult to bet from the level of the quick start guide to the level of the defining forms article.

Agreed. I have been looking around to find out how to integrate page forms into an existing SMW installation. The idea of starting fresh is nice, but I don't have that luxury. I will need to add some dummy "class" to my SMW just to see how the form creates things and hopefully steal from there, so a bit more info here would be great. Tenbergen (talk) 16:59, 21 December 2016 (UTC)Reply
What kind of information would you want? Is your data already stored via infobox-style templates, by the way? If not, that's presumably the big challenge. Yaron Koren (talk) 17:08, 21 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

My wiki is based on extension Page Forms 5.3.1

The example seems to be out of date. One observation is, the example is based on Field name, Display and Type. Page Form 5.3.1 did not ask for a type. My web browser was based on Firefox 95 and I did not check other browsers. I suggest an Example for each major version of Page Forms --Matjung (talk) 17:44, 26 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

What are the requirements to make sure this extension will work?



I just installed MediaWiki 1.28.0 from scratch and added PageForms following these instructions: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms/Download_and_installation

And then went here to start using it: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Page_Forms/Quick_start_guide

And I jam at first step: Create a property. (Logged in as sysop) When I try to load Special:CreateProperty I get the "You have requested an invalid special page." As seen here: https://cuisine.wikipon.net/index.php?title=Special:CreateProperty

I can see Page Forms 4.1 in Special:Version: https://cuisine.wikipon.net/index.php?title=Special:Version

Some other links seems to work like "Special:CreateForm" https://cuisine.wikipon.net/index.php?title=Special:CreateForm

Is there something I am missing? TiriPon (talk) 18:42, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

Special:CreateProperty is only activated if you have the Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) extension installed. This "quick start guide" is really divided into two parts: one for Page Forms + SMW, and one for Page Forms + Cargo. There's nothing for Page Forms by itself, though maybe there should be. But I strongly recommend installing one or the other of these extensions, since it's a waste to have structured data in your wiki and not be able to query it. Of SMW and Cargo, I would personally recommend Cargo, since I think it's easier to install and use (and I wrote it). If you've already looked at both, though, and decided you don't want either one, let me know, and maybe I'll add something about Page Forms by itself to the page. Yaron Koren (talk) 18:54, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the prompt reply. I will try Cargo if you recommend it. Personally, I would prefer that every extension would work on there own. Or if necessary be merged. But I understand that for many creator it would be very hard.TiriPon (talk) 19:16, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
I installed Cargo and tried to create a template. When I click save I get this message: "This appears to be a cross-site request forgery; canceling save." Is template the first thing I should create? According to the instructions, if I understand correctly, it should be the same as SMW but without the Properties. So I deduced that the first step should be to create a template.TiriPon (talk) 20:24, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
That's a problem. Yes, you should create the template first - or you can use Special:CreateClass to create template, form and category at the same time. But that does sound like a bug. Yaron Koren (talk) 21:03, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
I get the same message when I try to do Special:CreateClass. I really only followed the basic installation instructions and i did not install any other extension except for those from the initial MW setup. I'm just unable to use this extension for now. I don't know if I want to install SMW because it looks more complicated and I don't have SSH access.TiriPon (talk) 21:16, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Try hitting "Preview" first, then "Save page". Yaron Koren (talk) 21:27, 30 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Same message if I click preview for Special:CreateTemplate...There is no preview button for Special:CreateClass...Maybe this can help, when I go to Special:CargoTables I get this message: A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.[WN5YjEg3ugkADqfUa9oAAAPJ] 2017-03-31 13:24:28: Fatal exception of type "DBQueryError"TiriPon (talk) 13:25, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

Did you call /maintenance/update.php in the MediaWiki code? Yaron Koren (talk) 13:55, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

I'm sorry I don't know what calling "/maintenance/update.php in the MediaWiki code" means. TiriPon (talk) 14:12, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
See here. Yaron Koren (talk) 14:19, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Yes I did the update process using the browser and the upgrade key. (several times) But, it just does nothing more and the problem is still there.TiriPon (talk) 14:34, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Alright. This seems out of the scope of this talk page - if you want more help, please go to the main talk page, or create a task for this on Phabricator. Yaron Koren (talk) 15:06, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
So, your saying it has nothing to do with "Page Forms" or "Cargo" extensions? Meaning that there is a problem with MW 1.28.0 or with PHP 5.6.30 and or MARIADB 5.5.52? Can you just confirm to me that "Page Forms" "Cargo" are properly working with a clean installation of MW 1.28.0 please. Thanks TiriPon (talk) 15:14, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
I'm not familiar with Phabricator. Is this the site your are suggesting me to go? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/ TiriPon (talk) 15:19, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply
Sorry, I should have been a lot clearer. This is the talk page just for the "Quick start guide", and you seem to be seeing issues related to the main software - one that's Cargo-related, and one that's probably Page Forms-related. So the main talk page for each extension would be the better place for these respective issues, or Phabricator - and yes, that's the right URL. Yaron Koren (talk) 16:16, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

Everything got fixed here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T161902 Thanks for your help Yaron. TiriPon (talk) 20:09, 31 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

QuickStart Without Cargo or SW?



I'm already using this awesome extension without Cargo or Semantic Wiki. But, would be great if there was a Quick-Start for using Page_Forms without Cargo or Semantic Wiki.

After creating and using a couple forms, i still find it a bit hard to understand. Would be great if there was a "Simplest Possible Form" example (without Cargo or SW, of course), and/or "Anatomy of a simple form".


Agreed, I am a MediaWiki newbie and I can't figure out how to get things beyond text entry and tree to work because there are no examples of how to use this without Cargo or Semantic Wiki. Examples of each input type in use would also be extremely helpful as well as a list/reference of how these are used. I am starting with an established site and established templates and can't figure out how to correctly add allowed list values and get them to show up. Please consider adding a help guide and some examples of how to enter values for each input type for the newbies. Clearly I'm missing something obvious :( TiltedCerebellum (talk) 23:03, 4 June 2019 (UTC)Reply
I have the same issue. I had expected, since it's explicitly stated on the main page that the extension can also be used without Cargo and Semantic Wiki, that the Quick start guide would already that information. IlseMul (talk) 09:14, 28 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Starting out - cannot grasp using templates


Hi all,

I setup the site a long time ago and then other projects came up, I would like to sort this out.

I am basically trying to create a Wiki of all pubs in my area (then further afield when working well) and would like when any other user creates a new page, i.e. a new pub, I want to force them to use a certain template to make sure the site remains consistent.

The template should have:

Pub Name (text)

Previous Pub Names with dates (text)

Street Address in full, including suburb and country

Then a free text area all about it

I have created a template using Special:CreateClass and got the message saying it was created, but I have no idea how to find it or use it?

The site is https://pubsproject.com/wiki/Main_Page

Appreciate any help on this. Stevio Bee (talk) 22:26, 4 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

If you click on "Recent changes" in the sidebar, you can see everything you created with Special:CreateClass. It looks like you created a template named "Add New Pub", a Cargo table (still un-generated) named "new_entry", and a form named "New Pub Entry". It would be better if all three of these were renamed to just "Pub" - I would move the template and form to "Template:Pub" and "Template:Form", respectively, and then edit them to change all instances of those current three names to "Pub". At that point, you should create the Cargo table, and then you'll have a data structure that I think basically works. Yaron Koren (talk) 00:08, 5 January 2023 (UTC)Reply