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Extension talk:OnlineStatus

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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Kghbln in topic Ukrainian localisation



I installed this extension and works great, but after watching it online it became completely absurd. This extension doesn't show your exact online status, only the status you choose in your preferences. You might be offline and set it to online and hey, you are online. The thing is, users need to visit their preferences every time they log in or log off to change their status? Am I missing something? Can it just be automatic? You log in --> You are online. You log off ---> You are offline!

By the way, I added this to the Internationalisation file (spanish):

'onlinestatus-subtitle-offline' => '<div style="text-align: right;">[[Imagen:Lightbulbxoff.png]] Este usuario se encuentra desconectado</div>',
'onlinestatus-subtitle-online'  => '<div style="text-align: right;">[[imagen:lightbulb.png]] Este usuario se encuentra conectado</div>',

This shows a bulb on or off depending on status and looks great[1]. Used these icons: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/mini/

And this is the internationalization for Spanish (sans bulbs):

/** Spanish (Español)
 * @author Cojoilustrado
$messages['es'] = array(
	'onlinestatus-desc'             => 'Crea una preferencia para mostrar si el usuario está conectado al wiki',
	'onlinestatus-levels'           => '* online
* offline', // Do not translate this message
	'onlinestatus-subtitle-offline' => 'Este usuario se encuentra desconectado',
	'onlinestatus-subtitle-online'  => 'Este usuario se encuentra conectado',
	'onlinestatus-toggles-desc'     => 'Tu estatus:',
	'onlinestatus-toggles-explain'  => 'Esto te permite mostrar a otros usuarios si estás conectado en tu página de usuario.',
	'onlinestatus-toggles-show'     => 'Muestra mi status en mi página de usuario',
	'onlinestatus-toggle-offline'   => 'Desconectado',
	'onlinestatus-toggle-online'    => 'Conectado',

--Mark 11:24, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

This extension was not designed to change automatically user status, but to let them choose their status, even if they are on the wiki or not. The problem is that not all users log in/out everytime the connect/disconnect from the wiki, but there can be a preference to do this automatically. Commited translation in r34204. Translations should not contain images or special styles, because they can be modified by sysops. iAlex 13:19, 4 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Actually, when I first opened the feature request on bugzilla, I was thinking of a switch that would be easily accessible, for example along the user bar that contains the links to one's user page, user talk page, preferences, etc. Click and you're marked as online, click again and you're marked as offline. This way, one wouldn't need to go to their preferences each time they want to change their status. Would it be possible to add this feature? guillom 08:19, 2 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yup, added a new "status" menu that works with ajax just before the "logout" link in personal tools (see r39651). iAlex 18:34, 19 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

parser function {{#anyuseronlinestatus:}}

  • MediaWiki 1.13.4
  • PHP 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
  • MySQL 5.0.22
  • Trunk extension downloaded: 1.13.X

Hello. My Special:Version page shows that the extension is well installed, and that the parserfunction hooks {{#anyuseronlinestatus:}} is available. But when I write it in a wiki page nothing happen, the whole string {{#anyuseronlinestatus:}} just get printed on the page. --almaghi 14:24, 12 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Ukrainian localisation


Ukrainian localisation. Just add these strings to the file OnlineStatus.i18n.php

/** Ukrainian (Українська)
 * @author Oleksa
 * @author Олекса Стасевич
$messages['uk'] = array(
	'onlinestatus-desc' => 'Додає налаштування, яке визначає поточну присутність учасника на сайті',
	'onlinestatus-js-anon' => 'Помилка. Потрібно представитись системі для використання цієї можливості.',
	'onlinestatus-js-changed' => 'Ваш статус змінено на "$1"',
	'onlinestatus-js-error' => 'Неможливо змінити статус, значення "$1" неправильне',
	'onlinestatus-subtitle-offline' => 'Цього учасника зараз немає на сайті',
	'onlinestatus-subtitle-online' => 'Цей учасник зараз на сайті',
	'onlinestatus-tab' => 'Стан',
 	'onlinestatus-toggles-desc' => 'Ваш стан:',
	'onlinestatus-toggles-explain' => 'Дозволяє іншим учасникам, які переглядають вашу сторінку, побачити, чи ви присутні зараз на сайті',
	'onlinestatus-toggles-show' => 'Відображати присутність на сайті на моїй сторінці учасника',
	'onlinestatus-toggle-offline' => 'Немає на сайті',
	'onlinestatus-toggle-online' => 'На сайті',
	'onlinestatus-pref-onlineonlogin' => 'Змінювати мій стан на "online" під час входу у систему',
	'onlinestatus-pref-offlineonlogout' => 'Змінювати мій стан на "offline" після завершення сеансу',

Oleksiy.stasevych (talk) 21:46, 23 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi, why don't you register at translatwiki.net and add the translation yourself? It is quite easy, since this extension it translated through them. Cheers --[[kgh]] (talk) 21:57, 23 June 2012 (UTC)Reply