Extension talk:KidsEditor
Add topicI am looking forward to seeing complete instructions...
- Can't wait to have it working... althought i don't like the wiki --> html --> wiki idea too much... hope there will be something native soon.
- I can't wait to see this work -- Please configure it for it will be highly valuable
Count me in as well. I have a ton of users that will not want or be able to learn the wikitext notation.
How about mozile 0.8?
[edit]or xinha..
It works good..
mozile 0.8 server side? now i'm testing...
Well, the extension sounds great, but there is no installation instruction even in the software package. I have no idea how I can install it at this point, wouldn't it be clear that many of us non-techies are mystified by the lack of installation instruction and perhaps discouraged?
<h1>test using <a href="http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/firefox/">xinha <br /></a> </h1> <p><a href="http://www.hypercubed.com/projects/firefox/"></a> I am testing the adons Installed on firefox here. Let's see what comes out of thsi typing. <br /> </p> <nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>
Apparently, firefox interpretes the typed texts into html codes which Wik doesn't undestand.... for a second, I thought I had a solution....
Well, I am very much interested in a WYSIWYG Editor because I am quite sure that many potential contributors are refusing to colaborate because they have to lear too muh technical stuff (Horst Salzwedel)
I would prefer TinyMCE.
Carification Needed...
I have done all the steps outlined in the extension documentation. Two parts are a bit unclear...
The first issue I have is, you reference to fix the path of image? What image are you refering and what would it be set to? This is unclear.
* To fix FCKeditor image display problem, you need to fix the path of image. In instaview.js file, find "InstaView.conf=" and add the path to image inside the quote of images: * and also comment the following code inside of "with(InstaView.conf)"
paths.images = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/' + wiki.lang + '/'
Secondly you have a Warning about touching a core file. What do you mean by this exactly? (WARNING) You need to touch the core file in order to make this whole thing works.
I can't find the following text in the file FCKeditor.php. I have download the version 2.4.2!
- To add InstaView into FCKeditor, you need to find the following code within FCKeditor.php
$wgOut->addScript( "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$wgScriptPath/$wgFCKEditorDir/fckeditor.js\"></script>\n" )