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Extension talk:Header Tabs/Version history

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How to install extension HeaderTabs 2.2 on MW 1.35

Xiaodongzhou (talkcontribs)

I would like to adjust the parameter $wgHeaderTabsDisableDefaultToc of extension HeaderTabs, but it turned out that this parameter was introduced from version 2.2. The download link of HeaderTabs for MW 1.35 , Special:ExtensionDistributor/HeaderTabs, at Extension:Header Tabs/en is for version 1.3. I just wonder if HeaderTabs 2.2 is compatible with MW 1.35. If it is compatible, where to download the version 2.2 and how to upgrade.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

It is compatible, yes. You can use either of the two options listed here.

Xiaodongzhou (talkcontribs)

Thanks Yaron.

Even though I upgraded extension HeaderTabs to version 2.2, the parameters, like $wgHeaderTabsDisableDefaultToc, $wgHeaderTabsNoTabsInTOC and $wgHeaderTabsGenerateTabTocs, are still NOT working as expected.

I had a main page with 10 tabs, and for each tab I wanted to add some section headings and also wanted a TOC for each tab in there.

However, no matter how I set up these parameters it always turned out that there was only one TOC above the tabs and all headings including the 10 tab names were generated in the TOC.

Not sure what I am doing wrong here.

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