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Extension talk:Gadgets/Roadmap

About this board

Andrybak (talkcontribs)
Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I've put a note at the top, cross-linking to the central page that explains who is maintaining what.

Reply to "Status of this page"

Distributed namespaces

1 (talkcontribs)

I'm interested in moving the four gadget namespaces to a shared read-only wiki. I want to refer to those namespaces via interwiki prefixes, mapped to URLs of the wikis which have these content pages. We're only discussing read-only access to the pages on the remote wiki. There's no desire to manually transclude pages from these wikis. (Certainly to edit any page retrieved from a remote wiki, a user would need to login to that wiki first.)

Would the Gadget system/design be impervious to this configuration -- that is, where read-access to all gadget namespaces is provided via the interwiki table ??

Will this configuration cause any problems with deploying user-specific gadget libraries -- I am concerned that page-ids might be stored, not fullpagenames, for any references to shared resources.

thanks for any replies/cheers!

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