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Extension talk:DirList

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Simonlsw in topic Cannot support chinese dir name

--- 08.02.2010 Hi everyone! I've experienced the same problem with this extension, (There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page.), I have a solution that may help some of those with this problem. It worked for me:

I had been using the FCKeditor extension before. This extension was affecting the formatting of certain pages, I'd also lost the special:version page as well so I disabled the extension from LocalSettings.php (require once entry), retried the affected pages including the DirList page and it ALL WORKED! I hope this helps.

Regards Jon

If your wiki URL is in the form of /index.php/Main_Page (for example), the script breaks. to fix, change

$link = "<a href='".$file['fullpath']."'>".$file['filename']."</a>";


$link = "<a href='/".$file['fullpath']."'>".$file['filename']."</a>";

Yes, it's a five minute hack - but I only had five minutes ;-)

--Andre 30-July-2009


I too would love to be able to use on a directory outside the root directory. FileProtocolLinks.php lets me do it. Perhaps the solution is a combination of your work and Mr. Mielach's (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FileProtocolLinks). 6 Oct 2008.


Can this extension be made to find a directory outside the root directory? such as a unc path. ie: \\server\folder i tried swapping out $fullpath = $IP/ for $fullpath = \\server/ and it didn't work Matt 16:50, 12 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

This extension uses the php function "opendir()" to read a directory.

Maybe this will help you: [1]

On which operating system runs your webserver?

--- 13.07.2008 Same Problem. is there a Problem with Mediawiki 1.12+ or what is the problem?

I use:

  • Kernel: 2.6.9-023stab044.16-enterprise
  • OS: debian GNU/Linux 4.0
    • libapache2-mod-php5 5.2.5-3
    • php-auth 1.5.4-1
    • php-db 1.7.13-2
    • php-mail-mime 1.5.2-0.1
    • php-mail-mimedecode 1.5.0-2
    • php-net-smtp 1.2.11-1
    • php-net-socket 1.0.8-2
    • php-pear 5.2.0-8+etch11
    • php5 5.2.0-8+etch11
    • php5-cgi 5.2.5-3
    • php5-cli 5.2.5-3
    • php5-common 5.2.5-3
    • php5-gd 5.2.5-3
    • php5-imap 5.2.5-3
    • php5-mcrypt 5.2.5-3
    • php5-mysql 5.2.5-3
    • php5-recode 5.2.5-3
    • php5-sqlite 5.2.5-3
    • php5-xcache 1.2.2-2
    • phpmyadmin 4:
    • mysql-client 5.0.51a-5
    • mysql-client-5.0 5.0.32-7etch6
    • mysql-common 5.0.51a-5
    • mysql-server 5.0.51a-5
    • mysql-server-5.0 5.0.32-7etch6

--- 18.06.2008

I have a problem with this extension. The result is correctly displayed but when I click on the document to open it (or download it).
I am redirect within my wiki with an error message ;

There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page.

Did I made something wrong ?

Thanks for your help

Wrong result when clicking



I have a problem with this extension. The result is correctly displayed but when I click on the document to open it (or download it).
I am redirect within my wiki with an error message ;

There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page.

Did I made something wrong ?

Thanks for your help

Cannot support chinese dir name


hi, it works well for english dir name. however, it can not find the chinese dir name. why?--Simonlsw (talk) 08:58, 26 February 2014 (UTC)Reply