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Extension talk:CategoryBrowser

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This extension is partially functional in MW 1.20+

Arcane21 (talkcontribs)

I have this extension partially functional in MW 1.20+, but I had to comment out all instance of the following line:

wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'CategoryBrowser' );

This doesn't seem to harm functionality, but I have run into this error:

Notice: Undefined property: CB_CategoriesView::$collation in C:\xampp\htdocs\wtwiki\includes\CategoryViewer.php on line 213

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFirstLetter() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\wtwiki\includes\CategoryViewer.php on line 213

This error occurs when attempting to see pages in a subcategory.

Reply to "This extension is partially functional in MW 1.20+"
FlightTime (talkcontribs)
  • MediaWiki 1.18.2
  • PHP 5.2.17 (cgi-fcgi)
  • MySQL 5.5.19-55

I have a four wiki farm. All four are running the same versions as above. I'm pretty sure all have the same version of CategoryBroswer installed. Below is the LocalSettings.php config's at all wiki's.

/*            CategoryBrowser                             */
CB_Setup::$categoriesLimit     = 30;
CB_Setup::$pagesLimit          = 30;
CB_Setup::$filesMaxRows        = 2;
CB_Setup::$imageGalleryPerRow  = 5;
CB_Setup::$allowNestedParents  = false;
CB_Setup::$allowNoParentsOnly  = true;

Here is a ScreenShot example of two wiki's I'm not having problems with. (link to that wiki's CategoryBrowser page) On the last two this ScreenShot is of the error if the Case insensitive check box (which is checked by default) is left checked for a query of "S" Categories. Here is the same query if the Case insensitive check box is un-checked prior to query ScreenShot (link to that wiki's CategoryBrowser page). The maintenance script the error mentions has been run. Does anyone know of a fix or how to change the Case insensitive check box to un-checked by default ?

Reply to "Error problem"
FlightTime (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Templates"
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