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Some notes about LiquidThreads.


Note: LiquidThreads is being actively developed, so at times these notes may not be applicable. Please strike them as necessary.

Current issues

  • URL parameters seem long and awkward (e.g., &lqt_method=talkpage_new_thread)
  • Section anchors are named poorly (#lqt_thread_XXX); nobody knows or cares what lqt is; simpler language would be nice — update: 'nother example: &lqt_method=summarize&lqt_operand=330 operand? really?
  • Floating action box can be dizzying / aggravating when scrolling up and down
  • Header action buttons ([Edit↑] [History↑] [Delete↑]) seem awkwardly positioned
  • Thread index "Started by" column gives too much weight to original poster (perhaps remove the column altogether or at least make it optional)
  • No tooltip for the quote icon in the action box?
  • Icons are confusing (no idea what the pencil means and how it's different from the reply button, for example); both pencil and reply arrow mean write....
  • "Edited by other users" should be a link or something (it also gets covered up by the floating action box, which is a bit annoying)
  • There's a summary field for replies; not sure if that's necessary (perhaps pre-fill it?)
  • Need a graceful way to handle user signatures (~~~~)
  • Watch checkbox isn't clear whether you're watching the entire page or just the thread you're replying to
  • There appears to be non-optional em dash usage for signatures
  • Rounded corners won't be supported on older browsers (not sure they're good for a default; defaults should be as widely supported as possible, wikis can customize themselves)
  • Timestamp is really light currently (using #C0C0C0 currently)
  • Copying and pasting the timestamp of a reply is impossible with the floating action box
  • "Added to watchlist" message should probably be split for threads (you're not watching a page and its associated talk page...)
  • Perhaps add sortability to the "Last modified" column in the thread index
  • Search seems to be completely broken (tried searching for "love"; no results when there's clearly a "Love the small, dynamic post form" thread topic) — update: still seems to be completely broken; maybe the search index isn't being updated on lqt.labs.wm.o?
  • When summarizing a thread, there's a useless "Subject:" field (any changes are simply discarded) — update: still useless, though it seems to auto-fill now; should just be removed altogether
  • Summary is too similar to the original post; hard to differentiate between the two (even with the dark background) [I guess they shouldn't be in the same box???]
  • No ability to delete your own posts
  • No ability to delete others' posts
  • Deleting a post doesn't leave a marker in the thread (intentional? prone to abuse?)
  • No easy way to view log of deleted posts in a particular thread (I thought I saw a log somewhere.... can't seem to find it now)
  • Undeleting / restoring a post doesn't update "replies" count at the top of the page
  • No link from Special:Watchlist to Special:NewMessages (and vice versa)
  • LiquidThreads don't interact well with user renames (going to end up with nasty bot reliance; bad scene)
  • {{#UseLiquidThreads:1}}? what happens if a vandal removes this? Degrade gracefully (all threads apparently disappear)? Will these go into a special category ("Category:Pages with non-visible threads"?)? Reliance on AbuseFilter to prevent mischief?
  • Preview for summaries puts thread at all the way bottom (very easy to miss; should probably at least include the first section? or have a pointer to the bottom? or use some show/hide magic?)
  • Previewing replies doesn't show the reply in context of the thread (confusing as hell)
  • Summaries are signed; replies aren't (confusing for new users.... at a minimum should have a warning?)
  • Submitting a thread summary goes to the thread page; should maybe return to starting page?
  • All the "watch this page" checkboxes are confusing (don't know if you're watching just a summary, just a thread, the actual page, etc.)
  • Action box should never overlap with post content (http://pruebita.com/floating-overlap-is-evil.png) (see also: layout redesign idea 1 layout redesign idea 2)
  • Drop-down for threads per page (temporary)
  • Configurable number of displayed threads by count (per page [already filed], globally?, per namespace?)
  • Configurable number of displayed threads by timestamp (show all threads < 1 month on a talk page by default, or < 2 days) (per page? globally? per namespace?) [Might be a really good reason to cleanup ?action=info!]
  • "Start a new thread" box is confusing; seems like you could type in a new thread topic in the place where search is (similar to InputBox); perhaps make "start a new thread" a proper button and put it on a different line?
  • Add ability to protect a thread
  • Page protection should apply to the threads
  • There's no "redirected from" text for moved headers
  • "Last modified" column in the thread index needs white-space:nowrap;
  • RC feed is showing raw HTML (<a></a>) for thread moves
  • Overlap of long thread titles with the interface
  • "Link to / More" is confusing; they're at the bottom of the post, but the thread action links are above; needs better UI to indicate which post you're acting on
  • "Start a new discussion" is still confusing next to an input bar
  • "Summary" field isn't auto-filling until preview (using AJAX editing, at least)
  • Need rigorous testing with JS disabled
  • "Last modified" column in the thread index needs a white-space:nowrap; applied to it
  • Is "/reply" localizable yet? I know there's a bug about this and I thought it was fixed, but this wiki seems to indicate it's not (or the default has bad capitalization); need to investigate
  • "It's possible to post a hierarchical reply, you just use "Reply" in the menu for a particular post. It's possible to move threads into a hierarchical structure if you like. The point is that by default discussions will go linearly." → ugh, massive confusion here; needs to be re-thought
  • Auto-filled summary discards user input after preview (if the user wants to change it for whatever reason); either make it non-editable or change current behavior to not eat the user's changes
  • Any reason the thread index is limited to a certain width? May make more sense to give it 100%...
  • From the IRC RC feed: <snitch> Euku moved <a href="/wiki/Thread:Talk:LiquidThreads_testing/abcdefhg" title="Thread:Talk:LiquidThreads testing/abcdefhg">Thread:Talk:LiquidThreads testing/abcdefhg</a> from <a href="/wiki/Talk:LiquidThreads_testing" title="Talk:LiquidThreads testing">Talk:LiquidThreads testing</a> to <a href="/w/index.php?title=Talk:User_talk&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Talk:User t; http://liquidthreads-labs.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:log/move
    • Cross-reference with on-wiki RC feed and try to figure out where the brokenness is
  • <title> not updating post-save using AJAX editing (referenced on this page)
  • Child threads don't get restored automatically when the parent thread is restored
  • Updating thread titles doesn't enter Special:Contributions or the RC feed (vandalism vector); it is logged in the full thread history—not sufficient, though
  • "Summarize" thread function doesn't use AJAX editing
  • "Change subject" link can be clicked an infinite number of times
  • "Change subject" "Save/Cancel" buttons overlap with thread action links ("History", etc.)
  • "More" --> "edit" --> make a change --> save --> sends user to the wrong section anchor
  • (bugzilla:21024) Add ability to make a thread sticky
  • (bugzilla:21024) Add ability to sink ("archive") a thread
  • (bugzilla:20536) Watch thread link needs more AJAX
  • (bugzilla:17114) Close disc-page for new threads
  • (bugzilla:19337) Some way to lock a thread to new posts
  • (bugzilla:19580) Make threads collapsible
  • (bugzilla:19975) Fix paging for LiquidThreads discussion pages
  • (bugzilla:20004) LiquidThreads search supports only Lucene
  • (bugzilla:20536) LiquidThreads thread-level commands need some lovin'
  • (bugzilla:20541) LiquidThreads notifications and watchlist notifications need to be unified
  • (bugzilla:20542) Experiment with embedding LiquidThreads discussion forums on other random pages (CodeReview etc)
  • (bugzilla:20545) Add AJAX-triggered inline search for LiquidThreads threads
  • (bugzilla:20579) Per-talkpage history function for LiquidThreads
  • (bugzilla:20589) LiquidThreads thread splitting and merging should be drag n drop
  • (bugzilla:20642) LiquidThreads tab customisation does not play nicely with Vector Skin
  • (bugzilla:20644) Messy 'new messages' pages
  • (bugzilla:20649) Inconsistent thread history display for thread view
  • (bugzilla:20684) Add feed for Special:NewMessages in LiquidThreads
  • (bugzilla:20890) LiquidThreads should store read/unread status for all messages for all users
  • (bugzilla:20909) LiquidThreads hasn't been tested on RTL
  • (bugzilla:20929) Show signature in preview
  • (bugzilla:20930) Lack of paper trail for thread splitting and merging
  • (bugzilla:20931) Hook edit for LiquidThreads post-edit updates
  • (bugzilla:20932) LiquidThreads editing toolbar does not work
  • (bugzilla:20933) LiquidThreads should have more display preferences
  • (bugzilla:20934) LiquidThreads has no support for RTL
  • (bugzilla:20935) LiquidThreads placeholders have no pointer to the new page
  • (bugzilla:20955) Restore quoting syntax
  • (bugzilla:20956) Menu does not work for thread permalinks
  • (bugzilla:20957) In-place editing of thread subjects
  • (bugzilla:20958) Threads in multiple places
  • (bugzilla:20961) Per-page configurable thread limit
  • (bugzilla:20965) LiquidThreads: API for creating and replying to threads
  • (bugzilla:20968) PLURAL support needed in JavaScripts
  • (bugzilla:21001) Blocked users cannot post to their own talk page.
  • (bugzilla:21021) LiquidThreads new messages should display the talk page each message is on
  • (bugzilla:21024) Ability to sticky, bump and bury threads
  • (bugzilla:21029) LiquidThreads toolbox prevents clicking or highlighting of content
  • (bugzilla:21055) Should be an option for whether or not to bump a topic when editing/replying to a thread
  • (bugzilla:21056) Make "Started By" column disablable
  • (bugzilla:21057) Moved thread notice breadcrumbs should assume the sort-key of the moved thread.
  • (bugzilla:21058) Reports that multi-level reply counting is not working correctly
  • (bugzilla:21067) Fully AJAXify post and edit cycle
  • (bugzilla:21170) Using liquid threads should't remove the edit tab, just change it
  • (bugzilla:21184) Within-session method of reattributing anonymous posts.
  • (bugzilla:21185) New Messages overflows horizontally
  • (bugzilla:21186) Dynamically loaded post/reply/edit forms lose changes on page transition
  • (bugzilla:21256) API should support &action=edit&section=new regardless of whether LiquidThreads is used on the page
  • (bugzilla:21268) LiquidThreads treats discussions on transcluded subpages as different discussions
  • (bugzilla:21319) Infinite recursion in Thread::loadAllData()
  • (bugzilla:21379) Notification to Special:NewMessages on talk page header change
  • (bugzilla:21380) Cannot get to 'old style' talk page history from talk page
  • (bugzilla:21381) PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function topmostThread() on a non-object
  • (bugzilla:21384) E-mail by empty sender
  • (bugzilla:21393) You have new messages. There are no new messages for you.
  • (bugzilla:21445) Headers not parsed in TOC
  • (bugzilla:21446) Need skin specific CSS for skins in the standard product
  • (bugzilla:21452) Information missing in thread history
  • (bugzilla:21457) Spammed by thread traffic
  • (bugzilla:21458) IE7 apparently unable to display edit box at nesting level > 9
  • (bugzilla:21462) Posting an reply to message at Special:NewMessages breaks the view
  • (bugzilla:21466) Exception: Post 50 has contaminated reply 50
  • (bugzilla:21507) Thread moves are logged to IRC in user language
  • (bugzilla:21531) Menu overlaps thread title
  • (bugzilla:21541) Pre-save transform not applied to LiquidThreads signatures
  • (bugzilla:21553) Remove LiquidThreads customisation of recentchanges
  • (bugzilla:21554) Missing second-level replies in thread permalink view
  • (bugzilla:21586) Should add logging table entries for thread actions
  • (bugzilla:21605) LiquidThreads: "This message has been edited" should have history link and last modified date
  • (bugzilla:21608) Only display thread fragments on Special:NewMessages
  • (bugzilla:21609) AJAX for post editing in LiquidThreads
  • (bugzilla:21610) Merge "new messages" with "my talkpage"
  • (bugzilla:21611) Preview button sometimes missing in action (editing a post with LiquidThreads)
  • (bugzilla:21612) Remove username from LQT titles
  • (bugzilla:21625) New Section Link
  • (bugzilla:21626) edit tools break LiquidThreads AJAX forms in IE
  • (bugzilla:21630) LiquidThreads needs testing under obscure skins
  • (bugzilla:21635) LiquidThreads data is not imported from database dumps
  • (bugzilla:21636) Toolbar overlaps horizontal rule
  • (bugzilla:21637) Infinite scrolling on LiquidThreads discussion pages
  • (bugzilla:21640) LiquidThreads revision storage breaks when serialised object size exceeds 65,555 bytes
  • (bugzilla:21648) LiquidThreads signatures present a difficult-to-revert vandalism vector
  • (bugzilla:21649) Remove signature button from toolbar
  • (bugzilla:21651) Call to undefined method ThreadDiffView::show()
  • (bugzilla:21652) Thread toolbar command list takes up too much space
  • (bugzilla:21670) Moving a thread leads to empty page (PHP Fatal error)
  • (bugzilla:21686) page "edit" link not working
  • (bugzilla:21687) Cannot edit new contributions any more.
  • (bugzilla:21688) Operlapping header and links
  • (bugzilla:21689) Reduce screen clutter by page index.
  • (bugzilla:21690) Allow users to set thread paging limit with preferences or view options.
  • (bugzilla:21691) Header lost ability to use pre-save wiki syntax
  • (bugzilla:21692) personal edit toolbar lost
  • (bugzilla:21693) Do not rearrange page content.
  • (bugzilla:21694) signatures duplicated.
  • (bugzilla:21695) Image overlapping text "wigger"
  • (bugzilla:21696) Avoid unnecessary images
  • (bugzilla:21697) Avoid unnecessary lines
  • (bugzilla:21698) Recompactify text in support page
  • (bugzilla:21699) LQT edit does not preserve "Watch this page" state
  • (bugzilla:21700) Restore "minor edit" selector.
  • (bugzilla:21701) Preview button is missing sometimes.
  • (bugzilla:21702) wasted screen space by series of links on separate lines.
  • (bugzilla:21703) Duplicated edit toolbar
  • (bugzilla:21704) needless link list overlaps images
  • (bugzilla:21705) All sections made identical
  • (bugzilla:21706) message incorrectly refering to "talk page"
  • (bugzilla:21707) message having wrong link
  • (bugzilla:21708) remove gray dates / times
  • (bugzilla:21721) LiquidThreads "delete" link displays when the page doesn't exist
  • (bugzilla:21722) LiquidThreads URL parameters and section anchors are ugly
  • (bugzilla:21723) LiquidThreads thread action links need tooltips
  • (bugzilla:21724) LiquidThreads thread summaries are unsigned
  • (bugzilla:21725) Link to link for LiquidThreads summaries doesn't use JavaScript
  • (bugzilla:21726) LiquidThreads "/reply" in page title should be localizable
  • (bugzilla:21727) LiquidThreads "start a new discussion" interface is confusing
  • (bugzilla:21728) LiquidThreads AJAX reply doesn't increment replies counter until refresh
  • (bugzilla:21729) LiquidThreads oldid links for replies have a bad interface
  • (bugzilla:21730) LiquidThreads "Fragment of a discussion" link uses an unnecessary section anchor
  • (bugzilla:21731) LiquidThreads "thread" tab doesn't take the user to the thread
  • (bugzilla:21732) LiquidThreads has confusing interaction with "watch" feature
  • (bugzilla:21733) LiquidThreads replies non-optionally add the thread to the watchlist
  • (bugzilla:21734) LiquidThreads posts don't catch manual user signatures gracefully
  • (bugzilla:21735) Standard LiquidThreads reply shouldn't have a "summary" input (or it should be auto-filled)
  • (bugzilla:21743) Strange reaction to subject blanking
  • (bugzilla:21756) Do not waste screen space with useless trash
  • (bugzilla:21757) Triple edit bar
  • (bugzilla:21758) edit bar appears six times
  • (bugzilla:21759) LiquidThreads should allow "mark unread"
  • (bugzilla:21852) Ability to modify redirects
  • (bugzilla:21880) LiquidThreads "start a new discussion" jumps down too far
  • (bugzilla:21901) LiquidThreads "start a new discussion" exhibits strange behavior
  • (bugzilla:21902) LiquidThreads new thread causes missing table of contents
  • (bugzilla:21903) LiquidThreads namespace names (Thread, Summary, Summary talk) cannot be localised
  • (bugzilla:21904) LiquidThreads thread titles obscured by thread action links
  • (bugzilla:21909) Please describe some LiquidThreads messages to allow better localisation
  • (bugzilla:21920) LiquidThreads "more" link is not accessible to keyboard

Resolved issues

  • You can add a summary of your summary? Yo dawg...
  • I think summarizing a thread now accuses me of editing someone else's post
  • Non-admins have a delete link
  • When you initially click reply, the edit toolbar doesn't appear (appears after previewing, though)
  • Perhaps remove "minor" checkbox altogether for replies?
  • No tooltips for the icons in the floating action box
  • &section=new doesn't add a new section, it modifies the header (this is confusing and kinda nasty)

Fixed, but not deployed


Raw notes


Commented out (though feel free to peek if you're bored).

Other notes

  • Edit problematic user signatures?