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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Cargo/Download and installation and the translation is 58% complete.


你可以在这里下载.zip模式的Cargo源代码: https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Cargo/archive/3.7.zip

您也可以直接从MediaWiki源代码库通过Git下载代码(参见可用标签)。 从扩展目录的命令行,运行以下代码:

git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Cargo

如需在线查看代码,包括每个文件的历史版本,请在此处: view Cargo code



wfLoadExtension( 'Cargo' );

设置了代码之后,Cargo会在需要的主数据库中有两个数据库表格。 你需要通过前往MediaWiki的maintenance目录下通过以下代码设置:

php update.php

最终,你需要确保代码关联数据库的数据库账户有能力创建和删除表格。 这个可能是或不是标准的MediaWiki数据库账户,见下。


默认情况下,Cargo使用标准的MediaWiki数据库来存储其数据。 (如果你通过$wgDBservers 设置了多个数据库,则使用这些数据库中的第一个。) Cargo会通过其所有名称以前缀开头来区分它的数据库表和所有其他表,前缀默认为“cargo__”。

你可以改变它来使得Cargo使用其他的数据库。 (虽然Cargo的两个helper表,cargo_tables和cago_pages会留存在主要的MediaWiki数据库中。) 最好使用单独的数据库,有以下两个原因:

  • Cargo可能有安全漏洞,比如,Cargo查询允许包含允许用户访问不应该访问的信息的恶意SQL,或者甚至修改数据库。 There are no known security leaks - and Cargo uses a lot of safeguards to try to prevent any such leaks - but that does not mean that no leak exists. If there is any such vulnerability, having a separate database using a separate database user with restricted permissions is the safer option.
  • If slow, intensive queries are run, either unknowingly or maliciously, having a separate database on a separate database server would prevent such queries from interfering with the regular operation of the wiki.

Cargo offers the following global settings to let you set a separate database:

Variable Required? Default Description
$wgCargoDBserver Required required to set up the custom database
$wgCargoDBname Required required to set up the custom database
$wgCargoDBuser Required required to set up the custom database
$wgCargoDBpassword Required required to set up the custom database
$wgCargoDBtype Optional the value of $wgDBtype
$wgCargoDBprefix Optional ""
$wgCargoDBfilePath Optional only needed for SQLite databases; see SQLite specific options

These are set in the same way as their non-Cargo equivalents, which can be found in LocalSettings.php. To set this custom database, add lines for at least the first four variables to LocalSettings.php.


The runcargoqueries permission governs access to Special:ViewData and Special:Drilldown and by default is true for everyone. This can be changed by following the instructions in 手册:用户权限 .


  • If you plan to export data to an Excel spreadsheet, you need to install the PhpSpreadsheet library on your server.

This can be done by adding phpoffice/phpspreadsheet to your composer.local.json and running composer update --no-dev -o.


If you used 'git clone' to install Cargo, you can update to the very latest code for it with a simple command. It may not be a stable release.

From a command line in the Cargo directory, run the following:

git pull