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Documentation/Toolkit/Content audit

From mediawiki.org

This checklist is a tool to help review a documentation page. It is written in Remarkup for use in a Phabricator task, not in wikitext. For more information about review checklists, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Documentation/Toolkit.

Page: <Add link to page>

Content review questions:

  • What is the topic of the page?
  • Does the page fit into to a defined content type? (See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Documentation/Patterns for review checklists specific to each content type.)
  • What information is included on the page?
  • Who is the audience (or audiences) of the page? Is the content of the page suitable for that audience?
  • Are there any duplicate pages or overlapping content that needs to be merged or marked as obsolete?
  • How is the page linked to related pages? What categories does the page belong to? Is it part of a clearly defined collection of pages? Check Special:PrefixIndex for subpages.


  • In addition to addressing any outstanding items in the checklist, what are the most impactful changes that can be made to improve the page?
  • If the page is part of a collection, what are the most impactful changes that can be made to improve the collection as a whole?

Maintainer outreach:

  • Is there anything notable in the recent activity? Check page views, talk page posts, and recent edits.
  • Who seems to be active on or knowledgeable about the page? Who created the page?
  • Do the recommendations from this review include changes to the page title or other significant content changes and should be discussed with a maintainer?

Review checklist:

  • [] Title style: Uses sentence case for titles. The title should be descriptive and specific. This helps visitors decide whether they would want to use the page. For example: "Accessing Instances on Cloud VPS" is much better than "Instances".
  • [] Introduction: For search optimization and page previews, include a short introduction as the first text on the page following the title. This should briefly introduce the content type, purpose of the page, general audience, and topic with the goal of providing enough information to be meaningful in a set of search results.
  • [] Section headings: Section headings use sentence case. Headings use h2, h3, and h4 styles.
  • [] Links: Links on the page go to existing, non-obsolete pages (unless for historical reasons). Link text is descriptive and does not include any wiki prefixes.
  • [] Lists: Do not use bulleted list items to complete an introductory sentence fragment.
  • [] Status: No draft or outdated banners are present.
  • [] Feedback and communication: The page prompts readers to share feedback or ask a question. It indicates where readers can go to get updates or connect with others, if appropriate. A talk page exists (or redirects to a central talk page) with at least a welcome post.
  • [] Translation: If translation is available and the content of the page is stable, the page is marked for translation.
  • [] Mobile: The page is readable on mobile, with all important information visible.
  • [] Accessibility: The page complies with the accessibility guide for developers. (You can use the WAVE tool (https://wave.webaim.org/) to check for critical issues.)
  • [] Date format: Either write out the complete date (September 1, 2021) or use YYYY-MM-DD format (2021-09-01).
  • [] Broken section links: If you restructure a page as part of a content audit, check for broken anchor links (`pagename#section`) via Special:WhatLinksHere}}