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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2024/Questions

From mediawiki.org


Some of these questions were only shown conditionally. For example, if you responded to "What role(s) do you currently have in the Wikimedia developer community?" by only selecting "Volunteer Developer" then you did not see the question "Which department are you in?"


For survey data cleaning, wrangling, and visualization code, see our GitLab repo.

Roles and demographics

Code Question Choices
G01Q01 What role(s) do you currently have in the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Wikimedia Foundation Staff

◯ Wikimedia Chapter or other Affiliate Staff

◯ Volunteer Developer

◯ Other:

G01Q02 Which of the following best describes your role? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Manager

◯ Individual Contributor

◯ Other

G01Q03 Which department are you in? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Technology

◯ Product

◯ Advancement

◯ Finance and Administration

◯ Communications

◯ Talent and Culture

◯ Legal

G01Q04staff What are your role(s) as a Wikimedia or Chapter/Affiliate staff member (not as a volunteer)? Please select all that apply. Please choose all that apply:

◯ Test engineer

◯ MediaWiki core developer

◯ MediaWiki extension developer

◯ SRE / infrastructure engineer

◯ Data engineer

◯ Service / API developer

◯ Tool developer

◯ Gadget or on-wiki tooling developer

◯ Other:

G01Q04 What are your volunteer role(s) in the Wikimedia developer community? Please select all that apply. Please choose all that apply:

◯ Test engineer

◯ MediaWiki core developer

◯ MediaWiki extension developer

◯ SRE / infrastructure engineer

◯ Data engineer

◯ Service / API developer

◯ I create or maintain tools

◯ Gadget or on-wiki tooling developer

◯ Other:

G01Q05 For how many years have you been involved in the Wikimedia developer community in any role?
G12Q57 Is English your first or primary language? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ Prefer not to say

G12Q57B What is your first, or native language, or what language are you most fluent in? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ (Arabic) عربى

◯ 汉语 / 華語 (Chinese)

◯ Čeština (Czech)

◯ Nederlands (Dutch)

◯ English

◯ (Farsi / Persian) فارسی

◯ Français (French)

◯ Deutsch (German)

◯ (Hebrew) עברית

◯ Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)

◯ Italiano (Italian)

◯ 日本語 (Japanese)

◯ 한국어 (Korean)

◯ Polski (Polish)

◯ Português (Portuguese)

◯ Pусский (Russian)

◯ Svenska (Swedish)

◯ Español (Spanish)

◯ українська (Ukrainian)

◯ Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

◯ Other:

G12Q56 How would you describe your gender identity? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Male / Man

◯ Female / Woman

◯ Transgender

◯ Non-binary

◯ Genderqueer

I would prefer not to say

◯ Other:

G12Q58 In what region do you primarily live? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia

◯ East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific

◯ Latin America & Caribbean

◯ Middle East & North Africa

◯ North America

◯ Northern & Western Europe

◯ South Asia

◯ Sub-Saharan Africa

◯ Northern & Western Europe

◯ I prefer not to say

Cloud Services: Tool builders

Code Question Choices
CLTBQ01 Do you use Toolforge or Cloud VPS to run or develop tools? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ I use Cloud VPS, but not Toolforge

◯ I use Toolforge, but not Cloud VPS

◯ I use both Cloud VPS and Toolforge

◯ I use neither

◯ I’m not sure

CLTBQ01followup Have you previously used Toolforge and/or Cloud VPS to run or develop tools? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes, I have previously used Toolforge and/or Cloud VPS

◯ No, I have never used Toolforge or Cloud VPS

◯ I'm not sure

CLTBQ02 What kind of tools do you work on? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Bots (including pywikibot)

◯ Web apps (tools that are accessed through a web browser)

◯ Microsites (small static websites)

◯ Dashboards and other data visualizations

◯ APIs for use by other tools

◯ On-wiki gadgets ◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLTBQ03 Which Wikimedia projects are your tools built to work with? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Wikibooks

◯ Wikidata

◯ Wikimedia Commons

◯ Wikinews

◯ Wikipedia

◯ Wikiquote

◯ Wikisource

◯ Wikispecies

◯ Wikiversity

◯ Wikivoyage

◯ Wiktionary

◯ All Wikimedia projects ◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLTBQ04 What storage/caching services do you use when running your tools? Please choose all that apply:

◯ MySQL/MariaDB (not including ToolsDB or the wiki replicas)

◯ PostgreSQL

◯ SQLite

◯ Redis

◯ Memcached

◯ MongoDB

◯ I do not use a storage/caching service

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLTBQ05 How many tools have you developed on Toolforge or Cloud VPS?
CLTBQ06 How many tools do you actively maintain in Toolforge or Cloud VPS?
CLTBQ07 In the past year, on average, about how many hours per week did you spend developing or maintaining tools on Toolforge or Cloud VPS?

Cloud Services: Toolforge

Code Question Choices
CLTQ02 About how many years have you used Toolforge? (Please round up fractions of a year. If you were a member of the Toolserver project you may include those years as well in your answer.)
CLTQ03 Which programming languages do you use on Toolforge? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Bots (including pywikibot)

◯ Web apps (tools that are accessed through a web browser)

◯ Java

◯ Mono/.NET/C

◯ NodeJS

◯ Perl


◯ Python 2

◯ Python 3

◯ Ruby

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLTQ04 When you develop a tool, how much of your work developing code to run on Toolforge is done locally on your machine (as opposed to remotely on Toolforge)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Almost all of the work

◯ More than half of the work

◯ About half of the work

◯ Less than half of the work

◯ I’m not sure

CLTQ05 Which source control mechanism do you use to manage your tools' source code? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Git

◯ Subversion

◯ Mercurial

◯ I do not use source control

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLTQ06 If the Wikimedia Foundation could improve one thing in Toolforge in the next year, what should that be?
CLTQ07 Is there anything you have tried but not been able to do in Toolforge?

Cloud Services: Cloud VPS

Code Question Choices
CLCVQ02 Approximately how many years have you used Cloud VPS? Please round up fractions of a year.
CLCVQ03 What do you use Cloud VPS for? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Bots (including pywikibot)

◯ Hosting one or more tools or other public services such as a web app; bot; dashboard; API; etc.

◯ Testing and experimenting with softwar

◯ Running one or more MediaWiki instance

◯ Running a backing service (database; cache; etc.) for a tool or other public service

◯ Conducting data analysis or other large computational tasks

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLCVQ04 Do you use NFS to access the same files across different servers? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I’m not sure

CLCVQ05 If the Wikimedia Foundation could improve one thing in Cloud VPS in the next year, what should that be?

Cloud Services: Documentation and services

Code Question Choices
CLDSQ01 Satisfaction with documentation: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Cloud Services documentation is easy to find

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

Cloud Services documentation is up-to-date

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

Cloud Services documentation is clear

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

CLDSQ02 If you would like to share more about your experience finding, reading, or maintaining technical documentation on Wikitech, please do so here.
CLDSQ03 Satisfaction with services and support: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Services provided by Wikimedia Cloud Services, including Toolforge and Cloud VPS, have high uptime

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

It is easy to have code run on Toolforge or Cloud VPS

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

I feel that I am supported by the Cloud Services team when I contact them via cloud@lists.wikimedia.org, the #wikimedia-cloud IRC channel, or Phabricator.

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

I receive useful information via the “cloud-announce” and/or “cloud” mailing lists.

◯ Strongly disagree ◯ Disagree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree ◯ Agree ◯ Strongly agree ◯ I'm not sure

CLDSQ04 Wikimedia Cloud Services is one of many providers of cloud computing resources. What made you decide to choose Wikimedia Cloud Services as opposed to other options?

Cloud Services: Community and support

Code Question Choices
CLCSQ01 Do you subscribe to the Cloud-Announce mailing list? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes, and I usually read messages

◯ Yes, but I usually don't read messages

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

CLCSQ02 Do you subscribe to the Cloud mailing list? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes, and I usually read messages

◯ Yes, but I usually don't read messages

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

CLCSQ03 When seeking help from WMCS staff, which support channels do you use? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Mailing list/Other email


◯ Phabricator

◯ Zulip

◯ Telegram

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLCSQ04 When discussing WMCS issues with other users, what channels do you use? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Mailing list/Other email


◯ Phabricator

◯ Facebook

◯ On-wiki talk pages

◯ Zulip

◯ Slack

◯ Telegram

◯ Something else not listed above (please state here):

CLCSQ05 If you participate in existing WMCS-related communities outside of email, IRC, and phabricator, please tell us about them here!

Cloud Services: What else should we know?

Code Question Choices
CLOEQ01 If you have any other comments about WMCS, please share them with us here.

Dev environments

Code Question Choices
G02Q06 Do you use a personal development environment for MediaWiki? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q07 Which environment(s) do you use regularly in your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose all that apply:

MediaWiki Vagrant


MediaWiki CLI

◯ Self-created environment (e.g., self-installed on bare metal, VM, etc.)

◯ I do not use a personal development environment for MediaWiki

◯ Other:

G02Q08 How satisfied are you with the environment(s) you use? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q09onboarding How satisfied are you with the time it takes to onboard new contributors onto setting up a personal development environment? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q09data How satisfied are you with the data available in a personal development environment (e.g., articles, edit histories, users, templates)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G02Q10 Please share any other feedback you may have about MediaWiki personal development environments below:

Shared testing environments

Code Question Choices
G03Q11 In the past year, have you used any shared test environments (e.g., beta cluster or patch demo)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G03Q12 If you have used the Wikimedia beta cluster, how satisfied are you with beta cluster? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used the beta cluster in the past year

G03Q12sharedtesting How satisfied are you with your ability to test your code in a shared environment before merge? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used beta cluster in the past year

G03Q13 How would you rank the following use cases for a shared test environment? Rank the following from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important). [ ] Exploratory testing / QA of recent patches

[ ] Demoing / Showcasing

[ ] Test automation of end-to-end tests

[ ] Test automation of integration tests

[ ] Test automation of unit tests

[ ] Another priority not listed above

G03Q13OE You ranked another priority as one of your top five priorities for a shared test environment. Please describe that priority here.
G03Q14 Please share any other feedback you may have about shared test environments below.


Code Question Choices
G05Q16 In the past year, have you used Wikimedia Phabricator (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G05Q17 How satisfied are you with Phabricator? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used Phabricator in the past year

G05Q18 How would you rank the importance of the following features of Phabricator? Rank the following from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important) [ ] Shared space for staff and volunteers

[ ] Availability of workboards

[ ] Availability of workboard / team metrics

[ ] Availability of the conduit API

[ ] Integrations with other tools (Gerrit / GitLab / IRC)

[ ] Ability to track the work of other individuals / teams

[ ] Shared historical context

[ ] Another feature not listed above

G05Q18OE You ranked another feature as one of your top seven most important features for Phabricator. Please describe that feature here.
G05Q19 Please share any other feedback you may have about Phabricator below:

Code review

Code Question Choices
G06Q20 In the past year, as part of your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community, have you…? Please choose all that apply:

◯ Had your code reviewed by someone else

◯ Reviewed someone else's code

◯ Neither of the above

G06Q22 Thinking again of your experience in the past year having your code reviewed as a member of the Wikimedia developer community…

When I receive feedback on my code it is:


◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure

Provided in a reasonable amount of time

◯ Always ◯ Sometimes ◯ Rarely ◯ Never ◯ I'm not sure

G06Q24 (Staff respondents only) In the past year, on average, about how many hours per week do you spend reviewing others’ code as part of your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ 0-1 hours per week

◯ 1-2 hours per week

◯ 2-4 hours per week

◯ 4-8 hours per week

◯ 8 or more hours per week

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q24vol (Non-staff respondents only) In the past year, on average, what percentage of your time doing volunteer Wikimedia development work was spent reviewing others’ code? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Less than 10% of my time each week

◯ About 10-20% of my time each week

◯ More than 20% of my time each week

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q25 Please share any other feedback you may have about the code review process:
G06Q25gitlab Thinking of your experience in the past year, how satisfied are you with Wikimedia’s GitLab? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used Wikimedia's Gitlab in the past year

G06Q25gerrit Thinking of your experience in the past year, how satisfied are you with Wikimedia’s Gerrit? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used Wikimedia's Gerrit in the past year

G06Q25gerritcommits In the past year, about how many commits have you made in Gerrit? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ 1-10

◯ 11-100

◯ >100

◯ I'm not sure

G06Q28 Please share any other feedback you may have about code review tools:

Continuous integration

Code Question Choices
G07Q29 In the past year, have you used Wikimedia’s continuous integration (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Continuous_integration)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q30 How satisfied are you with the continuous integration queue time (how long it takes to report test results in Gerrit)? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not used continuous integration

G07Q32 How satisfied are you overall with continuous integration? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q32onboarding How satisfied are you with onboarding new people into continuous integration? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G07Q33 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s continuous integration:


Code Question Choices
G08Q34 In the past year, have you used the Wikimedia deployment train or backport windows? Please choose all that apply:

◯ I've used the deployment train

◯ I've used backport windows

◯ I've used neither

G08Q36 How much would you agree with the following statement: Deployments using the Wikimedia train or backport windows are easy and pain-free? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Strongly disagree

◯ Disagree

◯ Neither agree nor disagree

◯ Agree

◯ Strongly agree

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q37 Please share any other feedback you may have about the Wikimedia deployment train and backport windows:
G08Q38 In the past year, have you deployed software to Wikimedia’s production Kubernetes infrastructure? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q39 How satisfied are you with software deployment using Wikimedia’s production Kubernetes infrastructure? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

◯ I have not deployed software to Wikimedia's production Kubernetes infrastructure in the past year

G08Q40 How much would you agree with the following statement: Deployments using Wikimedia’s Kubernetes infrastructure are easy and pain-free? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Strongly disagree

◯ Disagree

◯ Neither agree nor disagree

◯ Agree

◯ Strongly agree

◯ I'm not sure

G08Q41 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s Kubernetes production infrastructure:


Code Question Choices
G09Q42 Considering the software projects you’ve contributed to in your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community this past year: What is your perception of the current level of technical debt? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low

◯ Somewhat low

◯ Neither low nor high

◯ Somewhat high

◯ Very high

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q43 In the past year, how has technical debt affected your productivity as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Technical debt had no effect on my productivity

◯ Technical debt had a minor effect on my productivity

◯ Technical debt had a major effect on my productivity

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q44 How would you rate the quality of the code you maintain in your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low quality

◯ Somewhat low quality

◯ Neither low nor high quality (neutral)

◯ Somewhat high quality

◯ Very high quality

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q45 How would you rate the quality of third-party code (libraries, language ecosystems) that you depend on in your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very low quality

◯ Somewhat low quality

◯ Neither low nor high quality (neutral)

◯ Somewhat high quality

◯ Very high quality

◯ I'm not sure

G09Q46 In the past year, how has code quality affected your productivity as a member of the Wikimedia developer community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Code quality had no effect on my productivity

◯ Code quality had a minor

◯ effect on my productivity

◯ Code quality had a major effect on my productivity

◯ I’m not sure

G09Q47 Please share any other feedback you may have about code quality and technical debt:

Open source

Code Question Choices
G10Q48 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your view of the amount of money, time, and effort Wikimedia spends supporting the open source ecosystem? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ It's far too little ◯ It's somewhat too little ◯ It's about right ◯ It's somewhat too much ◯ It's far too much ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q49 What is your perception of Wikimedia as a free and open source software upstream? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Wikimedia is not a supportive ecosystem ◯ Wikimedia is a somewhat supportive ecosystem ◯ Wikimedia is a very supportive ecosystem ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q50 Of the following statements, which one comes closest to describing your view of Wikimedia’s contribution to third-party projects? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Wikimedia makes no contribution ◯ Wikimedia makes minor contributions ◯ Wikimedia makes major contributions ◯ I'm not sure

G10Q51 Please share any other feedback you may have about Wikimedia’s support for the open source community:

Technical documentation

Code Question Choices
G14Q01 How often do you read technical documentation on a wiki? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Never

◯ Very infrequently

◯ Occasionally

◯ Somewhat frequently

◯ Very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G14Q02readrank Please rank the following wikis by how often you use them to read technical documentation. Rank the following from 1 (most used) to 3 (least used) [ ] wikitech.wikimedia.org

[ ] meta.wikimedia.org

[ ] mediawiki.org

[ ] Another wiki not listed above

G14Q02OE You ranked "Another wiki" as a place to read documentation. Please name that wiki here.
G14Q03 How often do you read technical documentation on doc.wikimedia.org? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Never

◯ Very infrequently

◯ Occasionally

◯ Somewhat frequently

◯ Very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G14Q04 Where do you prefer to read technical documentation? Rank the following from 1 (most preferred) to 4 (least preferred) [ ] On a wiki

[ ] In code comments or in my development environment

[ ] In Markdown files in a code repository

[ ] On doc.wikimedia.org

[ ] Somewhere else

G14Q04OE You ranked "Somewhere else" as a place to read documentation. Please name that wiki here.
G14Q05 How often do you read technical documentation in a language other than English? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Never

◯ Very infrequently

◯ Occasionally

◯ Somewhat frequently

◯ Very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G14Q06 How often do you write technical documentation? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Never

◯ Very infrequently

◯ Occasionally

◯ Somewhat frequently

◯ Very frequently

◯ I'm not sure

G14Q07 Where do you prefer to write technical documentation? Please choose all that apply:

◯ On a wiki

◯ In code comments

◯ In Markdown files in a code repository

◯ Somewhere else (Please describe here):

Developer research needs

Code Question Choices
G15Q70 Did you know that Wikimedia volunteer developers are one of the audiences served by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G15Q71 As a Wikimedia developer, would you be interested in collaborating with members of the Wikimedia Research community? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Yes

◯ No

◯ I'm not sure

G15Q72OE Please describe any research topics and/or initiatives you would be interested in collaborating on with members of the Wikimedia Research community
G15Q68 Are you familiar with any of the projects led or supported by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team? Please choose all that apply:

Clickstream dataset

Knowledge gaps index

Language-agnostic article topic model

Link recommendation model (add-a-link)

MinT: Machine in Translation platform

mwedittypes library

Revert risk model

Wikipedia Preview

◯ Another project note listed above (please describe here):

G15Q69 What is your experience with the following initiatives driven by the Wikimedia Foundation Research team? Wiki Workshop

◯ I have participated in... ◯ I know about but have never participated in... ◯ I don't know about ◯ I'm not sure

Wikimedia Research Showcases

◯ I have participated in... ◯ I know about but have never participated in... ◯ I don't know about ◯ I'm not sure

Wikimedia Research Fund

◯ I have participated in... ◯ I know about but have never participated in... ◯ I don't know about ◯ I'm not sure

Wikimedia Research team office hours

◯ I have participated in... ◯ I know about but have never participated in... ◯ I don't know about ◯ I'm not sure


Code Question Choices
G11Q52 Overall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community in the past year, how productive do you feel? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Not at all productive

◯ Not very productive

◯ Moderately productive

◯ Very productive

◯ I'm not sure

G11Q53 Overall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia developer community in the past year, how satisfied are you with the overall Software Development Life Cycle? Please choose only one of the following:

◯ Very dissatisfied

◯ Somewhat dissatisfied

◯ Neutral

◯ Somewhat satisfied

◯ Very satisfied

◯ I'm not sure

G11Q54 Overall, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the Wikimedia developer community is: Welcoming

◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree


◯ Strongly agree ◯ Somewhat agree ◯ Neither agree nor disagree (neutral) ◯ Somewhat disagree ◯ Strongly disagree

G11Q55 In your opinion, the most important thing we could do to improve the Wikimedia developer experience in 2023 is...