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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2023/Overall

From mediawiki.org

πŸ“–Β Developer Satisfaction 2023

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.

πŸŒ€Β Overall


πŸ”— Productivity

We asked survey takers, β€œOverall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year, how productive do you feel?”

How productive do you feel?
# Response Responses Percent
Very productive 20 15%
Moderately productive 77 59%
Not very productive 23 18%
Not productive at all 4 3%
Unsure 6 5%
Grand Total 130 100%

πŸ”— Satisfaction

We asked survey takers, β€œOverall, thinking of your role as a member of the Wikimedia Developer Community in the past year, how satisfied are you with the overall Software Development Life Cycle?”

Almost half (47%) of respondents were satisfied, while 22% were neutral, 21% were unsatisfied, and the remaining 10% were unsure.

πŸ”— Perception of Wikimedia's developer community

We asked participants how much they agree or disagree with statements of Wikimedia Developer Community as welcoming, diverse, dedicated, and collaborative.

More than half of respondents agreed that the community is dedicated (80%), collaborative (69%), and welcoming (54%). Almost half of respondents agreed that the community is diverse (47%), while 17% were neutral, 22% disagreed, and the remaining 14% were unsure.