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Developer Satisfaction Survey/2021/Categories/CI and testing

From mediawiki.org

📖 Developer Satisfaction 2021

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.

CI and testing


💬 CI is the best though, even when I'm waiting like 20 minutes ;)


23% of comments that made negative mention about CI speed


33% of comments match the regex \b([hH]ard|[dD]ifficult)\b

Raw Data

Question Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Responses
Satisfaction with running tests locally 4 23 30 17 3 77
Satisfaction with the CI queue time (in other words: how long it takes to report test results in Gerrit) 6 23 18 23 8 78
Satisfaction with configuring CI jobs for your repositories 6 14 25 20 9 74