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Creating Reading/Reading team updates September, 2015

From mediawiki.org


  • The reading team is currently collecting feedback for tests needed for Reading/Strategy/Possibilities
  • Q3 preparatory document is now public. The process involves having both community and team members brainstorming together for ideas to review for the next quarter

Web (Desktop and Mobile):

  • The new quick survey tool is currently reading, more information will be available on the first question to ask and the duration of the service
  • The team started working on cards extension. A new service that supports making neat cards from article titles.
  • The team activated Extension:WikidataPageBanner for Catalan Wikipedia as a test. Where the community started using it on Wikiproject pages and user page. The team is discussing if this should be activated as an option, for all wikis.
  • Results are available from Browse experiment
  • After trying the concept on apps Read more will be tested for desktop web. The rational behind it is to work on further engaging users and increasing browsing time by offering similar topics.


  • [iOS]