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Core Platform Team/PET Work Processes/Meetings

From mediawiki.org



Visual quickstart for planning an effective meeting on the Wikimedia Core Platform Team



Paste this template into a calendar event:

[Insert synopsis] Example: Following [event], we need to [action]. In this meeting, we'll [scope]. At the end of the meeting, we should [outcome].

  • Owner:
  • Facilitator:

References: Please review before the meeting.

  • [Add link]
  • [Add link]


  • Kickoff: Introduce scope and goals
  • Open for questions about the topic, scope, context, or any background material
  • Remind those who are listed as optional that they are free to leave at any time
  • [Insert items relevant to the topic]
  • Review any action items
  • Discuss next steps. If a followup meeting is needed, get a volunteer to facilitate.

Notes doc: [Link to notes doc]





The owner is the person tasked with creating the topic, synopsis, compiling any needed background or reference material, and determining who should attend.



A facilitator is the person who runs the meeting, working to keep the discussion on topic, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to speak, and stepping in to redirect or de-escalate if something becomes contentious.  The facilitator and owner may (or may not) be the same person.



The matter being discussed, the subject.  Meetings should be limited to a single, concise topic, rather than attempting to combine many.  When it makes sense, consider framing the topic as a question. Topics in the form of a question can make it clearer what the outcome of the discussion should be (read: an answer to the question), and easier to establish whether an outcome was reached.



A brief summary or survey of the topic.  The synopsis should make clear the scope of the discussion, and what a successful outcome would be.  Participants marked optional should able to make informed decisions about whether or not to attend based on the content of the synopsis.

An unscoped or poorly chosen topic is grounds to have a meeting cancelled.



Any source information that would be useful in ensuring that attendees show up prepared to participate.  Reference material could include that sourced from the Internet, Phabricator issues, code references, past meeting notes, etc.  It could also be written specifically for the purpose of bringing attendees up to speed.



The list of people to attend.  Some will be mandatory, some optional.  Care should be taken to limit mandatory attendees to those who must be present.  Casting a wider net to inform, or broaden potential feedback is great, but these attendees should be marked as optional on invites.  Optional sets an expectation that attendance is just that, optional.  Additionally, an optional attendee that joins a meeting but does not find it useful or interesting is encouraged to leave if they wish.

Running meetings


Facilitator checklist

  • Kickoff with an introduction that includes the scope of the meeting.  What is under discussion (and what is not), and what you hope to achieve.
  • See if there are any questions about the topic, scope, context, or any background material
  • Remind those who are listed optional that they are free to leave at any time
  • During the meeting, be aware of where the discussion is going.  If it seems to be headed down a rabbit trail, encourage deferring the subject to the end of the meeting, or taking the topic offline
  • As the meeting concludes, determine whether a follow-up is needed, and consider soliciting volunteers to facilitate